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Bug-free Fridays are the best Fridays! Here's the progress for the week:

  • The mighty purchase bug has been slain! Rejoice!
  • Made drawings for all three of the Thorns upgrades.

That was one heck of a wrench in the gears, but everything is finally turning again! I worked on some art while we were going through the testing process, but now that I can make upgrades again, that'll be my focus. Next week, you can expect some... deeper mechanics.

Until then, so long and thanks for all the Taco Bell! See you guys next week where everything hopefully won't break again!



So great to hear that, the new updates are always really good....


Yaaaay for progress! \o/ Just let me put a little salt in it... because I know we developers get paranoids when things go too smoothly. :D When I was in the death cutscene with the lady drinking the wine, I couldn't press the skip button. Almost like an invisible layer preventing to access the buttons in the box that appears. Not even the mouse hover would trigger any effect. So have a nice day! :D P.s. I know it is not a major bug at all, so don'T stress yourself over it. x3


Ah, excellent! Some salt for my victory meal! >:D Thank you for letting me know -- I've had that happen to me now and then, as well. I think it has something to do with the transition, but I'm still not 100% sure.