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happy early tuesday corn pops!! too bad it's kind of a boring one, nothing really happens just same old stuff ya know... 


Angel Season 1, Ep 17 - Eternity

Vidyard video


Casual Nerd

It looks like this episode is missing, but it has been an ETERNITY since you posted it. 🙃

Alexis Cardarella

I'll be honest, the fake losing his soul due to false bliss just... doesn't make sense to me. That said, this episode is off the hook with faux evil Angel. Your "so many things that would turn me bad" spiel at the end. You're fucking hilarious. 🥲 Also: love me some Seth Cohen/Adam Brody


thats fair!! when you think about it it doeeees feel like a bit of a reach (LIKE I SAID so many things would turn me bad!) but gosh im a sucker for bad angel i was so happy to see him LOL