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have fun watching me be a scared little wuss for 53 minutes!! :D


Buffy Season 1, Ep 8 - I, Robot, You, Jane

Vidyard video


Caroleann Mc Callion

Yeeeeah, not the best episode. Weird how odd it sounds for people to be talking about the internet as a new thing when we're all so used to it. Poor Mr G, he must have been so worried that libraries would become obsolete.

Caroleann Mc Callion

Also, you would HATE HATE where I live. Farm with buildings from 400 to 200 years old, surrounded by trees, 900 year old ruined Abbey next door. It literally looks like a horror movie set at night .... and we had a cracking thunderstorm today. Now stop being a little dolly and woman up! Because the next couple of episodes are going to really make you want those earthworms baaaahahahahahahahaha 😆😆😆


I can’t remember what I said in my deleted comment ;n; So I’ll just say great reaction. Can’t wait for the next one. 🌸

Jessica Roth

Thank you. I hate to be the spoiler police (message me if you want to know), because I know sometimes people can be jerks; I hope I wasn't.


I didn’t think my comment had a spoiler, I’m usually very careful;;

Jessica Roth

The title of this one is "I Robot, You Jane". (A joint homage to Isaac Asimov and Edgar Rice Burroughs.) So you see why I was hoping you stayed away from titles…it's can't be much of a shock to see Moloch's robot body if you've been waiting for it for 3/4s of the ep "the title said Robot, where's the robot" and so on. I too was sort of dreading this one…but NOT because I dislike it. I knew we'd get "worst of the series" comments, and I don't think it's anywhere close. I mean, I get that people want stories about Buffy, and vampires, since the show IS called "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and not "You go, Willow!". And the episode does have a structural flaw…we learn everything about Moloch in the teaser (including how to defeat him) and then we have to wait for half the episode for Buffy & co. to catch up. But still. Way back when, when I filled up my primitive DVR with Buffy eps for easy rewatching, this stayed a LONG time. I even got rid of the "Angel" episode before this. Because I like Willow more than Angel (sorry, dude!) and I care more about the friendship between the three than I do about Buffy's love life or the Master's plans. (Hey, I'm a contrarian, I know. I even like rain. [Sorry!] I was never so glad to get out of California and get some rain back in my life.) So yes, it's a standalone and yes, it's a bit campy, but I'm good with that. Give me Xander showing his protective/jealous streak, Buffy playing detective, lots of great dialogue, and that classic "we're doomed!" ending, and I'm good. (And yes, Ms. Calendar shows potential…if she returns.)

Jessica Roth

Also, there were two specific reasons this one pretty much HAD to be made. 1. It's pretty much a thematic statement, reflecting the struggle Joss Whedon had to sell the network on the idea of the show. Remember, this is the 1990s…supernatural TV isn't really a thing. There were a couple of attempts at syndicated vampire shows, but they flopped. Meanwhile, "Star Trek" was such a money maker that UPN (United Paramount Network, the rival to the WB among the newbies) was explicitly built around having "Star Trek: Voyager" to get affiliates to sign aboard. So when Calendar asks Giles, "You think bad old science made the magic go away?" that's Joss's Statement of Purpose, his saying that yes, you CAN do traditional horror even in Our Modern Times. He'll talk about how great books are, but technology has a place, too. (Although the fact that the episode ends with Buffy "slaying" The Terminator is a win for Team Books, absolutely.) And I just think poor Moloch, so out of place 500 years on, is adorable. I mean, his putting RAMS' HORNS on his robot body just feels so right… 2. In the early days of chatrooms and email lists and such, the distribution of messages was handled by a computer function called a "mailer daemon". So an "internet demon" episode was almost inevitable. BTW, the internet community at the time LOVED the episode (I've seen contemporary archives). It was only years later, when technology had advanced, that the retro-snobbery kicked in. "OMG, look how bulky!" "OMG, they don't even have laptops!" "So dated, I just cringed!" Blah blah blah. Yeah, 1997 wasn't 2003…deal with it. (2003 is looking pretty archaic itself these days, you know.) And I like how, for a while, people were all "Willow shouldn't be talking to her screen! Totally unrealistic!" Now of course, we have Speech-to-Text and FaceTime, so what goes around comes around, I guess.


hahaha right?! it really felt like my childhood i can remember so many adults being so scared and having all these conversations about how bad the internet was! nostalgic episode for sure!


nooooo no i would LOVE that! I grew up in the middle of nowhere in an old farmhouse, and in university i lived in an old heritage building in the old part of the city - huge cathedral ceilings and hardwood everywhere - i LOVED it. it has nothing to do with the visuals of a place, its all feeling! i could literally be in disney world and be scared LOLOL and im ready! i mean im gonna be sad if i never get earthworms but im ready for whatever comes next!...........except ghosts....never ghosts

Jessica Roth

Final note: Dave is played by Chad Lindberg, who has indeed been in a ton of stuff, as you probably know by now. First time I ever noticed Dave rocking that earring, though. And of course, the name "Dave" for a character who faces a killer computer (essentially) is a riff on "2001: A Space Odyssey". Open the pod bay doors, please, HAL…open the pod bay doors!


Jessica pointed out a spoiler in my previous comment. I didn’t know which part was a spoiler so I just deleted the whole comment.


You are OFFICIALLYYYYYYYY my fave reactor now. Not even 5 minutes in and I'm laughing so hard!!

Caroleann Mc Callion

The reasons are really stacking up for you being welcome to stay at my place if you ever get a chance to visit Wales! No ghosts! Been here 20 years and never a sniff of a spook.


**Reposting comment from Andrew** Hey Darcie, So I almost started by saying that I've been "waiting for this reaction"....then I realized that I would have to start off most of my comments like that because so many Buffy episodes are that good. This episodes ranks on many people's top 10 worst Buffy episodes. In fairness I understand why. It's very dated. It's pretty cheezy. The robot demon is pretty silly by today's standards. The plot is....a little thin. I however like this episode more every time I see it. Yes it's dated and cheezy but that has its own kind of charm. 20 years on its actually an interesting shapshot of how we looked at computers back then. (they would have been using Windows '95 not '98 'cause this would have been the spring of '98 and even if it was available Sunnydale High definitely would not have sprung for the latest and greatest software) We also see the first time Xander gets to hit someone. (believe me you're not the only one, a lot of fans have a real love/hate relationship with the boy.) It's the first episode with a demon. (demons were mentioned before but this is the first one we have met) The interaction between Rupert (you called him "Rup" 🤣🤣) and Miss Calendar is the first time we get to see him really interact with another adult (or anyone really outside of their group) and there was definitely some flirting goi g on there. Most importantly for me this was the first Willow centric episode and I absolutely adore her character. She is such a nice person plus she has so much potential for growth. So maybe its not one the best Buffy episodes but I always enjoy seeing it again.


Oh okay! I thought Patreon was at it again deleting comments - appreciate the lookout! I never saw so if there was a spoiler no worries at all :D


true buuuuttt hear me out hear me out... without the internet i wouldn't be here with all of you SOOOOOOOOOO is it so bad?! :D


jessica!! you always bring so many interesting little facts about the episodes that are references i would have never gotten and they're so interesting - so first, thank you for that! i like learning all this stuff :) interesting you didn't get rid of the angel episode right away, i would cause i like to pretend it didnt happen. (lol im still in denial phase, it might be a while) ;) i really didn't mind this episode at all - but maybe because i just look for the charm in each? the we're doomed ending had me giggling pretty good, i liked it a lot haha.


ahhh see more! i love these - i didnt know about the "mailer daemon" thing that is super cool little fact. not sure why the retro snobbery would kick in for most - it really didnt for me. like its fun to poke fun at, but nothing serious. maybe because im not SO young that i dont remember these times? like i fully had all of these same conversations from adults in my real life so it just felt nostalgic and kinda fun to look at how far we've come!


i looked him up yup! he was the guy i was thinking of, just super super young. i used to have a crush on him and i would watch the rookie ALL THE TIME just cause of him lolol


Andrew! see, this episode and apparently the teachers pet episode many people said were bad but i dunno im having fun here? haha it is pretty dated but i dont mind it at all. have to take it for what it is! yes windows 95 was pointed out to me but 98 was my first ever OS so.... i just say nothing before that existed :P Xander having useful information was the highlight of this episode for me honestly hahaha i couldnt help but just stare like... sir did he say that? and learning ol Rupe's name... secondary highlight for sure. it just suits him so well! i love Willow tooooo, i think so so much about what will happen with her character, i think at the end of season 1 im gonna do a recap and some predictions could be fun, and most of mine are just around willow. i think about her a lot. i hope she does great things lol

Jenn Rose

I commented last night but it seems to be gone, I hate when Patreon does that! Anyway I'll try to remember what I said lol. Yeah lots of people either dislike this episode or think it is one of the worst but like you said in a recent comment I try to find the charm in every episode too. Like there is ALWAYS something to take from every episode even small moments (like the part where Xander falls over the fence, that never fails to make me laugh). Even aside from that I do find that even if this episode is "dated" it was still kinda before its time too with the catfishing type thing lol. ANYWAY as usual you make me laugh more times than I can count. I get so excited to see episodes I've seen dozens of times because you bring such a fresh take to it! Looking forward to the next as always! :D


noooooooooo jenn really?! i am getting so frustrated with patreon this is like the 4th time now! ....and like why?!!! im gonna have to contact them again lol im so sorry! but yeah i have found at least parts of every episode i have enjoyed so far! it's just been fun to sit back and enjoy for what it is ya know? its especially fun when you can poke fun at it all haha. ahhh you are always so kind thank you jenn!! im getting sad season 1 is coming to an end cause im loving it so much! but excited for the later seasons too :) sorry about your comment (again) stupid patreon lol

Jenn Rose

It's okay! It is a super common problem with patreon, I'm just happy my comment wasn't super long lol. It is sad to see season 1 coming to an end but believe me there is SOOO much more to be excited for and you still have such a long and amazing journey!!!

Caroleann Mc Callion

To be fair, everything created by humans has it's good and bad aspects. Except for dogs. Dogs are perfect.

Claire Eyles

Seriously, I remember this episode being ahead of its time when it first aired. I got on the internet in 1994, and back then there was this concept that we were all citizens of the information super highway ('Netizens') & that as such we should all try and follow a certain code of conduct called 'Netiquette'. This included being honest about who we really were online, or at least if we wanted to engage in fantasy type chats to make it really obvious that we were just roleplaying. Not everyone followed the idea of 'Netiquette' though, so there was also a lot of guides and talks about being very careful with meeting anyone offline, and how you should always meet them in a public place, and let your friends know where you were going. This wasn't the media telling us this, this was fellow 'Netizens' looking out for one another. At the time the media was far too busy sending Boomer parents into a panic by writing about how child porn could supposedly just appear out of nowhere as soon as you opened a browser. So for a show, in 1996/97 to actually go 'hey, you know what? Meeting people you've met online can actually be really dangerous, and you should be careful of that' was like 'Wow, finally, a media outlet that get's it!'.


NETIQUETTE! i literally love that!! its been really cool to hear perspectives from those who watched it as it aired or even shortly after cause the internet was so new! i think looking back now its more funny to poke fun at like windows 95 or whatever and the notepad chatroom (LOL) but its really cool to hear the thoughts from that time. i remember when i was young people thinking that yes CP could just pop up anywhere, we were all so unsure of what was happening lol.


Ahh. The days when chatting online or going on the web meant no one could call you. Good Times.

Christine Ester

This is almost the worst episode of Buffy, but it had a few nice moments. like the interaction between Giles and Miss Calendar and the ending scene with the Trio love it