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just a buncha kid ghosts huh........😳


Buffy Season 4, Ep 18 - Where the Wild Things Are

Vidyard video



Aww, look at Riley and our girl Tara--they've made it into the thumbnail! :D Well... that was certainly an episode. We get some nice character moments out of it, and Anthony Stewart Head gets to show off his musical talents in that iconic performance of "Behind Blue Eyes". It's too bad the repressed "ghosts" had to ruin that cute Tillow moment; here's hoping they get to go on that horseback-riding date at some point. One notable thing about this episode is that a lot of its score seems to be ripped from other (better) episodes; in particular, the music during that extremely long fake-out scene with Riley and the bathtub at the beginning consists of two pieces taken from "This Year's Girl" and "Helpless". Other than that... yeah, I've got nothing haha. Oh, one last thing: that story about the creme brulee dream made this exchange pop into my head (adapted from the great ricer debacle in "Pangs"): BUFFY: Ok. Now we need to make the creme brulee. GILES: I don't think I know how to make creme brulee. BUFFY: You don't know how to make creme brulee? What do you mean? How could someone not know how to make creme brulee? GILES: Well, do you know how? BUFFY: I don't know. What's creme brulee?


Can't wait for you to discover that you make amazing creme brulee and turn it into a side business where, when people tell you how you came up with the idea for it, you end up telling them about the nonsensical dream you had that led you there


So...this episode. Gotta say--not a big fan of the main plot. But I genuinely love fleshing out Anya a bit more. Plus, her interactions with Spike are super intriguing to me. Both of them being "lesser" versions of who they used to be, both feeling powerless in their own ways. I feel like the main plot had potential because of the trauma behind it all but execution? Ehhhh. I tend to fall on the "Why now?" side of things. Surely Riley and Buffy aren't the first couple to have an intense connection in that frat house, so why was it all triggered by them? Also, Anya's wound with the vine through her hand when she comes to save the day?? HORRENDOUS. If I'm gonna achieve being able to see through my own hand, it better be because I've suddenly turned invisible and not because there's a gaping hole in it.


Always tempted to skip this one...then I remember Giles sings and I end up watching it.

Thomas Hansen

I always kinda liked this one.


I remember you mentioning how much you hate ghosts, especially kid ghosts (I think back in season 3 with "Gingerbread"?) and I thought "man she's gonna hate 4x18." 😂 There's something about this one that I've always liked. The eerie tone at the beginning with the score transitioning into the ice cream truck song (which I also find eerie for some reason) just sets it up so well. I also adore Anya in this episode. The fierceness of her fighting through the house, and even the small moment where she picks up on what Miss Holt meant by "dirty," and you can see on her face that she sees how twisted the house director was. Just something about it all makes this one fun to watch (unless you're terrified of kid ghosts/apparitions)


Congratulations, you just made it through what I and, I suspect, a good chunk of the fanbase to consider to be one of the weakest episodes across the BtVSUniverise. Having said that I often bring both it and Go Fish up as endorsements of Buffy/Angel by saying that if this is the worst the universe has to offer than we as fanbase are pretty lucky because they're not actually *that* bad. They're weak measured against the rest of both series, sure, but compared to you're average 45 minutes of tv they're still fine. Not great but not horrible. And look, we stan Tara in this household so it gets a passing grade on that alone. And when Anya does her little upward-looking smile at Xander, totes adorbs. You'll be fine with the creme brule, it sounds way harder to make than it actually is. Ideally you'd have a kitchen-style torch on hand but the broil setting on your stove should be fine. Updates mandatory🧑‍🍳😎 Don't badmouth orange juice. It's fucking great and I won't hear otherwise.


I hated this episode for so many years, to the point that I would skip it in rewatches and reactions, then about a year ago, I rewatched it and fell in love with it. I owe a great deal of that to Emma Caulfield, she is just amazing in this episode, and any that shows a lot of Anya is one that I will adore.

Teresa Schultz

Obviously not a fan favorite episode, but still enough redeeming qualities for me not to skip it on rewatches. I love: 1) Giles singing 2) “She who smelt it dealt it” 3) “big bursting poltergasm” 4) all of Anya and Spike Enjoyed the reaction as always!

Shaun Houghton

Said it once, I'm saying it again. The worst episode of this show.


I forgot Giles sings in it and almost skipped it when I realized which one it was. I decided "I'm not here to rewatch the episode, I'm here for Darcie's reaction to the episode" and reactions to bad episodes can be as good as or better than reactions to good episodes. :-)

Linda Sanchez

This isn’t one of my favorites but I knew I had to watch you see ghosts… and Giles sing. I also love the fact that when Willow was talking to Tara she doesn’t even notice that Dingos is playing compared to the last time she was at a party at Lowell house and she got really sad when the song started and Riley has them change the song in “The Initiative”


Omg, I have never noticed the Dingos in the background og W and T before! That's such a cute detail!


WAIT WHEN WAS THIS?! because omg i was thinking like this is WAY too random for my brain to just make up right?! so maybe i was thinking about that subconsciously!!


LOLOL not yall waiting for me to get to this one just loaded with all my fears hahaha! I love anya so much im so excited to see where we go with her <3


IM SORRY orange juice gives me heart burn LOLOLOL im such an apple juice gal but whenever i see it on tv im like yeah i could go for some orange juice... the power it has LOL


Hahaha it was when Buffy and Giles were preparing Thanksgiving dinner and one of the recipes called for them to use a ricer!


(Though maybe I should clarify that they weren't *actually* talking about making creme brulee; I substituted "having a ricer" for "making creme brulee" because your story reminded me of that scene.)

Calvin Allen

I love this episode