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honestly though... poor xander! 


Buffy Season 2, Ep 4 - Inca Mummy Girl

Vidyard video



Omg, Darcie's gonna see all my comment notifications and know I'm binging the crap out of this channel on my short little sabbatical between my BA and my Masters 😅 BUT I just hafta say, I have always LOVED your lip colors!! It's been impossible for me in like the last 5 years to find a shade of pink that works for me, but damn girl! Anyway 😋thanks for bringing the joy 💝

charlie ray

this episode wouldn't get into my top 20 , but the line between beast of the week episodes and arc episodes blends more and more... season two is the most ive ever enjoyed a tv show finding its feet.

David Meadows

I am here to issue you with a cease and desist order from the Campaign to Restore Giles' Thumbnail Dignity.

Jessica Roth

This episode is a silly little thing, of course. It makes no sense they'd just expect Ampata to know the pictograms (can Xander translate Anasazi cave paintings?), her clothes shouldn't fit her that well, and even basic technology (light switches, etc.) should overwhelm her. But it's got lots of cute dialogue, the director gets nice wide-eyed reaction shots from SMG throughout, and poor Xander getting a 2ND monster "romance" to go with Praying Mantis Lady, Also, on a personal note, this was my first episode ever. (Buffy was up against the heavily-hyped "Allie McBeal" on FOX, and this was the first time they were in reruns and I got to check out the competition [this was before DVRs].) So a fun hour with good friends; I can live with that. And Buffy (essentially) gives Xander the "thank you for saving my life" she'd taunted him about in the season premiere, so that's nice, IMO.

Denni Caid

The thing I dislike the most about this episode is the glaring plot holes... but I do enjoy the parallel made between Buffy and the Incan Princess, and the character development that always happens, even in weird or stupid plots. I love hearing your thoughts and predictions!!!


Regarding the band. This is the first fictional band on the show, since it's there for Oz (Seth Green ) to be in. The fictional band is called Dingoes Ate My Baby. But the actual band whose music they use is called Four Star Mary. The songs in this episode are "Shadows" and "Fate". It's entirely possible you've heard their music elsewhere, apparently their songs have also been in Party of Five, The Real World, Road Rules, and Charmed. If you do go looking them up, be careful! There are spoilers related to the show in comments sections and even on their Wikipedia page. Hope that helps!


A very MEH episode for me, but worth it for meeting Oz. Here's hoping he can someday find out who that girl is. :)


yeah wouldnt make mine either LOL but oh well it had its moments, i had some giggles so it wasn't a total loss. excited for next week tho HOPE we get back to some vamp stuff!


yes agreed! the episode overall wasn't really good but there were moments in it!! i kinda hope we see mummies again in the future cause i do love mummies but oh well. on to the next one LOL


ahhhh yes thank you thank you! i love how you all help me out and tell me which areas of the internet to stay away from so i don't find spoilers! like my own little google team here hahaha. so apparently i had not heard the songs, but they sound very similar to something i have heard! BUT party of five just gave me some massive flashbacks!


definitely an episode that had it moments!! agreed about the technology lol it wouldve been so wild to see! and yes, im hoping xander finally finds someone lovely that doesn't turn out to be a monster of some kind!

Jessica Roth

It's another way for Joss to get around the "we went broke paying for music rights" issue from S1. Christophe Beck (who did 2.01) can do instrumental themes, Murray and Clement (who did 2.03) can do original songs (although there weren't any in that episode) and by hiring Four Star Mary to be "Oz's band", they now have access to an entire catalog, rather than having to pay on a song-by-song basis. Every little bit helps, I guess.


Oz: * smiles at Willow * Darcie: When are Willow & Seth Green going to kiss? Really didn’t take long for you to jump on this ship 😂 I honestly think this is one of most tolerable Xander has been. I think he and the mummy made a fairly cute couple, too bad it didn’t work out. Could you imagine having a mummy on the team? Love to see Willow start to move on. Also you calling Cordy “cornerstore” was great 😂 I love your nicknames for her. Not sure if someone else mentioned it but I heard season 2 used some left over season 1 scripts, so there will be episodes that feel like they’re season 1 eps. This is one of my favorite seasons to watch reactions for 👀

Patrick Lyke

Another great reaction! And just to point out another fun continuity error, the mummy in the chest does some moving around. When Buffy first goes to open it the mummy is placed so the head is on the right side. When she goes to break the lock, the mummy moved so the head was now placed on the left side. Little things like that are fun to spot and point out. Well onward to the next one!! :)

Jessica Roth

I thought it was cool that Darcie noticed how Ampata had a lipstick in Act II but complains about not having one in Act III. They must have thought that was such a clever plot point (about the real Ampata being "guy-like"), but then they blew it with the props mix-up.

Erica Schaefer

I have a soft spot in my heart for this monster of the week episode. I think it's the comparison of Buffy and Impata as "Chosen Ones". They both are faced with terrible choices. Buffy, back in Prophecy Girl, chose to embrace her life and role, despite the danger. Poor Impata had her future stolen from her, but here chooses to prey on others for the chance at getting her life back. It's a bit heartbreaking, all in all. And, yes, poor Xander. LOL. Also, cute guitar player! Gotta love Seth Green, even pre-Can't Hardly Wait. LOL.

Erica Schaefer

Darcie, you nailed it with "does this just sound like every other early 2000's (late 1990's) song ever?" Because that's totally it. It's *that sound* we can all peg as really defining the era. Also, I've never noticed how long the band seems to play that same song. Hah!

Briony Addey

Just wanted to say I'm really enjoying your reactions, Darcie. ❤️

David Meadows

Interesting point about Buffy and her Mom not talking about the events of the last episode. The show is praised for how it follows up on consequneces of actions (e.g. Buffy having PTSD at the start of this season) but it complete drops the ball on this one. But we can assume the conversation did happen between episodes. It would have gone like this: Mom: See, honey, that's why you have to stop hanging with these gangs on PCP. Buffy: You're right, mom, no more gangs for me. Goodnight. Mom: Goodnight honey. That's literally it. We already know she's bad at parenting, that the residents of Sunnydale will hand-wave away what's literally in front of their eyes, and that Buffy will never tell that she's a slayer. The conversation teaches the viewer nothing, so when you've only got 42 minutes a week it's best just to forget it, let people assume it happened off-screen, and get on with your inca mummy story...


LOL yeah good point i really was all for it from the beginning! I'm very excited to see someone has their eye on miss willow <3 yeah i thought the mummy was cute too! poor guy keeps getting caught up in love with these monsters. a mummy on the team would be INCREDIBLE! hahaha oooh im not sure i had heard that about the leftover scripts, if this is one that would make sense!


yeah i liked the comparison of buffy and the mummy and the contrasts of their lives too! i dunno just the episode as a whole fell a little short for me but oh well. heres to hoping one day xander has someone who isnt a monster of some kind! LOL


thank you briony!! i love when some of the more silent supporters leave a comment - thanks for being here, glad you're having fun! :)


LOLOL okay yeah youre right lol but i just figured it was such a HUGE incident maybe they couldve bonded a bit more over it and like had a good chat?! oh well...lolol i should know by now we like to glaze over this stuff and just get back into new monsters haha

Jenn Rose

I'm SUPER late on this reaction but felt I had to comment cause I always do lol. Xander has such bad luck doesn't he! Not one of my favorites but it introduces some new characters which is always good! :D


ah well better late than never!! yes i think its time xander finds someone who doesn't eventually want to eat and/or kill him LOL