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  • Implemented three new upgrades: "Elasticity", "Gas Leak", and "Juiciness"! These are a little trickier to guess without playing. ;P
  • Fixed the issue with high score not saving.
  • Fixed the issue with wine currency not saving if you quit prematurely.

Password (copy and paste the entire thing): Beans,Beans,They'reGoodForYourHeart!TheMoreYouEat,TheMoreYouGASPROPULSION!!!

Patreon isn't letting me re-upload the file here right now, so you'll need to download it on itchio if you want the standalone version.





Is there suppose to be something on those squares? Because mine are just blank and when I click on one of them , I get the price ( And everything). But when I click on the purchase botton nothing happens ( just a knock sound) I reinstall the game from where you told me, but still the same!


The squares are blank for now, so that's normal; I'm focusing on getting everything working before I add the art. I haven't been able to figure out the issue yet, so I'm gonna work on it some more tomorrow.


Try not to burn your self, I know this hard work. And thank for this amaizing game....


Didn't get to try the update last week, too much stuff to do. But the more I am looking forward to try this one now. \o/ The Upgrade System sounds awesome. :D And I agree Egroj, you should keep in mind to treat yourself and relax as well! :D


So after gathering some Wine I tried to purchase an upgrade and yeah, sadly it won't work for some reason. xD So I guess Imma stock up on wine to purchase everything once it is fixed! >:D Still, good ideas for the upgrades! o/ Thanks for your hard work. :D


Thanks, I appreciate it. ^_^ I actually got an idea, and I've implemented it into the itchio download. When you get the chance, download it and try purchasing again. The button should display a word, which will help pinpoint where things are going wrong. Try it a few different times and see if it's the same word, and send the word(s) to me. This'll help me pinpoint it. :)


Thank you so much! Your comments always make my day! ^_^ I'm glad it's not just one person encountering the bug, but it's so weird that I'm not getting it. >.< I've uploaded a new test version to be downloaded from itchio. If you have the time, try downloading it and purchasing again. The purchase button should display a word now to help me pinpoint the problem. :)


Alright I will try that! o7 And glad my comments can brighten your day! :D


So the Web-Version on Itch.io works perfectly, the upgrades can be bought and take effect in the game. I then used the Download button below to fetch the Version, but I encountered the same problem. I've also resetted my whole progress just to make sure nothing old is meddling with the new code. Still the same problem. One thing I noticed when I run the game on my computer, that I have 3 green vertical bars right under the wine ml display. Didn't have that in the Web-Version. I assume that is for jumping? Anyway, the label for the purchase button stayed the same, too. So I am afraid I can't give more feedback for now.


Yep, those green bars are for... Gas Leak... Wait, you got those? Does that mean the upgrades are purchasing successfully and it's just telling you it's failing? Or do they appear even before you go to the lab at all? I swear this is legitimately breaking my brain. There's gotta be *something* causing this in the code *somewhere*, but what and where? And how? And why?! AND WHO?!!!


Ok, I'm trying something else. New version is uploaded to itchio; if this works, I'm gonna bonk myself in the head.


I got the green bars out from the beginning, without having been able to buy a single upgrade. They are just there for some reason. ... Maybe there is a condition, that makes the game think the upgrades have been purchased, without actually being purchased. So when trying to buy them, that prevents from getting the upgrade and causes the green bars to appear? On the other hand, in game it takes no effect whatsoever in terms of movability and game mechanic for some reason.


Assuming this newest version doesn't fix it, does spacebar or shift do anything mid-game? Those are the associated controls for the green bars.


Thx Vis... And Mr. Mouse, I did what you ask me. And I also alwas had those green bars since the new update, which the shift and space bar don do anything. And about the game I notice when I don't select any of the upgrades and I click on purchase I get the word NULL. But when I select one upgrade and click on purchase, I don't get any word. Just that soft knock sound like before....!


Ah, this is excellent information! Thank you very much! :D I'm still not 100% sure what's causing it, but I can now rest easy knowing that the purchase button script is doing its job. It must be another catalyst. I'll dig through it some more.


Ok, I've posted another update to the itchio download. It's more testing, but should help me close in on the problem. When you click on any upgrade, the purchase button should change to show what the name of the upgrade is and in asterisks ( * ) show the cost. Clicking on the purchase button should make a number in the box next to it go up. Let me know if the upgrade names and costs on the purchase button match the descriptions, and if the "clicked" number goes up every time you click the button. Also, thank you guys so much for being so patient and helping me with testing! This would be literally impossible without you. :)


No need to thank me, you are awesome... I did what you instructed, and everything match, except the part where I click the purchase button. (Nothing happens after it shows me the priceand name) except that soft knock sound.... The price doesn't go up anywhere, except when I click on the second box of a upgrage.


Oooh and the box of a upgrade doesn't show any numbers, at all....


And the game from the download page, does work and I can buy upgrades....


To clarify a few things: When you say "the game from the download page," do you mean the game that you downloaded or the web version of the game that you don't have to download? The number that should be rising is directly to the left of the purchase button, in the large (and otherwise blank) box. It starts off saying "Clicked: 0". Does it change at all when you click the purchase button? We're getting close, I can feel it! :)


Lol 😆... I hope so... O yea I see it.( How did I miss that, I thought you were talking about the small ones) And it doesn't change anything it remains "0" after I clicked 😳 ( The purchase button)


And yea I mean the game from the web version, the one I don't have to download.


Gotcha, thanks! So based on the data you've given me thus far, I've confirmed that the purchase button simply isn't going through with its functions when it's clicked. I'm still puzzled as to why I don't encounter the issue (even on my laptop). I'll keep you updated if I find/need anything else. ^_^


Ok, happy to help...... I wonder why my purchase button is not working and your is! I hope the problem is not my laptop.


Ok, new test time! This could potentially have the fix, but we'll see. I've added a second button called "Test" in the blank box. If you click it, it should do all of the things mentioned above. Additionally, clicking the test button or the purchase button should create a green box above it. I really, really hope that green box appears over at least one of them. Also, do the "Main Menu" and "Play Again" buttons in the lab work properly? I just wanna make sure there's not some kind of button mutiny going on here. :P


Yea, I'm getting the green squares on both test and purchase button, and the clicked number does increase everytime I click on the purchase button with the words NULL( But the test button doesn't increase the clicked num.). AND ALL OF OTHER BUTTONS ARE WORKING JUST FINE... The test button doesn't show the green squre, when I click on a upgrade first, but it does when I don't. And the purchase button alwas shows the green square 🟩


Yesss, excellent! So to clarify: Which button (if not both) changes the "Clicked" number? Does the "Clicked" number change at any point after you click on an upgrade? And finally, did the upgrades purchase successfully with either button, or are they still unresponsive?


The clicked number change with the purchase button, an yea the clicked number changes after I select an upgrade only with the purchase button. And I can't


Sorry if I'm not so clear, im getting sleepy...


This got a bit complicated... o_o I'll try and sort through this to analyze. For now, get some much-deserved rest. You've helped more than enough for today. ^_^


Lol ... its very complicated, I wish I could be more helpful; Good night,....