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sorry for the long intro... had some rupe stuff on my mind lol


Buffy Season 2, Ep 7 - Lie To Me

Vidyard video


Jessica Roth

Lastly, great job spotting Asian Dan in the classroom scene! I think this is his first appearance. (The extra seen over Xander's shoulder. The guy got a significant amount of work, which is how we ended up learning his name is Dan, even though he never speaks nor is spoken to. I sometimes amuse myself by wondering what Dan thinks of everything that happens.)


You don't know how to feel ? Get used to that feeling with this show .

Patrick Lyke

This is an overall amazing episode IMO. It really does make you stop and think, and the writing for this ep was stellar for me. For me it really does blur that line where evil is not pure black but a shade of grey (if that makes any sense). Your reactions really do make my day so already counting down to next week!! :)

Phoenix Dawn

This episode really turns the show around for me.


I love how in the intro you are talking about Rup's past and if whatever it is, would you be able to forgive him? Then we get the drop about Angel's dark past instead. I'm thinking that was a bit too far for you to forgive? I mentioned Passion of the Nerd's analysis in Discord but not to watch since it's full of spoilers. Here is a small excerpt from the video, edited to remove any spoilers: >>Lie to Me didn’t quite land with me when I first watched it. I felt like I had watched something with a certain amount of wisdom beneath it, but I was too distracted by surface details to appreciate it. I felt like the episode wanted me to identify or empathize with Ford enough so that I would ask myself the question “What would I do in his circumstances?”. The problem for me was that his decision was so manifestly evil that I couldn’t for a second put myself in his position. During my rewatch of the episode, one of Buffy’s lines made me realize my mistake: “Isn’t this exactly how you imagined it? You tell me how you’ve suffered and I feel sorry for you.” Ironically I think I had been stuck trying to watch the episode the way Ford had wanted me to. But the episode isn’t about Ford or me. It’s about Buffy. And unlike my untested faith in my own goodness, we have reason to believe the things Buffy says. She made an incredibly difficult choice in Prophecy Girl. She chose to go to her death to save others. What is significant here is choice… … Joss Whedon has said that the book La Nausea by existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre was the most important book he’s ever read… … One of the basic principles in existential philosophy is that the universe is completely indifferent to you. There is no true meaning or purpose to existence. There is no finish line, no ultimate goal. An existentialist sees this as both terrible and wonderful at the same time as it means we are free to create our own meaning through our choices. But not only that, we are required to choose because if we don’t there is no meaning. To some people, existentialism seems bleak, but there is something reassuring to know that the power to live a meaningful life rests inside each of us. Now let’s consider Buffy and Ford again, for sure the universe is indifferent to Ford. It has given him cancers that are liquifying his brain and Ford has said: “I don’t have a choice!” This is what an existentialist calls “acting in bad faith.” Individuals can never escape or have taken away their freedom to choose even in overwhelming circumstances. If you assume one choice you have takes undeniable precedent over another, then you have made yourself an object in the world at the mercy of its circumstances. To put it another way: “You have a choice. You don’t have a GOOD choice, but you HAVE a choice!” … … …Buffy ALWAYS chooses: friends, circumstances, destiny and her life is filled with meaning….<<


I saw an interview with James Marsters (Spike) where he talked about the hair bleaching. They had to rebleach his hair for every episode, and they did it so much, he constantly had a burnt scalp. Every time they would bleach it again, he said his scalp was red and on fire. OUCH!

Jessica Roth

Yoicks! So Darcie might not like it so much when Spike takes the odd episode off (because we can only afford so many recurring characters at once; this time we get Spike and Dru and Calendar, but Seth Green. Joyce and Snyder take a pass), but apparently James and his scalp were glad of the pause.


I'm sorry you're dealing with the wild fires, Darcie. I'm going to be a mom now. Have you changed out the air filters in your apartment? With the wild fires (and COVID) you should have MERV 13 air filters. They also have filters for your vents although I'm not sure how much those work. You should check it out. It'll help you breathe better.


yessss i LOVE how this episode didnt steer me in any type of direction... i still dont know how to feel days later. and thank you so much patrick!! :D


eeeeek thank you whisper!! Some of these points are the notes I have written down from my edit rewatch, im gonna maybe talk about everything beginning of next ep! INCLUUUUDING... my thoughts on angel vs rupes backgrounds lolol but poor angel man he's really losing points consistently haha


ahhhh i hate that he had to do that... i love the bleached hair for spike so much but darn i could imagine how painful it was! so now knowing this i would forgive spike-less episodes! LOL


this is literally so kind omg!! allll i have is windows, which is likely why this isn't great. I have to open them at night and let some of the cool air in to cool my apartment down, and then it just kind of fills with smoke. I don't have any vents (just old heaters) not even a fan in my bathroom or above my stove LOL. (its a very old apartment) soooo i just kind of have to breathe in whatever air floats in. LUCKILY it is supposed to rain tomorrow, so a) that will help with the fires and b) it usually clears the sky a bit too so maybe i will see some blue and get some fresh air. you're the best for this though thank you!


Okay I get you. I have the same thing at my house. We don't use our air conditioning if we can't help it so we have our windows open all the time in the summer. Here's something else that helps. I don't know if you have screens in your windows, but you can replace the window screens with filters or add filters to the window screens. Here's one option I found: https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/TPIfCmYNS6yvxp8tOeHg_?domain=email.mailgun.patreon.com, and here's another one: https://www.allergycontrol.com/filters/filters-for-windows. I'm not nagging lol. I just have to deal with wildfires where I live too, so I know how irritating they can be. Hopefully the rain will help, but if it doesn't, now you have options. :) Ain't global warming grand? (No. It's not. It really, really isn't.)


Something else that can help is to get a fan for your bedroom window and turn it so it blows OUT the window. It may help with the smoke.


Thanks for posting this @Whisper_dvm. That was one of the most impactful analyses that Passion of the Nerd has given IMO. It really made me see the whole series in a new light that I hadn't considered before. I rewatch that particular video of his often.

Darrell Palmer

Here in California last summer the sky was a deep orange from all the wildfires for several weeks. My house is over 100 years old with no central air, just a wall heater and windows. No filter option. You have my sympathy.


OMG, "don't go with Angel, he'll get you something beige", can I just say I C O N I C!

Jessica Roth

Can you get one of those portable desktop fans? I don't think the little ones are too expensive, like $25 or so. (I'm a little weird in that I LOVE rain. So last night we had thunderstorm warnings all across the top of the TV, and we even lost signal for 8 minutes…and not a drop fell. WUWT?)


I DO have screens so this could work!! I can't for the life of me open this link though LOL it keeps taking me back to this post... what are they called maybe I can just search on amazon?! Thank you so much for looking out for meeeee :D also ephinyus i saw this comment a couple days ago and turned my fan out it seems to be helping a bit thank you!! it unfortunately did not rain... so we're still battling this smoke pretty bad!


thank you!! i remember it was quite bad there last year, and even again this year? hopefully staying safe! we're just hoping for some rain here, the sky has been a constant grey and then at night the sunset is pretty red (which is pretty but also a little sad lol)


Whoops! Wasn't checking my emails over the weekend. Sorry! I Googled "filters for windows," but they seem to be called "filter screens" or "clean air window screens," or "window filters" or "allergy filter screen." They will decrease the airflow, so be forewarned, but they should keep the smoke out.

Jordan Haddow

Hey, you're from BC too. Nice. Great reaction. You can see here how the writing has really been given more focus now. I really love this episode as it is basically, what I think at least, the theme of the whole show. What makes someone a good guy for a bad guy? The choices they make, especially the hard choices. In the season one finale, Buffy was given a similar difficult choice. Walk the path she's been given, even if she's hated it and resisted all the time up until now, and go to her certain death. That or, try to run away from it and let countless innocent people die and allow the hellmouth open. Buffy made the difficult choice to go to her death to try and save the world. Ford, not only tried to become a vampire, he sold out all of his friends, including Buffy, as the price of immortality. No doubt, as the show goes along, we'll see this subject come up again and again. It really likes to focus in on what it means to be good and also what being a slayer means. In the beginning, being a slayer was simple. Vampire dies, human lives. Angel threw the first monkey wrench into those gears. Ford here just threw another. Does Buffy have the right to interfere, or even kill, a human causing harm? I know it may be the nerdy stuff of the show, but that's the parts I like the most.


CLOSE! im (unfortunately) from alberta but dont tell anyone lol. ;) thank you im glad you enjoyed! and i really like the nerdy stuff the most too, chatting with everyone in the comments about their perspective and the pieces they pulled from the episode is one of my favourite parts of doing this! :)


I never equate Buffy’s speech to ford the same you did. I don’t think Buffy had a problem with his wanting to live as much as she had a problem with the cost of life for him to live. If it was a I give them you and if they win I get to be a vampire. But the all these innocent people have to die for him to “live”


I haven't read all the comments so I'm sorry if this was said already, but all those people in that room are not the only ones that are going to die if Ford becomes a vampire. It's not just that he's going to escape his premature death (well, in fact becoming a vampire means that you ARE dead anyways) but he's going to spend the rest of eternity killing people for food, or really just for fun. Angel said that when you become a vampire you lose your soul and pretty much every vampire we've seen is not just a parasite, but a predator. They ENJOY maiming and scaring and killing people, so to me that's an even bigger issue of whether or not a room full of dummies should be bat poop 🤷‍♀️