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Hi everyone!

In a previous post from Christmas we started talking about the idea of having Kincaid initialize the acts with enemies, instead of having her grappled mid-combat. We already got a good amount of feedback on the concept.

But as they say, a demo is worth a thousand words!

“Domcaid” is an experimental build that showcases what we had in mind and what this approach to interacting with knocked out enemies could look like.

It is a very short demo with three sketched out ideas for the kobold, the slime, and the wolf.

We’d love it if you gave it a try and let us know what you think!

To initiate grapples, walk up to a dazed enemy and press your "Interact" button!

IMPORTANT NOTE: In this build you can relaunch the game by pressing "R".

IMPORTANT NOTE 2: This is an experimental build which could contain more bugs than usual. It is not advised to open save games with it.

Warm regards,
Cookie & Bunny


Billy Bob

Proof of concept looks good! There are several bugs of course, but I don't expect them to go to the main game. Also I would recommend a setting to turn off the chat boxes because not everyone gets turned on by sexy talk.


It certainly allows a more fluent combat that doesn't get interrupted by random lewd moments from the enemies. I don't care who starts the sex as long as it looks good. X3

Riot Goes Woof

I love this. Love the new context it gives things and think it's a great way to let the player choose what experience they want. Gameplay or "game play"


I honestly prefer it like this. But since others might be against it, is it possible to make it toggleable?

Eito Gao

for those who may have missed how to trigger the grapples, it's E on the target

Shadow Drake

Definitely a great improvement to the old system for sure, can't wait to see the kitty interaction there ^_^ I am kinda hoping there could be a 'satisfied' version of them after that moment (Understandable that takes time n resources to do)


How will game over CGs trigger from now on?


Yeah, I mean I love the concept :3


It's solid and I really appreciate the extra animations you're gonna add to accompany the change. However, I still think the ambush enemies (Slime in sneaky mode and Gecko) should probably still grab you as they do now. It's still pretty fitting that way I think.


It would be really cool if, eventually, their were different sex scenes associated with this. Like a 'victory' animation for defeated foes.


Very nice. I really prefer this over the previous system. While I've always enjoyed games like this, having to lose or get grappled in order to get the sex scenes always felt off to me. I feel like this system will be much more effective at getting the player to want to consistently play well, rather than encouraging them to lose on occasion in order to get the rewards they want.


I like it overall! Still curious of the game overs, where the individual is clearly taking more initiative compared to a little invitation. But I imagine that could partly be altered with writing.


I think it is a good idea to have something like that included, though, personally, I think it would be made a bit better with different animations for when the player initiates rather than having the enemy initiate.


We haven't come up with a final design for this yet, but we reckon it would be something like an unlockable scene you can watch from your journal down the line. ^^


We haven't come up with a final design for this yet, but we reckon it would be something like an unlockable scene you can watch from your journal down the line. ^^ We'll look over the stories and see if any of them need their writing altered, but AFAIK all of them are their own little contained "field note" stories.


That would be too much work unfortunately ^^; Each animation takes me a couple of weeks to make.

Dark Nite Sunset

I'd personally prefer if either both systems existed or if the old one was kept, as it still felt ever so slightly more kinky that slipping up would get you screwed. I like the option of it initiating in either context, or if that can't be -- I'll be the unpopular opinion and say I like the old system more!


Thanks :) How strong are your feelings regarding this? Would you like, hate the game if it changed?


you should have both mechanics in the game, and also clothes states


I wouldn't truly hate it if this was the direction moving forward, but I did like how it was originally, and it was part of what drew me to the game. Having an option for both would be nice, to where you could initiate as well as still have it happen if you get knocked.


Unfortunately that would break the scope of the game, I'd have to do so many more animations. xD I'd really love to, tho!


I will be honest, since it doesn't add anything new but a "click-to-initiate" the typical animation, it's cool to have but honestly, given you don't seem intent on expanding teamwise to increase anims or functionalities that aren't mainline, or at least as far as i've glanced over, it's ultimately a neat little gimmick in the grand scheme of things but overall, i feel this time spent could be used prioritizing the mainline.


If we kept both systems that would be true, but we're talking about a change in direction as this would replace mid-combat grapples (reward players for winning, more fluent combat). ^^


ah! so this is replacing the system, alright then, i can see this as a mechanic rework, say no more, i was incredibly tired yesterday so perhaps i missed over when this was explained, so i can appreciate a change of mechanic, too many porn games outright reward getting hit and staggered, going so far as to make their behavior unfair just for this reason, i can appreciate a different approach to it, rewarding BEATING opponents rather than the other way around


When playing the main built lizard tongue causes CTD, any damage from a slime causes CTD


It says in the post ^^; IMPORTANT NOTE 2: This is an experimental build which could contain more bugs than usual. It is not advised to open save games with it.


I like the idea of the heroine initiating. Takes it a step away from the ryona genre and into its own category.

[UNKNOWN] Seraph

i found that at the very first area in the game, the first sex scene dosn't glitch out, but the second and third both keep the final s3x cutscene going, and keep the camera zoomed in while the players charecter spawns in behind the still active cutscene. also the first gecko encounter in the kobold area crashed my game.

Isabella Justice

Personally I think this is a better system, reward players for actually being good at the games combat with the sex stuff instead of having to lose in order to see it


I think would be nice if have different scenes when you defeat the enemies instead of only when you are defeated


I honestly like this a lot. I think having both options would be nice.


Especially with the wolf boss, I would love to see her ride him instead if she beats him.


I like the idea as an after extra for defeating an enemy. You get to see some action, without the penalties. As other have said, would be good to have both. One where she is forced onto by an enemy, and she takes a penalty of some kind for it. Along with a harsher for her animation, to show this is for the gratification of the enemy only. But if she was to initialize the acts herself, she may gain something form it. Along with having a different animation, showing the past enemy is willing to pleasure her for the offer.


Cheers! ^^ The base animation is going to be the same and we're going to move away from the forced encounters.


That would be OK. I could roll with that. The idea that you must defeat an enemy to get an act animation, I do like a little better, than if you must be defeated to see one. But I can't help but feel, if she is taken after she is knocked out, she take a penalty, but take no penalty if she start it herself, as a victory option to the players, would be much better. But understand if that may seem like too much to add.


could she be more of a dominatrix when she beats her enemies? in terms of amazon positions, or turning them on their back and mounting them.


In future animations that is something we want to do, Kincaid being more in charge. ^^


In future animations that is something we want to do, Kincaid being more in charge. ^^


Glad you're liking it! We were very nervous about showing this alternative idea ^^


thanks for quick answer=). cant wait to tackle the cute kobolds

Kadvan Llawen

So... Not even a kind of "Oh no, you've bested me! Whatever shall I do~? ;3" playful 'surrender' to her enemies when they stun her?