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Edit: Web version should be working now. Let me know if you guys have any issues with it.


  • Added depth, which will take wine's role as the high score system! Wine now always shows your total amount so you'll know how close you are to that next upgrade!
  • Implemented one new upgrade: "Ankle Weights". Yeah, that's right -- Grape Stomp-chan is getting some upgrades, too!
  • Finished prototyping another upgrade, but I haven't added some necessary buttons in the Lab for it yet. I'll try to have that working next week.
  • Do you see that new floor? DO YOU SEE IT?! It's beautiful now -- no outlines clipping through or textures overlapping each other. All it cost was 3 days of nonstop work. You'd better show it some love! >:|

Known Bugs:

  • During the death CGs, the skip button sometimes doesn't work.

Itchio Password (copy and paste the entire thing):

Important: If you want to keep your save data, you must copy the "Save Data" folder from the old version into the new one.





I just realized I forgot to include flavor text for the Ankle Weights upgrade, so here's what they do: each stomp makes the depth number go further with each stomp, but craters are larger with each upgrade, as well. At the moment, depth doesn't do anything, but it will! This is why I shouldn't upload while I'm half asleep. >_<


*Gives the ground a lot of love by letting the big girl gently massage it with her feet* :D Those craters with the speed upgrade are a lot of fun. xD Looking forward for what's more to come! :D Oh also, I noticed when booting up the game it has the sound on default volume and when I head to the settings it adjusts it to what I've actually set it to. ... just as a minor bug for you, so you don'T get bored. :D


She works tirelessly day and night, and you make HER do the massaging... *Eyes of judgement* Ooh, I haven't tried them out with the speed upgrade yet. It's about to get Tony Hawk up in here! Ah, thanks for letting me know! That may be a simple fix. Does it do this every time you open the game, or just the first time? It could be a result of the save data swapping if it's just the first time.


*Feels judged* o.o' ... << ... well.. I .. uh.... she gets wine as payment? :D It happened before the save data swap as well, I simply forgot to tell you back then. xD


I have only gotten the first ankle weight upgrade, but good LORD was that wild. Also bad news, I still saw a few instances around the edges of the lines not matching up so there is a sharp cut/disconnect between the line of ground. Also also, nice touch on the ml count now being your combined total instead of just the current run, it should make it much easier to know how much longer until the next upgrade you want.

Infinite Kaioken

So, not sure if its because I didn't get the last completed update because I was satisfied with the the test standalone that had everything working, but I cant move any of my data over to the new one, probably since the last test standalone didn't have a save folder. I did tried to use the grape escape data. Dat file, but didn't work, and copying and pasting the managed data folder didn't work since all that did was just turned the update into the last standalone test, unless you've already scrapped the last completed update, can I possibly have a zip file to the last completed update, hope I can move my data from the test standalone into that one, and then move my data from the last update to the current update please.


FOR SHAME! Ah, excellent! That eliminates a lot of ugly options. I'll add it to the list of minor bugs to fix before full release. :)


Thank you! ^_^ I think I know what you're talking about -- it's a super simple fix, but a little tricky to get seamless. I'll toy with it some more and hopefully get it right. How large of a gap was it between the lines? It may help to use the grape as reference.


Sure thing! Patreon is being difficult about me uploading to older posts, so below is a link where you can download 1.3.4. I'm not sure if the save file transfer will work, but I'll have my fingers crossed that it will. :) Link: https://easyupload.io/51xib9 Password: PrivateTest (Expires 7 days after this comment was posted)


The gap was probably only around two to three times as think as the thickness of the lines themselves, not too large at all.


I can download the standalone Mac version of the game but for some reason it doesn't run, how can I get it to work? Also the web version isn't working for me.


Yeah, the web version is broken for me, too. I'm looking into the process for debugging it. As for Mac version, I'll upload it again to see if it works. :)

Infinite Kaioken

Didn't work, but I don't mind, I still have the previous one with every thing unlocked so I'm fine with earning enough to see what the new upgrade looks like. best of luck to you. ;)