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IIIIIIt's Friday! Woohoo! Here's what I got done this week:

  • Made NPCs spawn in with a similar system as the obstacles
  • Made NPCs despawn when they fall below the screen
  • Updated the neck on the 3D model to be shorter and thinner
  • Drew references of the 3D model in 2D to help spot the areas that need sculpting
  • Sculpted the arms, legs, hips, and butt on the 3D model to look better and more stylized

The NPCs are coming along nicely, but there's still work to do with them. Next on the to-do list is to allow the player to save the NPCs by running into them, make the giantess prioritize stomping them if the player isn't within stomping range, maybe have them group up into crowds occasionally, and (if possible) give the NPCs basic navigation to avoid obstacles, provided performance doesn't take a hit from it. Lots to do with these little guys!

I'm also considering slowing everything down a bit; gameplay feels a little crazy and all over the place, and I figure a slower pace -- namely the ground speed and the left-right camera movement speed -- will help with making things more visually legible, so to speak. Additionally, the stomping has a bit of a floatiness to it with the camera panning that I haven't quite been able to put my finger on just yet. Hopefully I can get that figured out.

In other news, 3D modeling is going swimmingly! There's only a few more parts of the model to update before we finally move on to phase 2! Whether that's texturing or rigging is still to be determined. Either way, I'm excited!

Anyhoo, I'm starving. I'm gonna go eat a salad.

HA! Just kidding! I'm not some kind of weirdo! I'm gonna go eat my regularly scheduled Taco Bell like a normal person! :P  I'll see you guys again next week!




*Grabs popcorn and watches the NPC's get stepped on.* ... Wait... what do you mean.. save them? o3o' Anyway! Thanks for the update and have a great weekend! ^o^/

Atlan from Atlarchy

This is a lot of work you have done! You earned a lot more than just taco Bell!


Nice progress report this week! I'm curious to learn more details of what you mean by the stomping feeling floaty? In most games, floatiness can often be attributed to loose or unimpactful animations. I'd say it'll "feel" better once you get some stomp effects going such as cracks in the ground and dust kicking up. Another possible cause could be the speed of the steps. More specifically, when looking at your gif, it looks like the steps are done in one fluid motion. Perhaps have the leg swinging part of the step be fast but have the animation slow down as the foot is about to fall to simulate the weight being shifted to that foot? Personally I can't say for certain if it looks floaty or not without the custom assets and animations.


Ah, so you're more of the "ride on her shoulder and watch the world burn" kinda guy. ;P Thank YOU for the comment and have an even greater weekend! ^_^


Thank you! ^_^ To me, the floatiness mainly happens when the foot turns dark red (the hover before the stomp). There have been several times where I'm actively trying to get stomped (due to a lack of a restart button, heh), but the foot floats right over me and misses due to the camera panning. It's not a huge deal and you're right about the art making a large difference on the impact of it all. I'll toy with it a little bit but I won't be too broken up if it stays the way it is. :)