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hello my lovely corn pops! 

my computer has decided to hate me today and we have been fighting for over 4 hours now. I unfortunately was unable to record buffy today as usually scheduled. :( 

i am handing it off to my brother in law in hopes that new eyes may help, and maybe if we can get it working i could record in the morning and still edit everything up tomorrow but it is possible the video may be a bit late this week! i am le sorry!! 

that's the post for most... but if you're good with (windows) computers and could maybe give any suggestions i would be forever grateful! I will give a little breakdown of what the heck has been going on.

SO FOR SOME REASON (lol) when I opened everything up to record, the Buffy episode video was playing in slow mo - like .... 0.0005 speed. (the playback speed was fine, set to 1.0)

I checked the video file and it's fine (i can see it play regular speed in google drive and almost just recorded from there but it kept buffering) 

i tried to open it in another video player - same thing. 

google said internet could be an issue (which made no sense to me b/c i downloaded the episode but whatever i checked it out) youtube vids on my computer were buffering but everything works fine on other devices (my phone, ipad, nephews tv, etc etc) so issue is with just my computer. 

i checked to make sure a bunch of shit wasn't running in the background, even closed all my programs and tried to ONLY play the episode. still slow mo. 

of course did about 25 restarts, made sure computer is up to date, cleared cache and cookies ( i dunno why but i was doing everything at this point LOL) 

went down a google rabbit hole that my drivers need updated but i checked and they're all up to date. 

and so yeah... i am LOST especially since i haven't even used this computer since last time i watched/edited buffy! so  i guess it just hates me now? anyway we're still working on it but if you have even something silly i could try please comment or DM me!!! 





Oh no Darcie! Such a weird problem! Maybe GaveUp would have some ideas

Jordan Haddow

Could be a couple things. How much space is free on your hard drive? A lot of times, computers will cache things, especially large files to the hard drive, pretending it is memory. If you are running low on hard drive space, it will do this very inefficiently and the whole computer will slow down to a snail's pace. Also, check other video files. Obviously, it shouldn't have anything to do with your internet connection if you downloaded the file. But, if other video files play normally, it is possible the video file was corrupted during the download. Not enough to prevent it playing, but enough to mess up the video player. Some sites will have an md5 code for a download file. It's a code that a special program spits out when it does a verification check on the file. Google an md5 checksum program if the site you downloaded from provides them. If they match, then that means the downloaded file is exactly the same as the source file. If they aren't the same, then the file was altered during the download.


Yea I think the file could be wonky as well. See if you can get another version of it.


I'm tech clueless so I will just wish you well in resolving the issue. And we will wait as long as necessary, but hopefully it gets solved quick!


I have all fingers and toes crossed!!


thank you jordan!! i checked free space and had a bunch but still offloaded more stuff to my external just in case. i think it ended up being something with my driver! ALSO the md5 program thing is SUCH a good and useful tool for me to have in my pocket any time in the future - i didnt know about this so thank you for letting me know!!