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uhhhh so this one was a bit of a journey... of... confusion 🥴


Buffy Season 4, Ep 17 - Superstar

Vidyard video



Especially the swimsuit calendar! Hilarious. Love Danny Strong.


"Trust the process" is actually a pretty great philosophy for the entire BtVSU.

Eric Paul Owens

Im so let down Jonathan did not completely take over the thumbnail lol


Just go with it


The same picture as usual but with Jonathan's face put over each character :D


Apparently they called in the actor who plays Jonathan to do all of the photo shoots but they didnt tell him what the episode was going to be about until afterwards! He must have been so confused

Richard Lucas

A top ten episode for me. I knew once I saw the opening credits “Oh, Jonathan’s been playing with the space time continuum!”

Thom Purdy

Another Jane Espenson masterpiece! One of my favorites of the season!!! Great reaction, Darcie!!


I don't know how to interpret this, but this is the second episode in a row (counting Angel episodes) to reference Keanu Reeves. In "The Ring", the horsehair Cordy gave Wesley to create the key to the fighters' cuffs came from "Keanu, my palomino back home before the IRS took him away" (quoth Cordy). And in this episode, we have repeated references to Jonathan starring in the Matrix instead of Keanu. I have no idea how to interpret this. I guess someone in the writers' room just had Keanu Reeves on the mind.


This is such a fun episode! Love how batshit crazy and confusing it is right out of the gate. Such a unique way to go about it! Although, my main gripe, is how they treat Riley's experience with Faith like he's at least partly to blame. I get super uncomfortable that they treat it more like he unknowingly cheated on Buffy. I know it's the early 2000's so I can kind of push it off but I just really hate how this is handled. But other than that: Shrimp. More Tara. Giles owning a Jonathan swimsuit calendar. Those aspects are definitely hard to dislike!


A world with just shrimp wouldn't be so bad, depending on how much garlic butter there is available! 🤣

Jesse Pollack

Honestly episodes like these are my favorites of the series. Don’t get me wrong, I love the dramatic ones too and they’re really well done, but it’s episodes like these that make the show grounded and human. It’s a lot harder for me to become invested in shows that take themselves super seriously and are just drama drama drama. Buffy is fully aware that it’s premise is goofy, and it doesn’t hesitate to have fun with it every once in a while.


Hi! New subscriber so I'm jumping around to different episodes. And it looks like no one commented the past hidden gem of this episode. It's not Jonathan signing but Brad Kane doing the singing..aka the singing voice of Aladdin :) And fun fact Brad Kane played Tucker Wells (the baddie from the Prom beast episode)