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Buffy Season 4, Ep 19 - New Moon Rising

Vidyard video



Oz?? YOU MEAN TILLOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW ❤️‍🔥🤩💖😍💘✨️🧡 (jk, Oz was a pretty great guy in this ep)


I love me some Willow/Tara but I'm also glad that we got more closure with Oz vs his very sudden departure in Wild At Heart. This feels more fleshed out, more emotional on all levels--exactly what Willoz deserve as a "send-off" Now I'm not gonna rant again about how important Willow/Tara are to me and my upbringing again BUT...to see Willow end up with Tara, that she wasn't just a replacement for Oz, felt...so nice to me as a gay person. It was typical at the time and the next decade or so to come that if a character in a YA drama had a same-sex relationship, it would only be very temporary and usually only came runner-up to that main character's "main ship" for lack of a better term. I gotta say--this episode broke a lot of ground not only in my life but in television in general.


I wouldn't put it past these writers to bring Oz back just to kill him off... they're mean like that. (Remember Kendra?) Thankfully, that did not happen this time. We finally see explicit confirmation of what's been implied all along: that the Initiative makes no distinctions. Any supernatural creature, good or evil, demon or otherwise, is fair game for experimentation to them. (Side note, but it's still not clear to me whether werewolves are considered "demons" or, for that matter, where lycanthropy comes from in the Buffyverse lore.) It's a good thing the Scoobies didn't turn Faith over to them like they briefly discussed as a possibility in "This Year's Girl." I'm also very proud of Riley for turning his back on them! I think his arc this season is an underappreciated aspect of it. I've been holding off on gushing about her too much because I didn't want to give away anything, but I now feel comfortable in declaring that Tara is simply the best and I love her with my entire heart. Sorry Oz, but I'm "Team Tara" all the way.

Bud Haven

There's something about wearing leather pants before noon that seems sus to me.

Michael Mammano-Cheydleur

This is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. Its rewatchability for me is so high. I wrote an article for Den of Geek several years ago on what I consider the top Buffy episodes, and "New Moon Rising" made it pretty far up the list. It's too spoilery for you to look at now, but I'll link you to it when you've finished the series, as well as a fun one where I outline all the character and thematic parallels between Buffy and Sailor Moon. :)

Shaun Houghton

I would consider that werewolves would be credited with having a soul. They are human the majority of the time. Accordingly, they would not be classed as a demon.


I've already forgotten what particular observation you made that made me think it *this* time, but every so often you say something that makes me think something along the lines of "if she's noticed/excited about/freaking out over *that*, I can't wait until she sees X!" Once in a blue moon it's something I know is coming up soon (like when you joked about watching without your ear buds 2 episodes before Hush), but more often I realize shortly after thinking it that "X" won't happen until season 5, 6 or 7. I'll never spoil anything, but sometimes it can be hard to bite my tongue. 😝

charlie ray

Xxxx this made my day sooo much better … I cried with you … it was Cathartic


I DO REMEMBER KENDRA and thats why i was like omg what if they kill oz LOL but this way was muuuuch better!! i also simply LOVE tara so much she just gave me such good vibes from the get to - im so excited to get to know her better!


LOLOL part of me wants to go back and watch my reactions again after i finish the series and just see if i was ever kinda right about stuff!!