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Rooftop Escape (working title) is a 3D, first-person platformer. You play as a normal-sized individual whose sole goal is to escape from a skyscraper-sized giantess whilst parkouring across the city rooftops. Think Mirror's Edge but with a very big woman hunting you down.

As far as movement goes, the player(s) will flow around obstacles using parkour, use cranes and wires to get from building to building, and potentially have unlockable gadgets to aid them in their futile run from destruction. Did someone say grappling hooks?

While movement is important, building destruction will be the star of the show here. I've done a lot of research into how buildings collapse and break apart, and I'd like to make it semi-realistic. It'll involve lots of smoke. This will also provide an ever-changing environment for the player(s) to work with.

Multiplayer would fit very well in this game; multiple tinies try to escape a player-controlled giantess, scattering about and trying their best to survive. Meanwhile, the giantess will be working to trap and kill tinies, one smashed building at a time.

The end goal for the tinies is still up in the air; a time limit would be a bit anticlimactic, but would allow for an infinitely generating city. A finish line could be fun. Perhaps giving the tinies weapons to weaken or even stop the giantess would be a fitting end, but that would create a whole world of balancing problems.

What do you guys think? What should the end goal(s) of the tinies be? What kinds of gadgets could they have to help them maneuver the rooftops? What other features could be added? QUESTIONS!!!



Hey everyone! No progress this week, hence the game idea. Just wanted to pop in down here to let you guys know things have been good over here, and the trip was lots of fun! Hopefully I'll have more progress by next Friday. For now, however, it's Taco Bell time! :D


Hmm, that is a bit of a complex thing. Like it sounds like a cool idea, don’t get me wrong, but how would it work/look? If you have a Mirrors Edge first person view then you can’t see the giantess destroying everything assuming she is chasing you, and going third person runs into the problem of you either still can’t really see the damage unless it’s right behind you, or if the angle spikes show it then you can’t see where you are going properly.


I suppose a POV of the giantess chasing you could work, so long as you could still see where it is you are going to parkour, or maybe the giantess isn’t chasing you but instead moving around semi-randomly, so it more you have to avoid her moving in front of you/get to the exit before so much of the level is destroyed that you can’t get there anymore.


It’s good to me as long as it include vore, your gameplay would fit well in this perspective.

Atlan from Atlarchy

I don't really like the idea of human vore, or body exploration, so I shouldn't be one to talk much about that idea...


Love the idea! ^o^ I always have been a fan of Mirror's Edge. x3 And if it would work in multiplayer, that would be really amazing! :O!


Haha, this one is certainly my most ambitious idea. It would be 3D (which I forgot to mention in the post... probably gonna add that in later) and first-person. It'll be 3D anime-style, naturally. :P You do raise some excellent points about the non-visible destruction. I guess I thought that all up with the giantess's perspective in mind. Then again, maybe not being able to see the destruction would ramp up the tension; you know she's destroying things around you (or even under you!) but you're never quite sure where. You've just gotta keep going and hope she doesn't catch up to you. ...That said, it still needs some design polish. :P


Right? Imagine being one of 10 or 20 tinies trying to outrun the giantess in a city! It would be so much fun zooming around and watching in terror as other players get caught. XD


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy63u2hKoPE This idea sounds absolutely awesome! I'll go get my ODM gear! There are a couple of fan made Attack on Titan games you should definitely check out if parkour and grappling hooks are ideas you had. I can think of so many ways this could be so awesome. This idea would have to be an end goal of sorts though because if you're thinking what I'm thinking I don't see any way you could make this by yourself or at least without access to some very good dev tools and a lot of time.


Lol!! AoT music is all too fitting for this. XD I've actually been a little obsessed with it over the last year or so -- it really nails emotions in a way that most other songs don't for me. Also I may or may not have created an entire game idea out of listening to them and playing out scenarios in my head. More on that another time. ;P I remember seeing an AoT fan game a few years ago; possibly the first one to come out? That is a really good idea, though! I can use the fan games for reference especially for the grappling hook! ^_^ And agreed -- this is NOT a one-person project, haha. This one will be on the backburner for a very long time. :P