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hi hi hiiiii time for ep 6!! :D



Buffy Season 1, Ep 6 - The Pack

Vidyard video



If you want a really fun hyena fact to Google. Look up hyena birth. You’re welcome (or I’m sorry.) 😆 Only just started your reaction but hilarious so far.

Caroleann Mc Callion

Fascinating, powerful, animals. Wonderful and utterly terrifying. Listened to a pack snuffling around our camp kitchen area when I was travelling.


Oh wow, I had to laugh hearing you say this might be Xander's redeeming episode. This one always creeped me out because he's just flat out rapey. He's always kind of a misogynistic asshole, but I flat out hated him here. And poor Principal Flutie. Loved your comment on the woman's "ghost outfit". Line of the episode: "I can't believe that you of all people are trying to Scully me." Nice X-Files reference.

Caroleann Mc Callion

You want a dragon? How about a dragon (my nation's flag) lion (England) and Scotland's unicorn? (Say what you like about the UK, we have some damn cool flags) When you said this might be the episode where you achieve full likeage of Xander, I rocked back laughing .... oh, really? Heyenas make some freaky noises, and they're very successful, vicious, predators. And they are fiercely matriarchal the order runs Females then cubs then males. Woe betide the male who tries to eat before the cubs are full! I can imagine African folklore describing them as calling people's names to lure them into the darkness. Have to admit, I've got a soft spot for them. It's very far away from any heyenas though.


Is there any way you can make the vids downloadable? :)

Jessica Roth

"I was joking about the pig!" "I was joking about cannibalism!" Yeah, not a show to joke with, as you can tell. Glad that the title misled you into thinking "werewolves", but no more titles for you! The next several episodes are all too spoilery. Better you go in clean. I don't think Xander's anywhere near a rapist (that's about the Pack seeking powerful females) but I do think his resentment of Angel is honest, even if he normally keeps it buried. Although he barely knows Angel, it's clear Angel's "type" triggers him the way the mean kids did, so he doesn't like Buffy being attracted to someone he disdains. But his instinctive protectiveness of Willow the very minute he's restored is truly appealing, I feel. I liked your nearly figuring out about the zookeeper in advance. One thing I like about this episode is that it plays fair…the clue about the symbol on the floor is there from the start. Great work from Nicholas Brendon here, I thought. He goes to such lengths to make Hyena!Xander different from regular Xander. Even the smile is different (it's wider and points at the corners). Remember what we said about overage "schoolkids"? Jeff Maynard (Lance) is not only showing early signs of male-pattern baldness, he has crows' feet around his eyes! And he's so old he doesn't even list an age. LMAO.


LOL i know after i recorded i giggled about it for a while i was like i was WAYYYY off with the path i was going to take with Xander that day lol. and right, like honestly... tragic ghost outfit. ALSO i've never seen xfiles i knowww that would be way too scary for me so that would've went right over my head!


HAHAHA right?! oh how wrong i was! i googled them after and they literally sounds like humans giggling? like... i thought that was fake lion king stuff and now im TERRIFIED.


LOL now every joke i make im gonna be like...okay but also this could just come true lol. NOO i know no more titles! i recorded that same day as ep 5 and apparently was in a reading mood that day haha but no more! promise :) Ah yes, really good point about Xander and Angel and yes once he was restored and went to Willow i was like okay nice nice but also... im not so forgiving Xander! LOL i'm doing not so bad figuring things out! but then i had that little moment where i was like "oh we can trust him..." then like 2 seconds later NOPE. the SMILE the EYE zoom ins it was all really well done actually! and yes totally remember about the overage LOL this was recorded before that convo so i just left it in but it still does make me laugh! like buffy, willow even Xander - passable. ANY other character they bring in? 35. lol


Honestly, I've never seen it either but it's got such a cult following I know stuff about it just from pop culture and then from my obsessed Gillian Anderson obsession. Great job with these by the way. Glad you're still staying unspoiled!

Jenn Rose

Your train of thought it hilarious, I was just at the intro and already rolling laughing when you were comparing insects and dragons and then obsessing over Xander's shirt. Your reactions and comments to pretty much everything is gold, I seriously can't get enough! When you thought this was Xander's redeeming episode oh boy LOL. I need moreeeee, you're literally the best omg XD

Patrick Lyke

LOL another fun reaction!! You know after all the times I've seen this ep I only now caught something at the beginning which, I don't know if it was masterful foreshadowing or what, but when Buffy and Willow are first talking with the guy at the hyena pen he says "A Maasai tribesman TOLD ME when...". The fact he says he spoke directly to a tribesman felt like a clue I never caught. Then again maybe I am reading too much into it :) Overall still a fun episode to watch...unless you're a pig...or Principal Flutie (RIP). Also RIP to your "redemption" for Xander for the 5 minutes or so that it lasted! Can't wait to see you for the next one!!!

Svetlana Grabar

This is probably one of my least favorite episodes (though definitely memorable lol) but your reaction was hilarious :D The show gets better and better and I can't wait for you to experience this! Only thing that makes me sad is that since you're watching 1 episode a week, it'll take so long haha. I keep thinking "Oh I can't wait until she gets to this episode, she's going to love it!" and then remember it's months away. It's something to look forward to though :)


Whhhhyyyyyyyyyy??? Why did you tell me this?! OMG, I could've lived my whole life not knowing about that and been perfectly happy! FML. I'm dead. 🤣


Haha you are welcome. I like to spread my trauma to others since I learned of it.


hahaha i really thought i was on to something in my mind i was like they're both kinda have scales? and then just nope, not at all. i still giggle about me thinking this was Xander's coming around lol last episode i apologized to giles and i thought this was the one i let Xander in ohhh boy i was wrong LOL


oooh i never thought of that when he said it, could very well be possible! lololol RIP to my redemption for Xander hahaa that made me giggle. i still can't believe we lost principal stress guy!


hahaha thank you svetlana!! i know i wanna just like binge watch it so bad haha. don't worry i think there will be a couple weeks where i post more than 1 episode just so you all dont have to stay here for like 6 years although i am quite enjoying the time with you all haha!

Jamie Morgan

I saw this went up yesterday, but I was very good and saved it for after work today (because I knew I'd need a pick-me-up...and boy howdy, yes, I needed one). Didn't take long for me to start howling - first you comparing bugs to dragons, and then freaking out about parrots talking...I love your reactions so much, I'm SO happy I found you early!

fullmetallovr21 .

Ok so imma predict it now, season 2 episode 1 is when you'll start liking Xander.


hahaha awe well first - hope work is better today!! but glad i could be the pick me up if even a little :) i feel like we actually dont talk enough about how parrots just SPEAK human SPEAK ya know? like the more you think about it, it's kinda terrifying!


I'm gonna saaaay... season... 5 episode 11...LOL no idea what that is but i just feel like it might be a LONNNG time


True. Of course the flip side is that we will have these reactions to look forward to for a long time. At least another 138 weeks and that's not even including if she loves us enough to react to the spin off. 🙄😁 That would put us at right around Christmas of 2023🎊

Claire Eyles

Why yes, yes I did just search Etsy for '90s vintage long sleeve tops' for you. Sorry, no luck finding a Xander top for you.