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oh boy... frats and reptiles. 😳


more spots than usual of me disappearing off screen this episode, but don't worry you didn't miss anything just me wiping a ton of sweat off my face 😃


Buffy Season 2, Ep 5 - Reptile Boy

Vidyard video



I forgot about this episode. Not the best certainly, but I do love some Buffy/Cordy scenes. They just appeal to me because they're so opposite. I was hoping you didn't have high hopes, but oops lol. Willow's speech lecturing Giles and Angel is hilarious though. I'm having the same problem as you in that I want to skip ahead in my (completely unintended, and starting from season2) rewatch. I've already watched next week's episode and now I want to watch another. I'm going to try and refrain though. We'll see how long that lasts. Buffy/Angel is definitely either hard yes or hard no for most people. Never really see anything in the middle. You have people who love them hardcore and people who really dislike them hardcore. I lean to the first, but not entirely. So I guess I just disproved my own theory lol.


I was a lot like Darcie in the beginning, but also like her, I kinda figured that this was the way the show was going, so I (edit: to avoid potential spoilers?) just had to get over it.

Jessica Roth

"Cordelia's much better for you than Angel." Well, DUH. Unfortunately, this is 1997, so that's kind of a long shot. (That whole "lesbian chic" thing was 1996. Unlikely that Cordy would be so unfashionable.) As you now know, this is called "Reptile Boy", which is another case of "name the episode after the villain who doesn't show up until Act IV". Very annoying. I promise, they'll get better with the spoilery titles. IMO, there's only one truly egregious one the rest of the season. "Can't [Angel] ever just show up normally?" Lol, apparently not. I mean, would it kill him to go "Buffy, hi!" BEFORE hitting her with "there's blood on it"? I mean, I get that financial costs are part of why Spike (or Oz or Calendar) aren't in every episode…but I don't think that David's being paid by the *line* . We can afford manners, honestly. Speaking of finances, the songs at the party are originals from the new music team, Sean Murray and Shawn Clement. As mentioned, that's why Joss hired them. (I hear a different voice singing "Wolves" from the one singing "She Breaks", but I don't know which is Sean and which is Shawn.) Finances still come into it, though; the ending was rushed because they were actually shooting at the house we see (including interiors) and they only had it rented for a certain amount of time. David Greenwalt says on the commentary (don't listen, of course, because there's spoilers) that Machida was supposed to eat Tom and get away, but this is fine, I think. I don't need to see Penis-Monster again. (Although it is funny to imagine that all of Tom's incantations ["without you, we have no power. No place in the world"] are aimed at his…"snake", lol.) Speaking of David Greenwalt, this is his third script since he had Buffy mocking Giles about the quarterstaff in "Angel"…and she's fought an opponent with a ranged weapon in each one. The Ugly Man and his club-hand in "Nightmares", Spike and his beam in "School Hard" and Tom's sword here. So perhaps Buffy should have paid more attention, after all? Aside from money, the reason we're not seeing Spike every episode is that the network made Joss Whedon promise it wouldn't be ONLY vampires, as they thought that might get tedious. And also, the more you use actors, the more $ they demand. (Juliet Landau's dad, Martin, famously went on strike from "Mission: Impossible". Okay, I'm only mentioning this to mention that Martin Landau is IMO sexy af. Back to the actual subject.) Keep them on their recurring contracts (the Master was in only 6/12 episodes last season, remember) and keep them in their place, lol.

Jessica Roth

This probably isn't anybody's favorite on first viewing (the frat is just too creepy), but IMO it's a hidden treasure. I love how we get character development on practically everyone: • Willow asserts herself and chews out Giles and Angel for stressing out Buffy…and they listen and try to do better. (I can't fault Angel too much for being harsh when he's trying to warn Buffy off; clearly he's thought about this more than she has. [Granted, he literally has all day to think. But still.] I like that he's willing to take a chance rather that just decide arbitrarily for both of them. That's progress, IMO.) And, in response, Buffy learns to be less rash and impulsive. Good news all around. • Xander isn't so beaten down by his class issues that he sulks away; instead he comes up with a plan to rescue Buffy and Cordy, and even welcomes Angel's help. * And Cordelia learns not to just date guys for their money. I think David Greenwalt's treatment of Cordelia tends to be one-dimensional (I think Whedon writes her better), but even she makes progress, of a sort.

Jessica Roth

You're right about the costumes: that see-through lace top on Buffy with the black bra is perhaps a bit much. I guess this is Cynthia the Costumer again trying to stress the differences between Buffy and Willow (who's practically bundled up for first frost), but take it easy, lol. (Perhaps Cynthia thought nobody would look at Buffy's top once they saw her giraffe-pattern pants, lol? We're just fortunate Buffy wasn't going bra-less again, as in 2.02. Or UNfortunate, depending on your p.o.v., I guess.) Finally, the bit where Richard and Cordelia try to talk Buffy into drinking the alcohol because "it's just a smidge" is an in-joke: given that Sarah's initials are "SMG" and she's only 5'2" tall, she's affectionately referred to as "Smidge" herself. Now you know. Glad you survived the Attack of the Killer Penis, lol! See you next week!


Just curious, for two parters, would you upload them both on the same or will they be separated? This episode wasn’t really one of my favs. I don’t think many like it lol. Honestly I think a portion of my dislike of s2 episodes come from “why no spike & dru?”


~Fun fact: Sunnydale, CA had a population of slightly less than 40,000 in 2000 and yet had 12, count them 12 graveyards. 🪦 Compare this to the the actual town of Santa Barbara, CA that Sunnydale is based on which occupies the same space in our universe. SB had close to 100,000 residents in 2000 but only 4 graveyards. Their town slogan could have been "Sunnydale: the place people are dying to go......and going to die: 🙄 ~The robes the boys were wearing are called...." robes" . The attached hood is called a "hood". 😉 HOWEVER monks wear a robe called a "habit" and the separate hoodpiece is called a "cowl". I think this might be what you are thinking of. ~In California in the late 90's public school dress code was so NOT a thing. The outfits Buffy wears maybe a little more risque than I remember but if so then not by much. (trust me I lived there/then) It's probably worse now.

Jessica Roth

I'm not sure I would take lines about the amount of cemeteries (which is technically a spoiler; that line hasn't happened yet) or a similar joke about churches seriously; it's pretty plainly an attempt at meta-humor, IMO. In actuality, we've seen all of two cemeteries, so far: the actual cemetery they used in S1 and this year's premiere, and the "cemetery" they've been using since…which is just a bunch of props that set decorator David Koneff made (such as the "Mother" and "DAD" headstones) that they set up in the studio parking lot so they don't need to film on location. There's a reason you'll see that wall a lot, I'm just saying.

Svetlana Grabar

They were probably trying to show the dangers of charismatic older guys and accepting drinks from strangers. Imo it's not a bad idea to show these topics to young people but this felt kind of out of place. They usually try to go for more subtlety metaphors and this was too real/dark for me, at least in the context of a show like Buffy. There's good things too about this episode, like showing how Buffy just wants to be a normal girl. Still not my favorite :) I remember you asked before, and episodes 9 and 10 are 2-parters. Same with the last 2 episodes of the season. I definitely recommend watching the 2 parters together.


Also episodes13 and 14. They aren't titled as part 01 and part 02 but they are a 2 parter just the same. 🙂


Personally I would love it if you reacted to the 2 parters as one long episode. You could still edit them into two videos for the dreaded YouTube overlords. Don't let us pressure you though. Do what you prefer and we will appreciate it regardless. 😘

Svetlana Grabar

That's true, those should definitely be watched together, thanks for the reminder.

Svetlana Grabar

Imo post them at the same time but still split them into 2 videos like normal. I would love to hear a bit of analysis/predictions/etc after each of the episodes. But yeah, anything is good :P

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

Yes, THIS episode, sigh. Most of the (few IMO) good points have been mentioned but you also noticed one of my highlights (many don't) - Rupe punching that guy out. They so often make him look foolish when fighting Buffy but give him a blind drunk frat guy and he'll punch his lights out 🤣 I have to say that I'm with you on Buffy and Angel. I don't HATE it but I've never loved the age difference or the stalkery nature of him randomly showing up. I watched first when I was in my late 20's and I was SO over that as a romantic archetype (if I ever was in to it lol) And Xander is right in this episode (even if he's just doing his jealousy thing really). Also, I head canon that Rupe has had a number of broken dates with Cal (due to Slayer stuff) so he's in a foul mood because, jeez man, lighten up!!

Denni Caid

I generally try not to think too hard about the implications of the age difference between Angel and Buffy. I just eat up the chemistry between David Boreanaz and Sarah Michelle Gellar, who completely sell me on how Angel and Buffy feel about one another.


LOL only had high hopes cause usually we flop back and forth so i was like wooo maybe we will flop back to vamps but oh well! willow lecturing giles and angel was incredible i agree! yeah seems like theyre a hard no for me, at least right now :( i really thought i would be for it by now but just hasn't happened! oh well lol like indaeo said, i feel like i might just have to get behind it cause its gonna happen but im also stubborn so we will see :)


lots of chat about the 2 parters, i think im going to put up a poll in the COTC and see! i'm open to hearing preferences!! yeah like you can't dangle spike and dru in front of my face then make them disappear for weeks its unfair! LOL. another non fave episode but its fine, got to see rupe punch someone out so im good with that :)


yeah the topics in this one i think were good to talk about and discuss, the overall episode just didnt hit for me. but again thats fine, can't win them all...but i better get to see vamps next week orrrrr, you know, rioting lol. yes thank you for the reminder!! i appreciate that :)


i like all this feedback! i had never thought about how to edit/post the 2 parters so i appreciate it! i'm going to ask COTC in a poll i believe and see what most people prefer!


LMAO yup...this episode haha. rupe punching out a frat guy is high on my list of face rupe moments haha it helped this episode for sure! yeah i dunno if im going to be able to get behind this relationship lol even though i feel like its going to happen very soon. but im stubborn lol. its not even just the age difference (of course i hate it) but its also that hes kind of an asshole. :) LOL heres to hoping cal and rupe got some tacos before next episode cause i can't be having all these grumpy men in one episode!!


definitely can agree they have chemistry! for me its not even just the age stuff, i honestly find him pretty mean and agressive and i just can't get behind it. :( oh well still have some time to come around but i feel like its going to happen very soon!


i agree, i didnt like that we didnt know the creature or anything until the very end! and agree again - we need to teach angel some manners LOL. it's just basic decency! oh really cool tidbits about the finance and the rushed ending because of shooting - kind of makes sense actually! and yeah, im glad we wont see this weird thing again LOL. definitely can understand not seeing spike every episode but they JUST introduced him to me! and now they're making me wait weeks to see him again its just unfair ;)


its same as last episode, the overall didn't really hit for me - didn't like it BUT it had moments. same with this one!


OMG this is such a cute tidbit about the nickname smidge, i love that thank you for sharing jessica!! see ya next week!! :D


yes yes yes monks! that IS what i was trying to find in my brain and couldn't lol thank you andrew! its wild to me that the 90s didnt have a dress code! i remember we definitely did and i feel like it got worse as we got older. our bra straps weren't allowed to show at all and for a couple years the girls couldnt wear anything that showed shoulders. buffys outfit this episode definitely i wouldve been sent home LOL.


What is COTC? Do you have to be the full patron to be able to see that?


"Council Of Terrific Commentors" maybe? 🙄😜🤣

Jessica Roth (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 03:16:30 I forgot the most important thing! Yes, to answer your question, Xander IS braiding Willow's hair in the teaser. And he's doing it perfectly, while Buffy is screwing up and trying to cheat off of his work, lol! Queen Willow has her #1 minion so well-trained <3 Okay, so he still needs some vocabulary lessons ("askew means cockeyed"), but he's getting there.
2021-07-14 18:20:12 I forgot the most important thing! Yes, to answer your question, Xander IS braiding Willow's hair in the teaser. And he's doing it perfectly, while Buffy is screwing up and trying to cheat off of his work, lol! Queen Willow has her #1 minion so well-trained <3 Okay, so he still needs some vocabulary lessons ("askew means cockeyed"), but he's getting there.

I forgot the most important thing! Yes, to answer your question, Xander IS braiding Willow's hair in the teaser. And he's doing it perfectly, while Buffy is screwing up and trying to cheat off of his work, lol! Queen Willow has her #1 minion so well-trained <3 Okay, so he still needs some vocabulary lessons ("askew means cockeyed"), but he's getting there.


Ooch!.... somewhere in the dim recesses of my brain I knew that. 😑

David Meadows

Haha, I'm even in that tier and I still didn't get it. I was going, "Corn on the cob?" :/

Vicky N

The monster of the week was toxic masculinity and the penis monster was just the instrument. So in that sense, they showed the monster from the start of the episode. As someone else has already commented the “when you kiss me I wanna die” is only tolerable as a metaphor for orgasm. Knowing the writers on this show, it’s a clever way to bypass censorship. The whole conversation is about going next level, as in a more sexual relationship. That’s what Angel is warning Buffy about and her response is, yes I want that.


true, really good point vicky! also interesting point about bypassing censorship - that orgasm wouldnt be allowed but they said orgy like 4 times and i was laughing cause didn't this air on TV?! LOL