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tbh, i much prefer christmas 😌


Buffy Season 4, Ep 4 - Fear, Itself

Vidyard video



That Anya image is sending me! 😂


Such an interesting episode that delves into each of their fears. Buffy fears being abandoned (as she has by her father, Angel, Parker... and probably some resentment deep down about Joyce "kicking her out" and Giles poisoning her as well). Xander obviously fears being left out and forgotten, invisible to his friends who are the most important people in his world. Willow fears not being able to control her magic, helping her friends, and not being her own person, apart from Buffy's sidekick. Oz fears losing control of his wolf side and hurting Willow. And Anya fears bunnies. 🐰 I just love this episode.

The Oracle Witch

HALLOWEEN FOREVER! Samhain for life! Lol sorta. I also love yule/Christmas haha. Ok going to watch now byeeee


Happy Birthday! Enjoy your falafel :D


Happy Birthday!! Love the Anya addition on the image, but I also half-expected a sombrero on Giles. loll There's a lot I love about this ep, most of which I can't talk about just yet. But I will say that it's one of my all-time favorite endings for an episode.


I’m glad you like Anya. She’s one of my favorite characters :)


To answer your question at the beginning of the video yes Spike is a fan favorite. I hate him but I'm in the minority. (Drusilla is interesting, she's fun but Spike? I've always found him dull, boring and overrated)


Happy Birthday Darcie! xx


Right, so. 1. That was insane call on the chainsaw, D. :) 2. Umpteen viewings of this over the years and I swear this is first time I caught Oz’s “Mi Casio es su Casio” pun. 3. Phantasm is a horror flick from ‘79 which had a buncha sequels. Never got super into them myself, but I never got super into horror movies generally. Might be a fun reaction, depending on just how down you are for 70’s era horror. :) Oh, and hoppy birdie!


I like this one a lot! In a way it's sort of a rehash of 1x10, "Nightmares", in that both episodes explore the main characters' fears--but I don't mind the rehashing because they're all in a different place in their arcs now, so despite the echoing theme this episode has something new to say about each of them. I'm glad to see that Anya is growing on you. :D


INTERESTING!! i love that! my feelings on angel in S01 and S02 i always felt werent with the majority so its interesting to hear others and their opinions on popular characters! i DO however agree with you about Dru :D

Richard Lucas

Would you consider watching the awesome movie 1776 on the Fourth of July. It’s very funny and has a special gift for anyone who grew up watching Boy Meets World.

Aseneth Murphy

If you do decide to do old school horror around Halloween, I recommend Killer Clowns from Outer Space! It's really random and graphics are cheesy bc it's from 1988. So it's actually pretty funny. I'd love to see your reaction to it. 😉

Aseneth Murphy

Regarding Spike...he was totally a fan favorite at the time! There was a lot of debate among fans regarding Spike vs. Angel; which one was more interesting or more attractive.