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Good morning, Starshine, the Earth says "Friday!"
...And now that all of us remember THAT movie, here's what I got done this week:

  • Began two different versions of a concept art illustration

I'll show off the invisible walls and the prototype pause menu eventually, I promise. >.<  For now, here's the beginnings of some concept art I've been working on this week. TWO concept arts, to be exact! Aaaaand I may or may not have run out of time, so this is what I've got for now. ^^;

The first concept art, the one with the bigger foot, shows off what the giantess will look like if we continue with the gameplay style we have right now. The foot will reach all the way to the top of the screen and follow the player on its respective side.

That was the design until a few days ago, when I was looking for references and inspiration on DeviantArt. That's when I saw this.

(Here's the source on DA by Mike973, which no longer shows the animation.)

It's perfect. It's exactly the perspective I've been looking for and I finally found it! And from seeing this animation, I had a spark of inspiration; an adjustment to the gameplay that should make the game more fun (to be determined via prototyping).

The second concept art (with the smaller foot) shows off what the giantess will look like if we diverge into this new idea. The feet will reach only the halfway point of the screen, leaving the upper half a safe area. However, the feet walk much, much faster -- about the same speed as seen in the linked animation. You may survive down there if you're slippery enough, but it's far more dangerous and there's a very high likelihood of being crushed.

This way, as long as you're in the upper half of the screen, you can put your full focus on the obstacles. That means that obstacles can be much more complex (within reason), and/or the player can focus on secondary objectives without having to juggle the obstacles and the feet unless they mess up and end up in the danger zone.

I know this sounds like I'm basically scrapping everything I've done thus far, but it should be a fairly simple change, and one I can add as a separate mode. That way, you guys can play for yourselves and see which one you like more.

And THIS is why prototyping is important! :D  Sometimes you've gotta dig deep to find the fun, even if you think you've already found it!

Additionally, I genuinely believe this new idea will be more fun to play overall. As much as I love getting ideas from everyone (you guys especially), I need to build confidence in my own decision-making, and this is something I can start with. I'm running with a gut feeling here, and even if I'm wrong I'll still be happy I that I trusted myself to try before asking for permission, so to speak. If in the future I don't ask you guys for your thoughts as much, just know that it's because I'm learning to trust my instincts more. I'll still happily listen to all of your ideas! ^_^

Now that you've read my entire friggin' autobiography, go treat yourself! I'mma eat some Taco Bell and continue working on this concept art so that I can better inject my ideas into your eye holes. I'll see you guys next week with hopefully less text! :D



Atlan from Atlarchy

This looks... really good... I expected more cartoonish style and am positively surprised! Even though I don't like your inspiration I really like what you have going here! However... Personally I don't really like the idea of making giantess only on half of the screen is good... I know in order to know for sure we'd have to play it first however, so feel free to ignore what I've just said. I loved the idea of slow stomping in the last game and the giantess being the main obstacle and I kind of wish it was also the case here, but if you want to go along with your gut feeling instead... I will not stop you. I'm not much of a fan of complex and intricate obstacles... I loved a clear monster vs tiny scenario however where the giantess and the tiny are the foundation of the game and neither is just a booby strip of graphics and an explanation of why you die at the bottom of the screen. This is your game however, so feel free to ignore my comment if you wish. I don't plan on arguing with anyone at all.


The second idea is definitely better my dude! Being able to move horizontally around the feet will just feel a lot better to play. Think about it like this, your first idea is like grape escape without the jump feature and your second idea is like grape escape once the player get's the ability to jump. It's always better to give the player more movement options IF you give the boss more tricks up their sleeve to balance it out ;) Really curious to find out what the leading lady is going to look like... I really loved the cutesy design of grape escapes stomptress! Also, with the view we have, please tell me you're adding BEWB PHYSICS!!! plz? :3 I find myself more excited for your game than anyone else because I think you honestly have nailed the gameplay like very few others in the community. Your game is original, is exceptionally polished and just has a really professional look to it. And you are great about staying on track and keeping us updated on what you're working on! Daichi777 is another creator that comes to mind but I'm not so into vore and his current project is centered around it so I'm kinda waiting it out XD

Atlan from Atlarchy

Wow... two polar opposite opinions... So it seems to all be back in the hands of Miles Mouse completely!


Thank you both for your comments! You both raise good points, and ultimately my decision will be based on which method feels more fun and fluid as a game. After all, it's hard to gauge how fun the game will be based on a half-finished drawing and a couple of gifs. :P Once I get both versions working roughly how I want them to, I'll release both playable versions so everyone can see for themselves what feels best. :) Right now, the giantess's default appearance is TBD. However, if we reach and maintain the goal of $200 before the project finishes, I'll make her customizable so you can run from whomever you like! ^_^ Concerning the complex obstacles, it probably won't be anything too insane; the new idea simply opens the game up to a larger variety of obstacles. Oh, and there will definitely be boob jiggles. ;P


Really cool that you are releasing two versions to let us decide! I think the second version would be more interesting but the first version would probably give you a better view. The second version looks a little small in the concept art. That gives me an idea... What about if the game did both? In certain sections the camera would zoom in and it would be just about dodging the feet and some special stomp attacks then the camera zooms out and the speed increases and the player has to dodge her steps while they run through obstacles? Similar to how in the Dark Souls games the camera changes perspective based on how close the boss is.


Oooooh, I like that idea a lot! That would offer the best of both worlds! :o I've gotta remember feature creep, though. I won't make any promises, but I'll definitely keep this in mind. ^_^


Well I figured that it might be more straight forward than making two different versions of the game. Not sure how difficult it would be to change the camera perspective and the scroll speed of the background. Are your assets in the game all 2D or are they 3D? If it was 2D you will probably need them to be a higher resolution so the edges don't go jagged if it's zoomed in more. If there are two "modes" that switch back and forth it opens the avenue for more attacks from the giantess similar to adding the second foot in grape escape but that stuff isn't required if you don't have the time or desire. Perhaps host a poll of which version people think they would prefer once you're able to show off more finalized visuals and start from there? Sorry, I'm being a bit of an armchair developer. I just love to brainstorm ideas for every game I play :) I really hope you can make your $200 goal at some point. My family is having a rough time of it and I really hope I have the chance to give you more support after things settle down.


I'm thinking about having a simple main menu with 2 buttons that each lead to a different version (labeled accordingly). That way I don't have to worry about transitioning from one view to another and all the potential problems that stem from that. At least, not yet. :P The art assets will be 2D, and good thinking! I'll make sure the sprites look good both zoomed in and zoomed out. :) And hey, no worries! You being here and joining the discussion is already a huge win for me! ^_^ I hope things look up for you and your family soon enough. Times are tough right now, so take care of yourselves before you worry about me -- I'll still be here when things settle down. :)