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Hi everyone!

In a previous post from Christmas we started talking about the idea of having Kincaid initialize the acts with enemies, instead of having her grappled mid-combat. We already got a good amount of feedback on the concept.

But as they say, a demo is worth a thousand words!

“Domcaid” is an experimental build that showcases what we had in mind and what this approach to interacting with knocked out enemies could look like.

It is a very short demo with three sketched out ideas for the kobold, the slime, and the wolf.

We’d love it if you gave it a try and let us know what you think!

Patrons can grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61582560

Warm regards,
Cookie & Bunny



French Honey Badger

I gave it a try, it's great, although I hit a bug when I tried the slime encounter, after the encounter the sex animation didn't stop and the game didn't zoom out, it just remained focused on the animation and you had the controllable Kincaid character behind the animation. You could move out to the next screen but it remained zoomed in the whole time. Otherwise, I think it looks great. I think it's silly when porn games require you to fail in order to see a sex scene, this game was already moving away from the trend because it has some scenes that are triggered or unlocked when you succeed, and I think this is the right direction. It would be even more work to provide different scenes when you win as opposed to when you lose but unlocking scenes when you win is already a great improvement on its own. I can't wait to see how it works with 2 or 3 Kobolds down right next to each other because you could get the threesome scene here.


I didn't happen to see or even notice any bugs but all around a good mechanic to add


Both ways will be in the game right? I really love what is here now but see the appeal of this new version. I just hope both stay


Feedback: 1. Sure you know about this by now, but after the scenes with the werewolf and the slime the camera stays zoomed in and the finished animations remain in place. (Good shout on the reset button!) 2. As someone previously mentioned, the dialogue should be optional, as some people may not enjoy it. In the same vein there seems to be a lack of consistency with regards to Kincaids perspective between monsters. Some she scolds, others she's concerned with. If they're all attacking her wouldn't it make more sense for her to be scolding? Unless she's reacting to how easy it is for her to overcome each type of enemy in combat. 3. This would be a tonne of extra work, but I think it would be cool if there was a "resting" state for each monster after the sexual encounters. Just to make a bit moresense than the possibility of playing the scene then them going right back to a defeated pose. I suppose you could just despawn them (which would eliminate enemy sprites doing weird things in odd locations), but that also eliminates replayability if that's what the player desires. Also adds a "everyone's fine now" vibe. 4. The poses and variety of dialogue (despite the aforementioned disparity) are actually looking great. There's variety and each pose has it's own character and charm to it, much approve. 5. I like the idea of the system overall, as whilst I'm sure I never saw a complaint about it in the history of Kincaid's development, there was always that subtle undertone of "unfortunate implications", it never came off that way, but the way the interactions play and feel now eliminate that possibility entirely, which is a massive plus. Overall I think this is a massive improvement to the game and it looks like you know exactly how to handle it. Looking forward to the next installment!


i personally feel like a hybrid between the current build and this build would be an excellent concept


No, the devs plan to have dominate Kincaid, who starts the sex by herself, as standard.


for me, it did the same, but i was able to move between the areas. triggering the wolf scene brought similar results, but triggering the kobold scene seemed to reset everything. i don't know if the build was designed this way or not, but the CG's after the cutscenes appear to be broken when viewing the gallery.


I think doing this as a replacement is a really positive change. Gets rid of the non-consensual vibes.


I am on-board for both "Domcaid" and "Subcaid". Most important for me was/is that Kincaid is into it, really. The whole game is so vibrant, lovely and heart-warming, and Kincaid's "adventurous" spirit fits perfectly. Since only a very small fraction of Patreons comment on these Patreon posts, and since this change in game mechanic is probably a lot more important to most of your backers: May I suggest a poll to vote on? The "Domcaid" prototype is out and available now, so Patreons can compare this to the regular game. Great move to provide a prototype, thanks to you two! But I think before you make such a substantial change, you should call it to a vote for all Patreons.


I kind of suggested this idea as well (have one level/planet be "Domcaid"-themed), but it can't be done, unfortunately. Even if it sounds simple, it is a lot of work, and it will make the game code a thorough mess. :/

Beloran Creations

Would this remove the "game over" cutscenes as well? regardless I still love the concept.


I like both systems and honestly would like to see them work in tandem. I'm split in the middle with preferring on or the other, personally I haven't noticed the old system breaking the flow too much but that may be because I am not good at the game. Anyway, both is good.


We thought about doing a poll, but polls can get messy and Patreon shows the results before you vote, so results get skewed. So I figured, releasing a demo and then gauging the reaction of people would be a better idea. I figured if people would get super upset, we'd *definitely* hear and feel that. But so far most of the feedback is pretty positive.


Thanks! I'm glad you like it overall. The showcase build is pretty buggy because we just slapped it together real quick to give you guys an idea of what it would look like. Didn't want to spend some time coding a feature we might not end up going with. ^^


I'm of a similar mindset really. I would like to see both working in tandem. The grapples are so easy to break out of anyway that if you didn't want them to happen you would just have to mash a few keys.


Would there be a second animation for this or the same one?


No, this would essentially replace mid-combat grapples so the player gets rewarded for winning, you don't have to get hit to see the lewds and the combat would be more fluent. ^^


Oh man. I'm on the fence with this, as both have great potential (and Kincaid seems to be fine with when the 'monsters' are initiating rather than her initiating).

Beloran Creations

They seemed a bit too gentle after knocking Kincaid around a few times in the game over screens. At least now it makes sense to a degree.

declon james

Can we get alternate positions ?


I know it’ll be more work… but perhaps once story and that is set, begin working one two scenes for each character. One for her being top, and another for her being topped. This would let players enjoy the game much more especially later on and provides more interaction and fun to the game. But it is up to you, we will never force anything but we will always give ideas ^^


Would love to see this in the final build


Hey ammm i am having trouble pressing e and all of the button key on my keyboard. Is there a way to fix it?


nevermind i think something was wrong with my keybored a few days ago


So you are getting rid of grapples mid combat? Or does it happen later in the story?


Hiya! You can play the current build, it has the reversed lewd mechanic (Kincaid initiates), you can let us know how you like it. So far we haven't heard much negative feedback.