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It's time for the spookiest Friday of the year! Muahaha! >:D  Here's what I got done this week:

  • Increased upward foot speed
  • Studied object pooling

So funny thing about the object pooling... I think I accidentally used a similar system for Grape Escape's dialogue without even realizing it! Clearly this means that I'm a genius and know exactly what I'm doing all the time. :D  This time the object pooling will be used for the spawning and despawning of obstacles. Finishing that will put us very close to the release of 0.0.1!

Other than studying up on that, I increased the upward movement speed of the feet by about 33%. It's a minor change, but it seems like it makes the game faster-paced without looking too weird. I didn't increase the downward speed since that would increase the speed of the ground and the obstacles. That was... a jarring realization.

Lastly but most importantly, there won't be a progress report next week. I'm going on a little vacation to Colorado for a few days and won't be back until the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to make up for it the following week!

Now go out there and scare some children! Oh, and enjoy Halloween, too! ;D  In the meantime, I'm gonna eat the spookiest Taco Bell of my LIFE!! I'll see you guys next-... sorry, habit. I'll see you guys in two weeks! :)



Thanks for the update as ususal and enjoy your little vacation! ^o^/


Happy Halloween and enjoy Colorado! I went there when I was young and it was a very memorable place to visit.


Thank you, and will do! I'm excited to see what all there is to do there! ^_^

Atlan from Atlarchy

The fact that only the upward speed is faster, seems a bit realistic to the idea that she is chasing us and actively tries to crush us... That would also explain why she has the time to hover her foot over us for such a long time without tripping... She just moves her feet to the front faster than she is actually walking... Most people do not walk that way, because usually we don't care as much about trampling tiny people under our feet obviously...


Well said! If anyone questions the speed (probably the same people who'd bring up square-cube law :P), I'll use this reasoning. ^_^

Atlan from Atlarchy

I mean... If we were to go for realism here, she would need more buffy legs and bigger and wider feet to support such a giant body without breaking her knees on walking, but obviously we are not going for that ;D