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I've got a fever and the only prescription is more Friday!

No progress this week; I was itching to make some progress on the game yesterday, but then I came down with something. I wasn't kidding about the fever! :P  It's nothing to worry about, though, and I'm sure I'll be back to good health by the end of the weekend.

Now then, I've decided that from this point onward, if I don't make progress in a week then I'm gonna tell you guys about one of my game ideas from the big list. I'm not promising they'll all be good ideas, but they are ideas! ;P

Large Game Idea: Monster Girl Photography

"A photography game in which you try to take pictures of monster girls in their natural habitats."

In other words, think Pokémon Snap but with monster girls. Vampires, mermaids, slime girls, fairies, giantesses (naturally) -- the whole lot! Also, I'd like to stress this: I had this idea before the new Pokémon Snap was even announced, dang it! If there's a huge influx of photography games, then let it be known that I was doing this before it was cool! >:o

Anyways, I think there's a LOT of potential in this one. The idea is based on the N64 Snap game which had plenty of puzzle elements to it. It'll be an on-rails shooter (or "snapper", if you will) and feature plenty of interactions in a peaceful, foreign fantasy land. It's designed to be more cozy than sexual. Also, if I feel confident enough in my abilities, this one would be perfect for VR! I don't want to give too much away since this one is on my list of "MUST MAKE" games. :P

Of course, this is a very ambitious idea. It would require 3D models for each type of monster girl (there's no way I'd be able to pull this off in 2D) and lots and LOTS of animations for all the interactions. Even if I get really good with Blender, I may still need a team for this one.

Now then, I'm gonna shoo my sickness away with the soothing healing powers of Taco Bell! In the meantime, don't steal mah idea!....... Actually, it would be pretty great if someone else did all the work so I could enjoy it. >_>  Either way, I'll see you guys again next week either with progress or with another idea! Trust me, I've got enough ideas to last me years at this rate. XD



Get better soon! o/ Remember to take care of yourself! Drink enough, eat, sleep and also don't think about work! ^-^ Also, I am totally on board with your idea. xD But still... first recover. x3 And now back to bed with you! * ^ *


That definitely seems like an interesting idea that could appeal to wide range of tastes as well. Can't say there is any game in this community that comes remotely close to that either so I think you could have a winner with that one! I personally don't have a VR device so I wouldn't be able to appreciate a VR mode but I know there is a growing community of VR enthusiasts who would kill for more giantess games that supported it. Plz don't forget to make it playable for the rest of us peasants tho... If it's cold/flu you have, steaming chicken noodle soup, some apple sauce and orange juice really do help! Get well!


I don't have a VR kit yet, either, so I'm a fellow peasant. :P Any game I make for VR I'd make sure also works without it, since I know the struggle is real seeing so many good-looking VR games and no way to play them. Ah, that sounds wonderful, but I draw the line at steamed orange juice. ;P But seriously, those are really good suggestions. I'll give them a go! Thanks! ^_^


Thank you! I'll do my best to recover ASAP by doing everything you just said! o7 ... ... *Sneaks into my living room to play New World*


That sounds like quite an ambitious project! It truly would be in a league of it's own. It'll be interesting to see what other crazy ideas you have. For now just rest up and recover though. Can't change the world with a fever now!

Atlan from Atlarchy

Understandable... I must say I don't really like picture games, they are just a genre that never cought my attention, but others like it, so I will not judge it in any negative way.


I've never played one so I honestly don't know if I like the idea or not. Any high quality giantess game is good for me. There aren't enough dedicated developers and most of what there is are RPG Maker games.


It's certainly not for everyone. I happen to be one of those people who has to take perfect pictures of all the items and enemies in BotW, so it's very much up my alley. :P The RPG Maker oversaturation is the core reason why I want to make a bunch of wildly different games; I crave the same variety you guys do, and I'm hoping I'll be a small spark that'll ignite something in the community. ^_^