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hey corn poppies! 

come hang out for a little, have a night coffee, and chat some buffy related and some non buffy related stuff! 

disclmaimer::: i wanted to get this up much earlier, but had an issue with the audio and have been back and forth with the program. BUT, i fixed it as best as i could -  i think the echo is mostly gone - and i HOPE it's at least listenable. :) sorry about that!

thank you so much to everyone who asked questions, it was super fun to do this! 

see ya tuesday for the finale! 


First Q&A Video!

Vidyard video



Oh, I wish I had known! I'd have loved to ask some questions. Looking forward to watching though! ❤


q&a questions are in the children of the corn tier as a little bonus!! i'll be doing many more though - so no worries! especially as we get further into seasons!

Patrick Lyke

Thank you for doing that Q&A! It looked like you were having fun! I loved hearing you enjoyed watching iZombie which made me think/wonder if you had ever checked out Veronica Mars? If not and you enjoyed iZombie I think you'd really have fun with that series since the creator of VM also did iZombie! Looking forward to the next Q&A and counting down to next week!!! :)

Erica Schaefer

If you like sci fi and Justin Long, have you ever seen Galaxy Quest? It was his first movie way back in 1999. He isn't a main character, per se, but he does play an important role.


This was so fun!! I was also obsessed with Moulin Rouge for a long time. You can’t talk so passionately about your Etsy store and not drop a link....


thank YOU for asking questions and watchin! i did have a lot of fun, unlocked some memories too! and heyyy patrick you're a mind reader haha - i am doing (have already filmed but wont say anyything) a veronica mars pilot for my YT channel! was highly recommended so you know keep your eye out for that :P


hahaha after filming this i started singing THE song - you know the mashup one. and haven't stopped since. and awww hahaha you're so sweet! It's https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/darciemade and my insta is just @darciemade if anyone wants to follow along. summer collection drops soon!! :D AND im doing a giveaway hehe


Such cute stuff! I love the “what is happening?” Shirt. I feel like that just a constant state of being for me. Haha. I was going to suggest you adding the “who gave you permission to exist” since you liked that quote but your stores vibe is so positive it probably wouldn’t fit in. Haha


Omg! I love this and I highly recommend that you keep on doing these type of videos. If you are thinking of a witch type of show, I will point you in the direction of Charmed. Great show!


yess the what is happening and the internal screaming are some of my best sellers haha! fair! but the good thing about this is i can literally make a tshirt that says "don't trust accents, always trust jawlines" :)


thanks carly im glad you enjoyed!! and omg i had charmed on my radar for so long and forgot about it!! going to add it now, i've wanted to do a pilot says for youtube on that one too! thank you :D


I didn’t see the internal screaming one! Haha I like that one too.

Pink Plastique

You have the best energy! I could seriously watch you talk about anything and everything for hours! 💕

Steven Winthrop

Have you considered a tier where people can request a reaction for a pilot/movie. I definitely have some in mind I’d love to see you react to! I hope you decide to start reacting to Charmed as someone suggested. I think you’d really love it and your reactions would be great! 😂


Yes! I was also going to mention Veronica Mars. For me it has a lot of the same great qualities as Buffy, just without the supernatural. If you liked the pilot I hope you would consider reacting to it. There's witty dialogue, resourceful teen girl lead, a mystery to solve, and you can easily make of the early 2000s-ness of it all. Also, not many people seem to know about this one but Lost Girl (2010 Canadian one not the film) is another show I think is a good mix of comedy, drama, and supernatural worlds- with some more sexy bits- that I tend to think check similar Buffy boxes.


i had not only because i JUST learned literally last night on the discord that this is a thing!! I don't even know how it works! Is it just the pilot? do I put it on YT too? I definitely want to watch Charmed for sure!

Steven Winthrop

I’m a patron to a couple other reactors and usually for 10 or more dollars a month a patron can request a reaction to a pilot or movie. You just react to the pilot and it’s usually exclusive for patrons and not on YouTube but that’s up to you! Hope that helps and if it helps I’d definitely upgrade to the higher tier! ❤️


no i love that idea! since i do pilots anyway i could make one where only patrons get to pick and see it! okay okay super good to know thank you!!

Patrick Lyke

Oooohhhh!! Can't wait!!! Now I have something else to be excited for!! :)

David Meadows

What I really like here was that this wasn't just a presentation of slick pre-prepared answers, it felt like you were literally reading and thinking about the questions for the first time, making it all feel 100% honest.

David Meadows

Er.... not saying it wouldn't have been honest if you had prepared it in advance, I just like the way this felt :D


LOL nah i for sure woulda lied if i had prepared ;) kidding kidding hahaha i knew what ya meant!! thanks david! i think i would've felt weird preparing, this felt more to me like i was just hanging out - easier! but harder to edit cause a LOT of long.... "ummmmmm" moments that i had to cut out 😂 ps - thanks for the question too!!


LOL don't worry steven if i add or change anything, i'd definitely put a post up or send a DM to everyone to you'll know!! :D


That was so much fun! Love hearing more about your likes and dislikes of different forms of media. I'm so glad you've found your passion and love what you do. Still looking for that myself.


I hope when you say you are considering reacting to Charmed you are referring to the original series. Nothing against the reboot but the original is the best. Make sure to save your full reaction in case you decide to release it on Patreon at some point. I could easily see you reacting to the whole series at some point in the future.


You already know I would happily pay a little extra to get Pilot and movie from you. Putting condensed versions of these on YouTube would also help to grow both channels (cross pollination 😂) Some reactors offer access to Pilots and movies for $2 - $5 above the Buffyverse or "single series" tier but charge considerably more, anywhere from $15 - $30 as a third tier for the ability to pick a movie or pilot each month that are a part of that tier. (the number of people who can join this tier is limited for obvious reasons) Personally I think that $30 is high but that reactor is letting her patrons pick her shows for her (as opposed to just making suggestions) and it seems to work for her. I also suspect that people move in and out of this tier. (she does reserve the right to not agree with their choice but I'm sure she would let them pick an alternate). If you are only letting patrons make suggestions then obviously you wouldn't charge that much. If you just went with one tier, another reactor takes the suggestions he has received and puts up a poll to see what the majority of his tier would like to have him react to next. Wash, rinse repeat each month. This makes more sense to me and involves your community more and of course none of this would prevent you from just reacting to what you want to whenever. Just a few examples of different ways to do it I have seen.


sorry melissa just getting around to some of these comments!! glad you enjoyed watching. :) i hope you find your passion too! <3


ahhh okay this makes sense, i wasn't sure how it would work what if like 10 people signed up i wouldn't be able to do 10 that month. so limited makes sense. i kinda like the idea of a bit lower price and then have a poll and everyone decides... much to think about though definitely want to try this out i think it would be fun! ..........no horror tho LOL