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little loopy in this one lol - but thanks again for your understanding for the late episode this week! 

hopefully worth the wait!! :D


Buffy Season 1, Ep 11 - Out of Mind, Out of Sight

Vidyard video


Patrick Lyke

OMG LOL yes it does - it's been a long week so far :) TY!!


NO no worries haha i usually embed them but ran out of free embeds for the month so it will likely just take you to a new page! sorry for the confusion haha ENJOY!!


So glad you're feeling better! Any time that Cordelia can give us some laughs is good, so I'm not too hating but I guess it does suffer from lack of focus. I always thought the ending was creepy because it made me think the government is too into that kind of stuff. Ready for the finale and for you to get to one of my favorite seasons!

Patrick Lyke

Another great reaction! :) I also enjoyed the bit of bonding between Buffy and Cornpuff (love that nickname!!), and that bit of character development was so needed for her! And I am so excited to see your reaction to the finale! I have a feeling you're going to really enjoy yourself!! Hope you feel better soon!!! :)

Jenn Rose

I am so glad you're back and hope you're feeling better! Never worry about having to delay reactions because we want you to be happy and feeling good so you can enjoy things even more! I can't believe we only have ONE episode left of season 1, it feels like we just began! Ahhhh so excited for more <3

Erica Schaefer

Also, please don't ever lose your hilarious pettiness. Please continue your check-ins... "Xander this ep? No. Angel? Still no." etc. Hah.

Jessica Roth

The original title of this was "Invisible Girl" (which pretty much gives it away at the start) but then they changed it to "Out of Mind, Out of Sight" which is even more on point about Marcie, but has the benefit of being oblique. Buffy really should try a better lie on Cordelia than "history class". In case she's forgotten, Cordelia is IN both her history classes. (They meet in European History in the pilot, and we've seen them in American History the past two eps.) Yeah, it's a little strange that Buffy's Mom isn't worried about her daughter spending all that time with Giles, but even Harmony (called "little brain" here) notices it. The part where Mitch can't even remember what color Cordelia's eyes are kind of sets up the whole "alone in a crowd" bit. (Mitch would probably say "I'm not looking at her EYES". But that's why we hit him.) You're right, Xander probably should retire the cheap sex jokes (and the "Porn Star" and "Peep Show" tee shirts). Jesse's GONE, bro. Your two best friends are GIRLS. Act accordingly. (I mean, if you and Giles and Angel start watching sports together and hanging out, then you can bro it up with them. But Buffy and Willow are different.) Interesting thought about W/X wearing similar clothing. Costume designer Susanna Puisto was working with like zero budget (she couldn't make custom items, had to buy everything), so perhaps she started thinking of them as similar characters due to their roles and dressing them alike? SO UPSET you know about future Angel possibilities. Even more than someone not knowing he's a vampire, I cherish those who don't know which characters have "job security". Ugh, (I'm enjoying your venom; though. Angel and I have good moments and bad, let's just leave it there, for now…) Remember how I said that a clue to Angel was that he didn't care about non-vampire menaces, not showing up for witches or hyenas or whatever? Well, he's back and he's all "Invisible girl? I'll pass, I'm just here to talk about the Master," lol. I suppose it's good that he's consistent. Nice catch about Marcie's psychosis; they try to play it like she's redeemable since Mitch and Harmony survive and she doesn't knife Buffy when she has a chance…but really, the bag on Mrs. Miller's head is all the "Thundering Looney" clue you need.


thank you melissa!! feel much better :) and yeah it just felt like a weird episode overall but i definitely laughed a lot so i forgive it hahaha. can't WAIT for the finale!


RIGHT?! like how did we get here so fast!?! im so excited tho!! and thanks jenn - i was thinking all weekend i could have gotten up and forced myself to film but i dont think that would have been entertaining for you all or me LOL. appreciate everyones kindness for the delay!!


hahaha you know i never even thought that about the history class but you're so right!! yess i need Xander to just grow up a little and ditch the gross shirts but keep the cool sweatshirts cause i live for those. i was also so disappointed in him he wasn't more excited Giles asked him to help! Such a picky kid this Xander is haha. Not sure about the matching outfits but i was 100% certain they did it on purpose cause they were gonna kiss and obviously i was 100% wrong. great outfits for both though! haha LOL yes i knew angel was a show even before i watched buffy pilot just cause i used to watch bones! lucky i never looked into what it was about though LOL. But yeah hes still gonna have to put in the work to get me back on his side! and fair point about him being consistent! yeah like for sure she would have been a serial killer - taking out anger like that? bad news lol. thanks again as always for the thought out comment!! can't wait for finale!!!


Hope you’re feeling better! I actually always enjoyed this episode. But I have a strong Cordy bias, so that might be why. As for the Xander/Willow shipping, I know a lot of ppl are into it but it was never my cup of tea. Xander’s just normally so annoying and immature. Willow deserves a king, not a peasant. Anyway, really excited for the finale. 🌸

Pink Plastique

I’m with you. I like this episode but it does feel disjointed to me and a little stiff at times. The metaphor is a little too on the nose for me and I feel like a lot of the cast members in this episode are over-acting. Especially the ancillary characters.

Pink Plastique

Also, glad you’re feeling better! You still look beautiful!

Teresa Schultz

This was another great reaction. I was excited for your reaction to Cordelia having layers, and you didn’t disappoint. Can’t wait for the finale and I’m so glad you’re feeling better!


thanks sarah!! i'm excited to see more of cordy :D and TRUE on willow deserving a king. eeek finale is so so soon i can't wait!


yes disjointed is such a good way to put it! it just felt so incomplete. but i've been saying that i laughed a lot so i forgive it hahaha

Chas Summers

"She's an absolute queen..." No spoilers, but much more to come on that front.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

FINALLY, somebody laughs at what is probably my favourite Xander joke - the vampire bat line - or maybe it was the cough syrup ;) This isn't my favourite episode but when you asked why there was sad music it was Buffy you're supposed to feel sorry for because she is missing the time when SHE used to be the May Queen and popular etc i.e. before all the Slayer nonsense started. Your mistrust of Angel gives me life. I mean, you are totally right, he stalks around with his jaw line and his leather jacket donations making everybody think he's hunky and trustworthy and then he's just a big fat liar!!!! ALWAYS trust the accents, never trust the jaw line ;) I always felt Angel was low key trolling Giles. I mean, you don't HAVE to sneak up on the guy and stand right next to him to give him a fright when he turns round and THEN say 'I'm not here to eat' WHAT?!?! He hasn't fed on a human in years, why say that?!?! :D But I do love Rupe's heart eyes when Angel says he can get the book lol I THINK he lied to Buffy at the end about how they escaped to help Angel in his wish to stay away from Buffy, but I also think he wants to avoid telling her about the book. You've seen the finale now so you know she finds out eventually, but how tempting would it be for Buffy to just look up her future. I think it would probably have been better if they'd not known about any of that :/


LOLOL it's a good joke! you mean to tell me people usually don't laugh at that joke? sad sad sad. SORRY "HE STALKS AROUND WITH HIS JAW LINE AND HIS LEATHER JACKET DONATIONS" i am crying hahahaha. i mean right, he's so SUS! okay and SUCH a good point about the sneaking up like WHY does angel have to do this? i feel like he gets a kick out of lurking around and scaring people. dark side lol. true and really good point about the book, it would've been so tempting. i definitely would have looked it up asap lol.


I love all the predictions you keep making and can’t wait to see more of these reactions! Plus all the nicknames you give to Cordelia are absolutely the best!!!