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Ladies and gentlemen, after two long weeks, we've finally fixed the purchasing bug! To those of you that are interested in the nitty-gritty details, read on. To the rest of you, thank you so much for your patience. Now go enjoy those upgrades!

Itchio Password (copy and paste the entire thing):

...Still here? Then I see that you, too, are cursed with knowledge.

So, what could possibly cause an issue on everyone else's systems, but none of mine? That was the question that I've been asking myself these last two weeks.

On the surface, it seemed to be a problem with the purchase button. I looked over it time and time again, but noticed nothing particularly noteworthy. After a LOT of testing through a couple of extremely dedicated people, it was finally determined that... It actually was in the button script. Specifically, something in the button script that called out to a different script: the SaveSerial script.

The SaveSerial script controls all player data in the game. Your high score, how much wine you have, what all you have unlocked, all of it. Well, all of that data has to go somewhere, right? By default, I had it going to... well, the default location, called persistentDataPath. Where this leads depends on the operating system. For Windows, it's as follows:

C: => Users => [user] => AppData => LocalLow => DefaultCompany
(I hadn't set a company name at the time. It's now "Miles Mouse Productions".)

So, what does this have to purchasing stuff? Well, purchasing an upgrade means taking away wine and unlocking it, not to mention allowing you to enable and disable it at will. This all requires the save file that is sent to this path. The thing is... Windows doesn't really like it when files get added without its permission.

That's why it worked on my systems and not on others -- I gave it permission to get past my firewall, or whatever wanted to stop it.

The solution: change the file path to where the game is. Now, in the Grape Escape folder, as soon as you start the game for the first time, you'll see a new folder called "Save Data" with SaveData.dat inside.

Important: If you ever want to keep your save data between game updates, you must copy this folder into the new one. Otherwise you're starting fresh.

TL;DR: It's totally Window's fault. 100% on them and definitely not on me for my lack of knowledge on Unity save files and whatnot. (<_< )  ( >_>)

MASSIVE thanks to Egroj and Infinite Kaioken for enduring all of my tests. Without them, this bug would never have been fixed. 

Final Note: This has nothing to do with the bug, but during the writing of this ENTIRE post, I've had a kitten on my lap and a cat on my mousepad. Writing this was quite difficult.





Awesome.... Now with just two of the first updates, I got a score of 120ML, first try. THX


Great to hear you had help and were able to fix that bug! :D Thanks to the two testers and you! o/ But I know the pain of scripts not working... just this week I had to figure out a bug, which was caused by a script behaving differently on my developer machine and on the production server of my company. It drove me nuts. @.@ Putting the problem simple: X and Y coordinates were switched, which lead to awfully stretched images. x.x Anyway... Thanks again to everyone for your deicated work! o/ Take some well deserved rest! :D


Just played a bit and yep, works fine! :D Also that image for the thorns update looks adorable. xD Anyway, have a nice day! o/


Yesss, I'm glad it works for you, too! ^.^ And thank you! Oof, that would be incredibly annoying to debug. Did the X and Y get switched by accident while being written or did the software flip them itself?


Well... The problem came with rotated pictures, to be precise, with fotos taken at a -90 degree angle. When accessing the width and height of pictures, my Firefox on my developer laptop always gave me the native resolution in x and y. However, our users use Chrome to access the images and Chrome apparently automatically switches x and y when the picture is rotated by -90 or 90 degrees. That was... not fun to debug.... not fun at all. So I had to implement a function, that makes sure if we are using Chrome, Edge with Chromium engine, Opera and/or if we are on Windows, Android or IOs.... but it works now and I hope I have to never take care of that again. xD


Oooooh my gosh... I'm getting a headache just thinking about that. It's like a pebble rolling down a mountain and gathering snow until it becomes a boulder. And then you have to find the pebble. Good on you for figuring it out -- that would have driven me insane. @_@