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Buffy Season 4, Ep 3 - The Harsh Light of Day

Vidyard video


Darrell Palmer

One of my season 4 favorites and as much as I miss Dru, the pairing of Spike and Harmony is pure comedy genius. Seeing three of my favorite females walking off in separate directions at the end contemplating their life choices always breaks my heart and I just want the best for all of them.


YES!!! Canadian! you're the only reactor who's recognized Bif Naked.


Reel Reviews With Jen! did as well. It's always awesome when someone does. I won't lie, I so only know them because of Buffy but I still get happy when someone already knows who they are. 😆

The Oracle Witch

What a fun reaction! I know many of us were looking forward to your face when Spike showed up. He always has a way of dramatically reappearing lol and dramatically getting way in the past lol I think we have mostly all known a Parker -_- dbag. Moving on- Yes we are in aries season til the 21st i believe. Id love to analyze your natal chart for you. Message me on discord if interested. Just send ss of your chart. Also Anya, What a fun character. She definitely goes for what she wants and speaks her mind even if confused lol See you friday!🌟


I’m genuinely surprised you’re an Aries tbh, I’m usually good at guessing signs and I really thought you’d be an air or earth sign. Do you happen to know the rest of your chart? I’m kind of curious now. Also I love Bif Naked so much. I haven’t really like her newer stuff, I guess I just miss that grungy 90s vibe. I’m not so into the way music sounds nowadays.


Yes, yes, Spike's great and all, but Harmony's the real star of this episode IMO. The only character to ever become more likeable after being turned into an evil, bloodsucking fiend <3

Andrew Pulrang

Stopping in the middle to make this comment before I forget. I have always craved more stories involving Devon, the singer for Dingoes At My Baby. The few hints about him scattered throughout the series suggest he’d be a funny second-tier character … kind of like Harmony actually. The bit here about him having dated Harmony for awhile and finding her “too flaky,” and Oz’s comment, “Which, marvel at the concept” is a brilliant way of suggesting what Devon might be like. And there are a few more times when he’s mentioned to add a little depth to Oz’s background life. Someday it would be interesting to discuss our favorite second-tier characters … maybe do a top 5 or something like that.

Richard Lucas

Second, or maybe even third tier, which i would argue Devon is. I’d start with Larry, but also Olivia. Willow’s mom, Parker Abrams, the psyche prof this season. m

Andrew Pulrang

Yes, Devon is a 3rd tier. I just just sometimes wish he was 2nd tier. Totally with you on wanting more of Larry and Olivia.


I'm not going to say who the 3rd tier reoccurring character was I would've liked to see more of at this point in the series. It's definitely a case of "be careful what you wish for" because that character does show up again in the future... and I have very mixed feelings about the results. Come to think of it, there's *two* characters that fit this bill for me - both in wanting more of them and regretting it when we get more of them.


you can tell SMG didn't approve of the Parker storyline in her acting. it feels kinda disingenuous. i dont blame her tho

Claire Eyles

Haha damn, sorry I replied on the Patreon link. Oops. Let's try a correct response this time. The one thing I really didn't like in this episode is the outdoor daylight fight sequence. I know playing 'spot the stunt double' is a time honoured Buffy tradition, but putting the stunt doubles in broad daylight just takes all the fun out of it. :D


Now for an extra parallel go rewatch the Buffy Angelus bedroom scene in surprise, compared to the Parker convo. Ooh it stings. Poor Buffy!


If you watch the Season 3 Finale again, lookout for Harmony getting bit. It’s just after the student chaos starts. Just after the Major ascends.

David Meadows

I'm really glad I watched the reaction before reading this comment out of context :D


LOLOL the "moving on-" <-- exactly! and THANK YOU for doing a chart read for me! i have some notes to message you about im so excited :D


LOL kinda glad you're surpsied - i don't feel i align tooo much with my sun sign! The rest of my big three are virgo moon and piesces rising which i think i feel much closer to. The rest of the chart im just learning LOL but i know those big 3! listening to old bif naked has been sooo fun!


Hey Darcie, I could totally be your astro girlie! I'd love to read your chart sometime ;) off the bat Jupiter is in it's home sign of Pisces until may 10th. If your rising sign is Pisces it would make sense it would be hitting you harder than others. Afterwards it will be transiting your sun at some point as well which is also nice. I bet there is some taurus in your chart too (but maybe that's just your sun in 2nd)! And Yes, Absolutely Bif Naked! Allso...I know they're more relaxed and all, but did we make sure Spike and Harmony


eeeeek okay the jupiter thing was what i was hearing about so much! and i was like is this a good thing for meeee orrr? something with the planets was happening for me to be like super productive and felt like most things were going my way for a while! i think i also heard there is or was an eclipse coming and maybe things will change. just hoping not for the worse for me!! (also sorry i know this response is like weeks late LOL)