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Well well well, look who finally decided to show up!... Me. I showed up. Here's what I got done this week:

  • Added the second foot
  • Gave the feet alternating walk cycles
  • Made the walking speed faster
  • Made an obstacle that moves down at the same speed as the feet
  • Converted the player object back into a KinematicBody2D so that movement is more fluid while touching an obstacle/foot
  • Adjusted the feet and obstacle so that they don't stop when they touch the Kinematic version of the player object

Ah progress, how I've missed you!

Okay, so to break it down a bit: there are two feet now, as I'm sure you've noticed. It took a bit of time to make sure the code from one foot wouldn't interfere with the code of the other, but it seems to be complying with only mild thoughts of breaking out of its eternal prison.

The obstacle was a bit of a last minute addition. There's only one and it doesn't have a spawning/despawning system, so that one is all we've got for now. Some say it's still traveling downward to this day.

Lastly, converting the player back from a RigidBody2D to a KinematicBody2D again: I'll spare you the details, but it turned out to be a lot simpler than I thought it would be to make the Kinematic version be dragged down. It was just a matter of making the feet and obstacle move with a different function. Just don't question it. Seriously, if you question it, it may break again.

Oh, and this is semi-related: in all the hubbub of getting a new job and starting a new game and whatnot, I had totally forgotten that I was due for a vacation last week. That means that technically, I only went one week without progress! Take that, unnecessary anxiety! >:D

Anyhoo, I'm friggin' starving. I'mma eat some Taco Bell right after I break up the fight that my cats just started. Wish me and my hands luck, and I'll see you guys again next week!




Unless your name is Ethan Winters your hands should be fine... Should be. Good progress! Have you decided what the giantess is going to look like yet?

Atlan from Atlarchy

No need to push yourself for progress... That is how yandere simulator ended up as programer's nightmare that it is today... Even if the changes are simple and unnoticeable to us, but better for the code it is more than enough! Good job man! That's all I have to say... Good job! I understand that patreon = responsibility as payment = responsibility, but take it easy before you burnout...


That man has the worst luck with hand wounds. XD I've got a decent idea of what her default neck-down appearance will look like (from her perspective), but otherwise it's still undetermined.


Haha, it's okay, really. Anxiety isn't my only motivator right now -- my passion for this project is growing with every little thing I get done and every great idea you guys give me, which in turn is making me more excited to work on it more! The main source of my anxiety is my sudden lack of time to work on it, which I'll get used to sooner or later. :) With that said, if I do start to feel the effects of burnout, I'll slow it down for sure.


Though you have to admit that his healing factor comes in quite handy. :D


*Progress will remember this.*


I should have wrote "Everyone liked that." ... dang. xD


It's so exciting seeing the base skeleton of the game come together like this. I hope you continue to take care of yourself while making this kind of progress. May that Taco Bell fuel you sufficiently!