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Buffy Season 4, Ep 5 - Beer Bad

Vidyard video


Darryl Gillikin

At the time this aired, I lived in an area that didn't have a WB affiliate locally. And after "The Freshman"/"City of", WGN switched from airing WB programming on its cable feed to airing its own national programming. The solution was that our FOX affiliate carried WB Network programming on tape delay, between 1-3AM each night. After "Beer Bad" concluded at about 2AM, my then significant other (who was herself a BUFFY fan, and not just watching to humor me) turned to me, and I'll never forget her words... "We stayed up late to watch THIS shit???"

Steve Quast

Me: I hate this episode. It's evil. This episode: *hits Parker over the head* *hits parker over the head again* Me: Well, okay. You're Diet Evil. One calorie!


Probably the most random episode in the whole series. But I mean who hasnt drank a ton of beer then started a fire in a public building? We've all been there, right? Right?

Steve Quast

We all know that Buffy doesn't even need to drink beer to start fires.


I really didn’t like this episode at first viewing but the more and more I rewatch it the more I like it. It’s my favorite… no but I enjoy it.


That girl should come with a warning label!

Thom Purdy

Great reaction! I actually enjoy this episode. There are at least 4 eps which I consider worse... or at least less enjoyable.


Not the best epsiode...but some absolute bangers coming up next!! Can't wait to watch them with you!!


this episode is actually kinda comedy gold... everytime i watch it with a reactor i like it a lil' more... your reaction was great too, it probably helped 😀😀


Woo! Fellow bartenders unite ✊😂 I have always enjoyed this episode but I think it's because I was so young when I first watched it and it was funny and simple. Now rewatching it, I just find it filled with hilarious moments and one-liners. Kind of like 4x02, the episode with the roommate, it's SO goofy and almost ridiculous but I love it lol Also Willow ripping Parker apart and Buffy clocking him over the head is just 👌


Oz's band is called 'Dingoes Ate My Baby'- this is reference to a notorious case (immortalised by a film starring Meryl Streep) in the 80s where a mother was charged with the murder/disappearance of her baby while camping in the Australian outback. She maintained that it was Dingoes but her 'crazy' story wasn't believed. Years later it was agreed that it was indeed probably a Dingo.

Claire Eyles

Sorry I'm late to this reaction. Yay bartenders! I miss bartending so much, I loved that job. I used to work in some pretty rough places sometimes though, and most of the drink orders were pretty stock standard, so I didn't really get to do the whole cocktail thing when I was working bar. I did develop a new and exciting hobby of learning how to mix vintage cocktails and drinks during the pandemic though. I've got a heap of PDF versions of cocktail books dating from 1862 through to the 1950s, it's so much fun seeing what drinks tasted like from back in the prohibition period, or during the civil war, etc. Oldest one I've made so far has been a clarified brandy milk punch from 1711, total hassle to make but sooo tasty. :D I'm no longer physically capable of working on a bar, for a number of reasons, but if there was one job I wish I could still do it would be that. Loved bar work, absolutely in my element. :D


oh its always better late than never!! i actually enjoyed bartending too! it was different every night thats for sure! mmm vintage cocktails do sound good though!