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Hi everyone!

“Domcaid” Showcase Build

So it’s been a week since we released the small showcase build for Kincaid initiating. We haven’t made a final decision yet, but we got a lot of positive feedback about it, especially from our community.

Please keep in mind that the build is in no way debugged or stable. It is simply meant as a showcase so players can see what the change would feel like.

The biggest benefits that we see are:

  • It's more in line with the tone we had in mind for the game.
  • Not having to design enemies around grapple attacks.
  • It is more clear which enemies have animations and which do not (for instance, insects don't stay around in a dazed state, so there is nothing to interact with. New players don’t let themselves get stung, wondering why nothing is happening and being disappointed)
  • Combat feels more fun and fluent
  • Allows for Kincaid being more dominant in some of the animations we do down the line, which is something that is requested a lot.

Bottom Line

Overall, we would consider it a shift in gameplay, but not a shift in tone, since the animations and the vibe we are going for would be the same.

Essentially we'd give up the old "lose to win" mechanic for more freedom in enemy design and flavors of animations with enemies.

Check it out:

Again, thanks everyone for having a look and sharing your opinion!

If you haven’t had a chance yet to check it out, you can grab it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61582560

Art Progress

On the art side of things I’ve been making good progress on the shower scene! I’m at the detailing stages now.

I released a sketchpack with the different progress stages of the animation here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/62007366

The full art pack will follow soon as usual! ^w^

You can grab sneak peeks of it though on Twitter, Picarto archives or on our Discord!

Until next week,
Cookie & Bunny



Leon Pascal

Already hyped for the Shower ❤ And good progress on the Domcaid, looks really good 👍


It definitely feels like it fits more thematically. It felt weird needing to be pummeled then Kincaid is suddenly totally okay with them humping her. Where this feels more like an "Oh, sorry!"


This is a much better direction. There's uncomfortable undertones to the lose-to-win notion that never fit with the carefree and cheerful tone of your game. Allowing the player to initiate is more rewarding mechanically, too, as you don't have to put yourself into a vulnerable state of play to enjoy one of the main features of the game. Maybe you could reward a small energy or health recovery associated with the sex scenes, so there's a mechanical impetus as well?


I feel that there is a misconception that "Having a sex scene = winning" instead of "Sex scenes are part of game aesthetics but not the sole focus", so having to lose health to have a sex scene turns into "You have to lose to win". And, I will point it out again, this will create a narrative disbalance. Now the enemies are actually trying to kill Kinkaid, not have some lewd interactions with her. Also, now, after being knocked out, they suddenly have energy to be top. I really do not think it is a necessary change. Gameplay wise the combat will now completely turn into "Press x to kick ass", as there would be no need to actually care about grappling.


I don't know if you need to get rid of all the grapples - it feels very fitting for the tigers, for example XD - and it could be interesting to have some enemies still go for them, but I do like the overall feel of Domcaid more. it certainly frees you up to be more creative in your designs, and I like the idea of devs having more options to do what they like.


I love and will support any direction you take with your project. Domcaid isn't something that I had any feelings towards (didn't even cross my mind) but the direction of the tone of the game and the general feel makes sense for that mechanic. Give the character the option to have control for a scene rather than it being gated behind "losing". As I said previously, your project is imo a revolutionary take on the erotic genre since almost everything out there is about losing control and without consent. Still, wish I could catch your Livestream to really see how much effort and work goes into it but damn if these timezones got me all fucked up.


I'm not gonna lie, I prefer the the original system because it feels like a fun tradeoff of sex Vs. Ease of play, since you'd have to get hit to see the sex scene, but it is your guys' game and if you feel like this approach is more fitting, more power to you.


Though, I do have a question - the game over scenes - are those now going to be decided by which enemy got "the last hit," or are they going to be abandoned entirely, or what? Because I really did enjoy those more in-depth encounters.