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okay no rioting, spike has returned. :)

ps. if you hear any birds tweeting in the background... no you didn't lol


Buffy Season 2, Ep 6 - Halloween

Vidyard video



I really love your kitchen utensils as weapons. They also work well as dance accessories. Halloween was never a favorite of mine as an adult, but it's taken on an entire new meaning of scary because that was the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 10 years ago. All good though, caught early and I kicked its ass like Buffy does every week. This is a really good episode as it brings out character elements that are already within each but the opposite that they show all the time. Buffy goes from strong to weak, Xander does the opposite and Willow goes from invisible to sexy. One of the very small highlights in a terrific episode is Willow's disapproving look at Buffy when she lies to Giles about Ms. Calendar saying he was a babe. It's like she knows that's not going to fly. This was such an interesting shift in his background here. Unafraid Ripper was so enthralling, but my heart just adores bumbling Giles throwing the library cards when Willow comes in. Precious! I really like how Cordelia has been woven into the group. Not by her choice, but she's much more comfortable and has a stake (no pun intended) in their safety. She refers to Angel as "our friend". If you like SMG's hair here, go check out Cruel Intentions with her and young Reese Witherspoon. Too bad The Anointed One couldn't be more like one of these kids.

Jessica Roth

Lots of people enjoy lots of relationships, even those which may never actually happen. (This episode certainly fuels my Buffy/Willow desires, they're so cute together!) You're thinking that Cordelia might end up with Angel, Xander wants Cordy to date Buffy (according to his comment last episode)…but I just love seeing Cordelia with Oz. So incompatible they're perfect, lol. As for established stuff, I certainly have issues with Angel, but I do adore how totally confused he is when he runs into amnesiac Xander and Buffy. Lots of actors might want to "protect" their character (Angel is the romantic lead, after all), but David lets it go into "Thank God Angel's pretty" territory. Bravo for him. (OTOH, David's panting is a bit of an issue, with the whole "vampires don't breathe" thing. I hadn't noticed this one before, but you'll recall in "Prophecy Girl" he's telling Xander "I have no breath" [when Xander suggests CPR for Buffy] and he's practically wheezing. But I understand that DAVID needs to breathe, so I just wave it away.) And yes, Spike doing another runaway is problematic. (I probably did jump the gun by talking about it after "School Hard", but now you see where I was going.) It's one thing for Buffy to drive him off, but to kick his ass so thoroughly people wonder why she doesn't stake him… (To be fair, that's a metal pole, there isn't any readily-available wood, and there are a lot of scared little kids. But still.) Also, I wonder why Spike is just using the kiddie-demons instead of the real vampires. Did they all say "up yours, Spike; it's Halloween"? That's rough. Gotta get those minions in line.

Steven Winthrop

Not sure if you caught it but the pirate that Xander fights in the alley is the bully from earlier in the episode!


Lmaoo your face when Angel and Buffy start kissing. Same.


I just love your reaction to this episode! It's one of my early season favorites. Things are about to get interesting! 🤣


Kills me to see your shock face when you find out about Rup and how different he changed all of a sudden. It looks like you were a little betrayed.


“Where’s Cal?” Maybe she went on vacation. It’s a lot of hard work being that beautiful and perfect, you know. I’ve always loved Halloween so I have a soft spot for Halloween episodes. They’re usually more creative than othe holiday themed episodes in shows. It was interesting seeing Buffy powerless and Willow taking the lead since she’s normally more meek. And yes, more Oz & Willow moments. One day maybe Gracie will see one of her ships set sail for a romantic sunset. I probably laughed harder than I should have at your eyeshadow comment to Ethan 😂 I really enjoyed seeing Giles beat someone up. Speaking of which, I’m not sure if you made the connection but the pirate Xander beat up was Larry, so it was unintentional revenge I guess. Your suggestion for a trio costume was awesome, imagine if they dressed as Scooby Doo characters. Would’ve been interesting seeing them try to unmask all those monsters lol.

Brandon Ross

"I hope there's not a ghost!"well..... your not gonna like willow this episode then. :(

Svetlana Grabar

Yay I love this episode! I love how hilarious this episode is. Giles fumbling the cards around when Willow appears is fantastic no matter how many times I rewatch it. Also fun fact, this episode was directed by Bruce Seth Green. Who is not the same person as Seth Green. I thought that was funny :D


YES MELISSA! kick that cancers ass :D i was glad i didnt NEED my rioting weapons but good thing i had them just in case. i LOVED the opposites in this, was so fun to watch. and honestly didnt even mind ghost willow! even when she walked through the wall lol. yesss people have said she is brunette in cruel intentions too! might have to watch it eventually :D the anointed one could NEVER :P


I FEEL BETRAYED! lolol even though im sure hes fine but also im not sure if its fine like i dunno just gonna pace around for a while and think about all the scenarios... lol


i cant have cal going on vacation on halloween! although... maybe she also knew it was supposed to be a quiet night and TRUE she does deserve some good old fashion rest but i MISS HER. i know SO many red eyeshadow palettes that would create the same look, we dont have to be using blood here my guy. and OMG yup that wouldve been the perfect costume idea! missed opportunity... maybe next halloween...


the fumbling of the cards had me giggling so hard! i love dramatic movements haaha and ooh that is kinda neat! i wonder if on set they called each other seth green and bruce seth green in full lol


i usually dont even focus too much on relationships in shows but this show has me thinking everyone should date LOL. like i get vibes from angel and cordy but im actually shipping cordy and xander and angel with no one unless we find another good older vampire hahah. LOL yeah i giggled at his panting! mostly cause i think it was acting - i mean... if he really is that out of breath from a quick 10 ft jont on over to xander he may need to work on his own cardio! LOL i think it was acting and likely some mirroring of xander and his heavy breathing too for the mood. but then of course, forgetting hes a vampire and shouldnt be out of breath. i like little moments like that haha :) yeah im hoping spike doesnt keep running away unless it feels like he has no other choice. hes built up well in my mind so i dont want to diminish that! especially since im having fun with him as a villain so far!

Jessica Roth

Ethan does say "sanguinam" in the invocation, so apparently the blood is Janus (Roman god of doors and transitions; January is named after him) being a traditionalist. Somebody needs to bring those Roman gods up to date, lol.

Jessica Roth

Bruce Seth Green apparently loves those overhead traveling shots; the shot where we pan from Ethan overhead to reveal the other face of the Janus statue reminds me of the overhead shot revealing the symbol on the hyena floor in "The Pack", which Bruce also directed.

Jessica Roth

Apparently Patreon ate my final comment, so I'll reiterate: One of my favorite lines of the entire series is Cordelia telling Amnesia!Buffy "Angel is a good vampire. He would never hurt us." I just think about it from Cordelia's p.o.v. Remember, she thinks "Angel is a vampire" is just another one of Buffy's stupid lies, no more credible than "I have developed Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome and can no longer hold a pen." What's more, Buffy made up that lie because she was jealous of Cordy, and frankly it's insulting that Buffy thinks Cordelia would be so gullible as to believe it. And yet…when more weirdness happens and Buffy is now terrified because of her own "lie", what does Cordelia do? Smirk about "karma" and walk away? No, she plays into Buffy's fear and comforts her. Awww. Anybody who calls Cordelia "mean" can fight me. (I also love the guilty little wince Angel gives when Buffy outs him. He really liked having someone who didn't know, I'm thinking.)

Tommy Ross

*developed carpal tunnel syndrome and can tragically no longer hold a flashlight.

Tim Pierce

Knowing what know now about Larry, what would he have done if Buffy HAD agreed to go out with him?

Eileen Furtado

I just found out you were canadian from the prior episode to this one, I am too :) Nice to know

Jessica Roth

Surely anyone named "Furtado" is Canadian, right? Say "hi" to Cousin Nelly for me! (Just kidding. Unless I'm right.)