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NEW ITCHIO PASSWORD: TimeForSomeDebugging!

Last updated: 8/27 @ 5:25am CST
Status: Waiting for testers

Notes so far:
(Anything with (?) at the beginning is uncertain and needs further confirmation.)

  • The Gas Leak HUD (three green bars) is always visible in the Arena. Possibly unrelated to the purchasing issue.
  • The purchase button does not unlock upgrades or reduce wine when clicked.
  • All other buttons work just fine.

Here's what I need tested right now:

  • Does purchasing work now?

Note: For testing, you may hit 'Y' to increase your wine by 10.

Conclusions so far: 

  • The Purchase button remains enabled and interactable at all times.
  • The Purchase button is successfully being clicked at all times.
  • The Purchase() function in the PurchaseUpgrade script is where the issue is coming from.

Hello everyone! I need your help with testing 1.3.4. There's a major bug in which the "Purchase" button in the Upgrade Lab doesn't do anything, leaving the upgrades unpurchased and thus locked. The bizarre thing about this bug is that everything works perfectly on my end, even with my laptop (which has never even touched Grape Escape before today).

This is where you guys come in! All I need is for you to download the latest version on itchio, follow the instructions listed here in this post, and comment your results. I've already had a couple of people helping me out with this, and they've helped me tremendously already!

Anytime I update the download file with more tests or a fix, I'll post an update and the time it was made at the very top of this post. The more help I get here, the faster we'll get the upgrades to work!


Infinite Kaioken

No green squares or wine reduction on this one.


Alright, I've got a slew of tests to rapid fire test (at whatever pace you're comfortable with). This first one should reduce your wine by 1 and make the green square toggle when you hit the Purchase button at any time. I'd be surprised if this doesn't work.

Infinite Kaioken

It works, every time I click purchase the button, the green box appears/vanishes and my wine goes down by 1.


Awesome! This is great news! If I just keep adding one code snippet at a time, we should be able to pinpoint it easily. ^_^ I'll have another test out by tomorrow; today was quite busy, so I could use a bit of rest.


Ok, new test is out. Exactly the same thing, but now it should take the appropriate amount of wine. I've included a little cheat to give you more wine so you don't waste it all from testing. Hitting the 'Y' key will increase your wine amount by 10 each time.

Infinite Kaioken

i can confirm that it is doing exactly what it should be doing now, and it does take the exact amount of wine to buy the upgrade of choice while the green square does blink on and off.


Huh... Gonna be honest, I thought that's where it would start to break. This is a pleasant surprise! Next test is out: same thing, but now the selected upgrade button should turn green and you should actually get the upgrade unlocked for gameplay.

Infinite Kaioken

well, the wine reduction works correctly, but now there is no green square and the upgrade still is not showing up as purchased.


Ok, new test is out. Same as always, but now no matter what upgrade you buy, it should unlock Polish 1.

Infinite Kaioken

if a green square was supposed to show that i purchased it, it still doesn't show up, only accurate wine reduction.


Ok, new test. All the upgrade buttons should start out red. Once you purchase one, it should turn green. Also, is the green square above the purchase button still appearing?


I may have figured it out. I've temporarily undone all the ugly testing stuff; this time, just test to see if the purchase button works. I'm gonna have my fingers crossed for this one! (Also, the "Thorns" upgrades display drawings in the center now. I haven't gotten to the other upgrades yet.)

Infinite Kaioken

At last!!! It works, I could actually make purchases for the upgrades. Also touch on the thorns upgrade thumbnail, grapey looks real tough now. There is one very minor thing, after you quit, return to the lab, or exit the game completely, all of your purchased upgrades are disabled. You can still use them after re-enabling them again, but they are all disabled upon exiting the game or lab. Personally, i feel it's not much of a headache to worry over especially after all the hardwork you've been doing already, but if you still feel like this needs to be fixed, then you already know I'm more than happy to play test and give feedback anytime.

Infinite Kaioken

I forgot to mention, as long as you click retry, the upgrades still work. It's only when you exit the game or go to the lab that they become disabled.

Infinite Kaioken

Never mind that last comment, when you exit the game or go to the lab, the upgrades do show as red and disabled but apparently they're not actually disabled, I can still use all of them without needing to enable them all again. I guess it's just a coloration error but the upgrades and purchase button all work like they should.


Thank you so much for all the help! I'll try and get the new bugs sorted out as soon as I can! :D :D