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a DOUBLE spike week?!!

no complaints 😌


Angel Season 1, Ep 3 - In The Dark

Vidyard video


Shaun Houghton

So, now we know Angel keeps cereal handy. From episode 1 we know he doesn't keep milk in the fridge, only blood. This might say something about his eating habits.


So I've been signedd up for a while and I'm still making my way through the backlog. Look, "Where would they get a ring so fast I don't fucking know, sometimes things happen on TV that don't make sense" is the honest-to-goodness best rationale for why that scene plays out like that I want to say thank you for saying it lol In all fairness where would they get a fake ring in such short time when you've got Spike breathing down your neck (literally ). They made the best decision they did and fucking ran with it so props to them, honestly, and to save their friend. Anyhoo your reaction just made my night 😆Cheers.


LOL!! sometimes it’s fun to poke at plot holes and sometimes you just gotta shrug them off lol! enjoy the binge!!!