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No real progress this week, unfortunately. This purchase button bug has been sucking up all of my time and energy. With the help of a couple of very helpful individuals, here's what we've figured out regarding the bug thus far:

  • The problem lies with the button component not acknowledging that it's being clicked.
  • This clicking problem is being caused by something in the purchase button script.
  • With enough testing, I should be able to triangulate exactly where in the script the problem is being caused and fix it.

I'm sorry that this is all I have to report. I've run these builds on my main PC with Windows 10, my laptop that can switch between Windows 7 and MacOS 10.12, and on yet another laptop that also runs MacOS 10.12. It worked on every single one of these different operating systems, which means I have no means of testing it myself. If you have the spare time, it would mean the world to me if you could run a few tests with me. The sooner we get this figured out, the sooner we can move on to the next upgrades.

Anyhoo, that's it for this week. No Taco Bell for me this time.



Sorry for not helping out in the past few days. I've been kinda busy and now I am just being lazy lying on my couch to relax and regain some energy. @.@ I hope you're making good progress with the bug! o/


It seems that my laptop is my problem, I will test it on my desk top, (Tomorrow) I think is best if you move on. The problem my get fix with the new updates....


Thanks and right back at you! :D Hope you can relax some and look at the problem from a new perspective. :)


Normally I'd agree, but other people are having the same problem, plus I'm getting very close to pinpointing the code that's causing it. Just a few more tests and we should have it. :) That said, do let me know if it works on your desktop. I'm interested in seeing if it is something to do with hardware.


I did try it, and is not working. Everytime I click on a ugrade purchase button I get the green squre( just on top of the purchase button) and my grape ML 🍇 lower just one point everytime I click the button. I not sure if it helps, but my laptop is a Alienware gaming laptop and my desktop is al a gaming desktop


Actually, that's exactly what should be happening right now, which is good! It's the latest test; I removed all code from the problem script except for taking away 1 wine. Seeing that it works, I'll be adding another line or two to it to test to see if that works. ^_^ In hindsight, I probably should have told you about it. Sorry about that. ^^;


Don't worry about it, I hope you can solve the mistery...