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we made it!! and this was... a rollercoaster ride 😂


Buffy Season 1, Ep 12 - Prophecy Girl

Vidyard video


Jessica Roth

The Anointed DID originally have more to do, but his best scene was cut. I love it so much, I've practically memorized it… ANGEL'S APARTMENT. Angel's in bed, sleeping fitfully. Tossing and turning and sweaty. Suddenly, he wakes. REVERSE ANGLE. We see THE ANOINTED, sitting Indian-style on the foot of the bed. COLLIN: He said you lived among them, like one of them. I don't get it. ANGEL: Maybe when you're older. COLLIN (gets off the bed): He's coming. Stay out of his way. He doesn't like you any more. You know what he could do to you? ANGEL (a touch of fear): Yes. COLLIN (smiles): No, you don't. Plays back to Angel's "because I'm afraid" line from episode 2 (which I always feel David's too casual about) and explains why Angel's just sitting in his apartment while the others are looking for a solution, and needs Xander to force him into action. But apparently there wasn't time, or perhaps the acting wasn't up to par. David tries hard in the "I quit" scene, but he's clearly a step below Tony and Sarah, and Andrew Ferchland (Collin) is hardly a great actor. The scene still works on paper, though, I say. (Some also say the bloody handprint on the television in the AV club was rather small, and that means the Anointed was part of that massacre, too. But that's never been specified, as far as I know.)


This emotional rollercoaster of an episode....is at about a 2/10 on the emotional Buffy rollercoaster scale 😅Can't wait for season 2!! Buckle up! Thank you!

Pink Plastique

I swear, your reactions are SOOOOO satisfying! Brings me back to when I first watched the show in 1997! ❤️❤️❤️ I can’t wait for you to review the season premiere of season 2!!! It’s one of my all time favs!


But the real question is what is the name of your nail polish color? 😍..... seriously what is it, I'm getting a mani tomorrow 🤭

charlie ray

im so excited for you to watch this but also for you to dive into season 2!!! your going to love it!

charlie ray

saving watching this for when my lunch is prepared...... is that normal? haha

charlie ray

that was such a great reaction! buffys not a vampire because in order to create a vampire she needs to dri k the vampire who biot hers blood after he has drank hers. i personally feel like the bite did poweer her up a little thoguh just because of how powerful the master was ect! cant wait for season 2!

Teresa Schultz

I love the Season One cupcake! When you choked on your coffee, I lost it (and nearly choked on my coffee)! I love the Master. He’s so dramatic but also funny! “What do you think? 5.1?” The scene where Xander asks Buffy out has such good acting between the two of them. You really feel Xander’s nervousness and the uncomfortableness of the situation. I laughed out loud at “a grilled cheese sandwich.” And YAY! for Willow not wanting to be Xander’s second choice. Never feel bad about crying. SMG is such an amazing actress. When she cries, I cry. (And I’ve watched this series at least 20 times). Same with Willow. They are both so good! “Oh good, the feeble banter portion of the fight.” “I told you to eat before we left.” Some great lines in this episode. Buffy is all about subverting expectations. They definitely do that when they kill off the star in the first season. I so love your reactions and your sense of humor. I can’t wait to get to the next season with you!


thanks charlie!! it was such a fun episode! yes! i was really confused about it all, got caught up on when she says she felt strong and that she may be dead but at least shes pretty and im like WHAT is going on! but some people in the discord explained all that to me so im like PHEW! okay we good. hahaha can't wait for season 2!


LOL thanks teresa, it was yummy wish i could have shared with everyone! good news, got the coffee stain out of the white sweater so we're all good LOL. SMG is incredible, she's had a few stand out scenes before but this one was just omg. i cried even editing it lol. yeah this season really was a roller coaster i did not expect ...MOST of what happened LOL. super excited to dive into season 2 though its been hyped up!


you know i did wonder about the handprint! they really zoomed in on it and i just took it as dramatic effect, but that would make sense that it's small - could have been his. I do wish the episode had him doing more though for sure!


You made it! Cupcakes are a good way to watch season finales imo. Idk if anyone else has mentioned this, I’ve seen a few people talk about this on other reactions. Some theorize that when Buffy says she feels “stronger” is because she no longer has the fear of being killed hanging over her head.


we made it!! and 100% agree - cupcakes are the perfect finale food haha. and yes! a couple people have explained this to me, thankfully cause im so relieved LOL. i could not have delt with miss buff being a vamp too.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I so love this episode for all the reasons above. So I won't repeat. Best throw away line: Just after Cordy has driven through the school pursued by a million vampires Giles: What's happening?! Ms Calendar: GUESS!! 🤣 Your best line: Fuck him up Rupe !!!!!!

Christine Ester

SMG can make me ugly cry and hurt so bad.

Brandon Scott

This is, without a doubt, one of the very best opening season finales of all time. It was great to see you go through the rollercoaster for the first time. I’m slowly catching up! Can’t wait for Surprise and Innocence (not a spoiler, because you’re way past it at this point). And these may have been your first tears on the show but I couldn’t help but think, “I wonder how she fared watching Becoming!? Can’t wait to see.