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hey corn pops.... uhhhhh so this episode is ummm.. well can't wait to hear your thoughts LOL

have fun!! 


Buffy Season 1, Ep 7 - Angel

Vidyard video


Patrick Lyke

Watching this just made my day! That shock reaction alone was worth it!! And, you have to admit, he DID offer the disclaimer he IS older. Another amazing reaction!! :)


Yeah, if you do at some point post Buffy content on YouTube you will want to have moderators in place BEFORE HAND. Unlike (most) Patreon subscribers, YouTube Buffy fans, as wonderful as they are COMPLETELY SUCK when it comes to not not spoiling. If that ever happens and I have the time I would be happy to mod for you. 😁. WAKANDA FOREVER! (whoops, sorry wrong franchise)


yeah there's already a spoiler posted in the last couple weeks on her first Buffy reaction. They put "spoiler alert" at the end of their comment like that made it ok. ugh.


“Next episode is probably going to earth worm villains or something” Ok but that’s the best episode of the whole series, it even won an Emmy 😤 On a series note, I can’t believe you’re half way through s1 already. I can’t wait for your s1 finale reaction 🌸


"Fairly" big? I just checked it out and you are being WAY nicer than me. What an idiot.

Jessica Roth

Okay, finally finished it. (It froze at about 45 mins; I had to come back.) So now I can present…THE COMPLETE "OH, ANGEL CAN'T BE A VAMPIRE!!" MISDIRECTION LIST! Ta-da! Episode 1: Angel tells Buffy "Don't worry, I don't bite." Well, yeah…but it's not that you CAN'T bite, you're just CHOOSING not to do so. Kind of shading the truth, pal. Episode 1: Angel says "Let's just say…I'm a friend", then amends it with "I didn't say I was YOURS." Cryptic boy hinting that his nominal allegiance is elsewhere. Episode 1: Angel gives Buffy a big ol' cross, but vampires can't touch crucifixes! He MUST be human, right? …Except the cross was in a box, he never had to touch it. Episode 2: Angel meets Buffy in the crypt, and it's daytime. Vampires can't go out in the day, so obviously…nope, he was in the shadows, he just got there REALLY early. (He even complains to Buffy about her taking so long to get there.) Episode 2: Angel says of the vampires: "They really don't like me." Now, would the Master care so much about a random human? Probably not. A subtle hint that Angel's a TRAITOR, from the Order of Aurelius's p.o.v. Episode 2: On witnessing Buffy's triumph at the Bronze, Angel says "I'll be damned." Well, yes, you ARE a demon, so…I mean points for helping out, but you did spend 100 years killing kids and such. The afterlife isn't looking so great for you, I wouldn't think. Episode 4: On learning about Buffy's slaying Fork Guy, Angel says "I, uh, heard that there was one less vampire going around making a nuisance of himself." Oh, heh. Cute one, smart-ass. Episode 4: Buffy repeatedly teases Angel about only interacting with her briefly, not telling him about himself, or where he lives. Uh, yeah. That's because Buffy's supposed to be able to sense vampires, remember? Every second Angel's around her, he has to worry about tripping that alarm and then out comes the stake. Not exactly an incentive for long conversations. Episode 5: Cordelia on seeing Angel, "That boy's going to need some serious oxygen!" Um, actually, no. Not for a very long time, and not very likely to ever happen again. Episode 5: On realizing that there actually IS vampire-related trouble, Buffy snaps "Bite me!" and Angel glares at her. Yeah, that wasn't so much a "glad you're finally taking this seriously" glare, it was more of a "don't tempt me, sweetie" glare. Episode 6: Buffy complains to Willow about Angel "he's never around, and when he is, all he wants to do is talk about vampires". We've covered why Angel would rather lurk than hang out, and now Buffy knows why he's fixated on one particular subject. (Never showed up for witches or hyenas, that's not his concern.) This episode: hey, how did Angel get into Buffy's house, anyhow? Buffy yells "get in, get in!" as they're rushing in the door, it's just kind of buried (deliberately?) under the dramatic music. This episode: Angel confesses that a vampire killed his family. Well, uh, yeah… This episode: Hey, that necklace Angel's been wearing under his shirt, that's probably a crucifix, right? So he can't be a…no, wait, it's actually an Egyptian ankh. Never mind :) (General thoughts to follow later. But you were great to watch.)


was it the one where someone commented something like "why would you spoil that?!" cause if so I saw THAT comment first and was like okay nope can't check Buffy comments anymore without someone else doing it first! If its not that one, then it mustve come in after that so I haven't seen! Only thing I did see that is... maybe(?) a spoiler is someone said that ill be surprised i eventually like Corn flour BUT to be fair i assumed that anyways haha. So I'm still holding strong spoilerless more or less!!

Patrick Lyke

Keep up the great work!! BTW loved the coffee drop at THE REVEAL ;) LOL!!


LOL have you ever pictured a giant earth worm? cause i did after that comment and its stuck in my brain since its literally terrifying! and i knowww!! time is flying and everyone says season 2 is even better i just get more and more excited the closer i get to it. i just love doing this with you all its so fun <3


No it's not that one but you have commented on a few others that are newer. It was posted two weeks ago and was a major spoiler about one of the three main characters (not counting Giles). If this sounds familiar then tell me what you think it is and I will confirm. If not DO NOT check comments from the first episode until you get someone to remove it. Serious character arc spoilage. 😤


nope doesn't sound familiar! Did i comment on it?! After I had someone start checking them for me I usually just get sent ones that are pretty generic to respond to. If I did respond to it, I've totally forgot!


Oh, you already have someone modding for you. Fantastic. 😊. No you didn't respond to it. I think I found the spoiler you were thinking of though and it was on the same topic. If you have a moderator then there is literally no was they could have missed this so, whew!

charlie ray

Vampires can’t enter homes without an invite it repels them! It’s part of the mythology!

Svetlana Grabar

Wow, it’s cool that you compiled this! I’m glad that they dropped hints without making it obvious. Nowadays it’s easier to guess because of Twilight and Vampire Diaries doing the same thing (cough cough copycats) but still. The show gives you a sense that he’s important and possibly not human but I love how subtle all these things are.


yes! my niece goes in like once or twice a week on the 2 Buffy videos and just sends me some comments to respond to :) I only look at the comments on my other videos. doing my absolute besssst to make sure no spoilers!


I saw this come through last night and im saving it!! i am so thrown by this angel thing i HAVE to go back and rewatch to see what i can pick up on so i watched ep 1 & 2 last night and only picked up on a couple you had noted! so im going to not read the rest and come visit them after each episode i rewatch and see how good i did hehe

Phoenix Dawn

You were talking when they explained it literally a scene before the door closing. Angel says : a vampire cannot enter a place they aren’t invited and Buffy says: I heard that before but never had put into the test.


I lol'd when that happened. You were so confused and asked the question while it was being answered. Although, the vamp getting his hand in the door was a mistake.

Jessica Roth

Wait, my big critique post (the one that Andrew replied to) got broomed? That's odd; I didn't think I put anything spoilery in there. Huh. If nothing else, I'm bummed for Andrew. I really liked his response and now I can't "heart" it. Sorry, man. (And apologies if I actually did anything wrong. Can't imagine what, though.)

Jessica Roth

Yeah, broomed as in removed/deleted/swept away. I don't see it anywhere. I have the notification of Andrew's reply (with the reply included), but when I click on the link, it brings me here, and neither my post nor his reply is visible. Apologies if I'm just blind or confused or whatever. (I don't think so, though…)


nope not blind, i found it in my email but you're right i don't see it here at all! and i didn''t get the email to andrew's reply :( do you know if patreon for some reason removes comments? maybe ill reach out and see what they say and if not i will copy/paste it back under this video cause a) i think its a great comment! and b) i wanna respond to it!! sorry about this :(

Jessica Roth

How strange. Are WE on a Hellmouth? I've never heard of Patreon randomly removing comments, but who knows? Hope you find out. (I'd guess only I was notified about Andrew's reply because he replied to my post. If you end up putting my post back up, I can put up his in response.)


LOL we might be!! only thing i could find in their support center was sometimes they remove comments for spam and there was an email to reach out to. super odd that i wouldnt have access to do that myself, but we will see what they say. if they can't find it like i said ill copy/paste it back here and tag you in my response! im so glad you said something cause i would've never known!


I don't know why I didn't get the notification for this episode! I was like, has Darcie quit Buffy/Patreon? So I went back and found it and so glad I did! What an episode, huh? I absolutely loved your unspoiled reaction. It was just a joy to watch. "How much older is he?" Oh just you wait. And then it was revealed, fantastic. I will have more to say but I just love your comments. Buffy's mom was funny in the hospital where she was just "you teachers really do care at this school". She's clueless lol.


melissa!! i would never quit!! haha im glad you came and found it. :) this was... QUITE the episode lol i am actually still in shock, been going back and rewatching all the episodes to see how i missed this LOL


*Reposting comment by Jessica* You were right to say that Buffy shouldn't run to a house, especially as it's HER house. I mean, what's Buffy's longterm plan here? Is her mom never leaving the house again? Obviously, David Greenwalt (episode writer, #2 man behind Joss Whedon) wanted to introduce the "invitation" rule and have Buffy's mom endangered, and he knew that all of the vampires who learned Buffy's address would be dead by the end of the episode…but "Buffy read the script" is a lame excuse for poor decisions, lol. I guess she's lucky Darla didn't leave a Post-It with "Slayer lives at 1630 Revello" in the Master's lair. The invitation rule only applies to private residences; public places such as the school are open to all. Which is how come Darla could get into the school at the start of episode 1, and also while stalking Buffy this episode. I'm not hugely thrilled by Angel fibbing to Buffy about how he was "taking a walk" when he rescued her from the Three. I guess it's good that he's now willing to tell Buffy where he lives (after she reproached his evasiveness in ep. 4) but I'd like him to be more honest. I guess he's still reluctant to open up, emotionally, since her Destiny is supposed to be killing creatures like him, so… (Of course, Greenwalt just wants Angel to tell Buffy where he lives so she can go hunting for him later on, but that's silly; he could have been lying, after all. [He IS fibbing about the "walk" part.] A simple "I saw you at the Club, thought I'd talk to you" would have been fine, and Buffy could have been "He's at the Bronze a lot, might as well start there" later, IMO.) I like that you had a hunch the Three were doomed because the Master rather likes killing henchmen. Ironically, he doesn't seem to take it well when someone else kills, them, be it Luke in ep. 2 or Darla here. Hey. live by the sword, die by the sword, dude. Deal with it, lol. Good point about the Anointed One being forceful and cold-blooded. In episode 5. they misled us into thinking it was Andrew Borba ("Pork and Beans" nut) because the Anointed was described as "a powerful warrior", but there's other measures of "power" besides muscles. Personality and will count, too. You're absolutely right about Xander being kind of a jerk to move so quickly to "Well, I guess you've gotta slay Angel", but I'm glad you admitted he's kind of…right, too. After all, it's only been five episodes since HE got the "that's not Jessie, it's the thing that killed him" speech. Yes, there are a lot of "yeah, but…"s about Angel…but he's still a vampire. (Also, FIFTEEN times as old as Buffy, which would seem problematic, anyhow.) And I say pts to Xander for telling Buffy not to blame herself later on, in the hospital. Pretty good episode for Willow, even though she doesn't have much to do. I like you caught her calling out Giles for being verbose, and I really love that she can simultaneously adore Xander for drinking all the Gatorade™…but not forgetting the "ick factor" either. I love her duality, like when she rhapsodizes about Angel staying young…and then realizes that Buffy would still age and die, anyhow. Finally, I'm always annoyed that I have to just call Buffy's mom "Buffy's mom", when I not only know her name, but it's been in the scripts since Episode 1. They just keep forgetting to properly introduce her, so I can't spoil people. In this episode alone, Buffy only introduces her as "my Mom" to Angel and Giles, and she doesn't give her name when greeting Darla. (Which is a bit unfair, since Darla's giving HER name turns out to be a bit of a clue, later on. When the vampires have better manners than you, that's not good.) I mean, yes, yes, for BUFFY, the most important thing about her mother is the parental relationship. But that's not all there is to her life. She's her own woman with her own career, her own memories of being Yearbook photo editor at her high school, etc. Do better on the feminism, show! That said, Mom should really buy a barbecue fork. It's southern California, with all the sunny days…you don't grill? And she might also start wondering about the "helpful" librarian…Buffy may be 16 to Giles's 40+ (the actor is 42 at this point), but it's not as if a good Mom shouldn't be concerned. (I grant you that Angel is actually SIX times as old as Giles, but "Buffy's Mom" can be forgiven for not guessing THAT, I'd think.)


okay! woo so first - sorry this got removed :( but glad i had a copy of it in email! glad you agree she shouldn't have necessarily ran home! we are always taught, whenever being followed never go home! even if they can't get in, now they know where she lives. that's why i was so surprised her mom came in unharmed, she was outside! lucky i guess ;) angel... you know... i might need some time with this one cause im still not over the BIG lie he told like you know the one where he is a literal vampire lol. gonna take me some time i think but you're right - not a great start for him hahaha. you know - Xander and i have kind of been agreeing more and more as time goes on. maybe he will grow on me? we will see! but in that moment i was definitely with him like... he's not wrong! gotta give him credit when he deserves it haha. OKAY and also great point about buffys mom! i didn't know her name! i'll be honest i did have that brief moment of thinking she was going to die... and thought maybe that's why we haven't seen her too much or learned too much more about her but if she's sticking around i want to know more ya know?! AGREED about the grill though - necessity haha! thanks as always for these comments jessica!!

Jessica Roth

And here's the reply Andrew Early posted, which was deleted when Patreon (for whatever reason) deleted the above comment. Since Andrew replied to me, specifically, I still had the notification: "Angel definitely shouldn't be lying to Buffy (especially if he cares for her. I won't defend it but I think I can explain it. Angel just had no idea how to interact normally with people. Think about it. He was obviously pretty young when he was turned....then he spent over 100 years as a soulless vampire....then close to 100 years probably avoiding others as much as possible to avoid being tempted to feed off of them. Remember that when he lost his soul bagged blood was not really a thing yet. (The first blood bank wasn't started in the USA until 1937 and until the late 40's was still only found in major city's although they did spread quickly.) until then he would have HAD to feed on animals. In city's that would mean pets, and rats. (yuk) It's a long explanation to say that yeah, Angel really does need to do better but there is a reason he is pretty clueless about how to act around...well...anyone. And he avoids people by default. (kind of explains the broodiness too)" Really good analysis, Andrew! Since Angel has been (of necessity) oblique up until now, it's fascinating to consider things from his point of view. Thanks.


thanks Jessica! and i agree too with andrew - i understand it, but don't necessarily like it. however, we know im petty so that could change with time lol :)

Teresa Schultz

Sorry! I am just now catching up on your reactions. This one was priceless! Keep up the great reactions. BTW, I don’t know if you heard it, but I love Buffy’s line when she sees the crossbow: “Goodbye stakes, hello flying fatality!”


no worries at all, watch at your own pace!! LOL this one still haunts me in a non scary way lol. YES! see she was all about that bow too :D

The Oracle Witch

This is so far my fave of your reactions. I remember being 8 or 9 watching this and 😱😱😵😵. After season 3 we will talk more lol Everytime you mention willow n xander together i giggle HARD. You'll understand later. Lol i cant wait for season 2!


LOL this is definitely my highest viewed reaction so far too!! it makes me giggle how i did NOT see this coming in the slightest hahaha


Dance scenes are nothing compared to how awkward sex scenes are behind the scenes. I've worked on a film that had a sex scene and it was just so weird and quiet. The poor sound guy who has to listen to every kissing noise right in his ears.

Brandon Scott

Been watching you on YouTube since you discovered Buffy. Just jumped on your Patreon. I was waiting for this moment. Love that you were completely surprised by it. Be careful of spoilers. I’m seeing some borderline spoilery stuff in some of the comments on your videos. There are many twists and turns to come.


thanks brandon!! glad youre here :D nothing has been spoiled yet - everyone is REALLY good about it here and i have a mod on YT and will likely get one for here too! if you see something borderline spoilery and you want to message me i can ask my mod to take it down! thanks for looking out for me :) excited to continue the journey!!