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Happy October, everyone! It's my favorite month of the year! :D  Nice, cool weather, spooky decorations, and lots of candy on sale!

No progress yet, and my anxiety is starting to grow. However, I do feel like I'm starting to get used to the new work routine. My next task is to get this drawing finished and up on DA, which shouldn't take too much time.

As always, I don't like to leave these progress reports totally empty, so this week I'd like to do an AMA! Ask as many questions as you like about anything (as long as it's not for personal details like my SNN or something :P) and I'll respond as soon as I can. ^_^

Lastly, on an unrelated note: Squid Games. Man that show is an emotional roller coaster. @.@  I just finished episode 6 and... No spoilers, but if you've seen it, you know.

Anyhoo, thanks for reading, and thank you all so much for having patience with me while I adjust! I'll see you guys again next week!



Ooh oh anxiety is the worst.... I hope you take it easy.


Man, I know what you mean about the anxiety. It just sucks the enjoyment out of everything. Only thing that even remotely helps it for me is to just get my mind on something else... Hmmmm, you said to ask anything so have you ever seen Evangelion? Just watched the whole series for the first time. It is truly an experience to be sure.


Yep, exactly! The problem compounds on itself when the thing you want to focus on is the very thing you're anxious about. ^^; I haven't seen Evangelion, but I have heard the name quite a lot. Do you think it's something I should add to my "to watch" list? :)


That honestly depends. It's my good friend's favorite anime and he was trying to get me to watch it for years. I started out intrigued and excited, then decided I didn't like most of the characters but was still intrigued, was super confused and gave up even trying to follow wtf was happening, then as it got to the end and grand finale some of my least favorite characters had grown on me and then it all just sort of clicked and the ending was quite satisfying and thought provoking. I have now determined it is worthy of the hype. It's not for everyone. You come for the giant mecha action and stay for the feels and the music. I'm not gonna say it's the best thing since sliced bread but it definitely is quite different from pretty much everything else. It's truly a classic and you can see it's influence in other popular stories. But holy moly is it confusing as F. Best not to get too hung up on that and enjoy it at face value. If you like good music, profound and thought provoking story telling, symbolism and giant mecha fights showered in religious iconography then go for it. It's a classic and the music honestly makes it worth it alone. The original "Neon Genesis Evangelion" series and it's accompanying movie "End of Evangelion" can be found on Netflix and the new Rebuild series of movies are on Amazon Prime. Both are great. The Rebuilds are a retelling of the original story but it's still a sequel to the original story and it takes a different path. Thanks for coming to my anime review TED talk. One thing I'd like to add is that the entire story is dealing with major themes of depression and as someone who suffers from it I was able to draw a lot out if it's message and even felt a strange sense of comfort after it all concluded. Edgy I know :P

Atlan from Atlarchy

I need to watch squid game, as all the other death games on my watchlist... I know what you mean when it comes to adapting to a new routine... My college started lately and next to having to pay the fees each month I have to adapt to no longer having free weekdays... That's kind of what I'm paying for though, so can I really have a problem here? Anyway a question... Where are you from? I am from eastern europe... Poland to be specific. I would rather not name the city, as they are usually rather small. Question two! Does anyone whom you know from "real life" follow your games? How would you feel if they did/how do they feel about them?


I'm right there with you. I went from all the free time in the world to working every weekday; it's jarring to say the least. :P Hang in there! The first two weeks are the most disorienting, but it gets better from there. :) I'm from Oklahoma, USA. Not exactly my first choice in places to live, but at least it's cheap! :P Out of curiosity, what's life like in Poland? Here in Oklahoma... well, there's not much to do to be perfectly honest, haha. I think we have the world's largest hill or something, so there's that! As far as I'm aware, nobody I know in real life knows anything about my games. I'm veeeeery shy about this whole thing. ^^; If they did find out, I'd feel some mixture of relieved and mortified! XD


I felt the same confusion watching Durarara for the first time, haha! I'll probably pass on Evangelion since I'm not all that into giant fighting mechs. It does sound like a cool concept, though! ^_^


Illinois is the same way. It's just flat. Like being on a calm ocean of corn and soybeans. I've always wanted to visit Poland. It seems underrated. Some of the more famous cities seem beautiful and I've heard it's much cheaper to visit than everywhere else. Plus it has what I believe is the world's largest intact castle. Always had an interest since reading the Witcher books and playing Witcher 3. Miles, what you said about being shy is something I totally get and agree with. No one knows about my interest in this stuff. In your case it makes me sad because your games would make a great portfolio item to get hired somewhere.

Atlan from Atlarchy

Poland is a weird mix of what most americans think of when someone says "Europe" and "Eastern Europe"... Our inflation is huge, but our living standards are weirdly high, despite the fact most people can barely afford them. Contrary to most of europe and western world, being rich is seen negatively in our culture, so is socialism, which makes as much sense as it seems! Other than that, most young people either get radically leftist, or regularly right-wing, but the previous generation was the opposite, however it is impossible to find someone extremely nationalistic here, as we have bad history with such ideologies and even saying anything positive about such ideas gets you imprisoned... Mostly Poland shines in our culture, be it religious one, which we still hold very dear, folk one which we often import from our friends at the border, to celebrate our similarities, or the modern media, like video-games... Our movies got really bad though and out actors and actresses barely get any good roles lately... I personally wish that people embraced the positive side of Poland, being the culture and religious history, including our very long positive relations with Jews and Muslims, as well as Orthodox Church, although being a Catholic country... Sadly people either shun away from embracing our tradition of preserving different cultures and traditions in our country, or they wish to mimic other countries... However you will find many very nice cultural events, whatever your taste in culture may be!


I have had a lot of interest in Poland in recent years and what you say seems to fall in line with the conclusions I myself made. To me, it seems like a very respectable place. What you said about it being a mix of east/west European influence is one reason why I like it. You say that many Polish people hate both the rich and socialism but I don't find that odd at all. Here in the US we have a lot of good reasons to fear both. The rich control everything which makes the world a worse place but we also value our freedoms which many interpretations of socialism have threatened historically. It's a slippery slope that Poland has had a chance to experience first hand. I personally have great admiration for nations that are proud of their heritage and traditions and actively preserve them. Japan is another nation I deeply respect for similar reasons.