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hey corn pops! episode 4 is on its way, it's exporting now and says it still has 3 hours....umm so dunno why that is but regardless it'll be up tonight or latest - first thing tomorrow morning. 

kinda excited for this one :) 

thanks for your patience! 



woop woop! Is it fair to say this ep is divisive? Or is it just that I love it and a lot of people hate it? Either way, looking forward to your take on it!


Cant wait to see your reaction to this one! It’s widely panned as one of the worst eps in the show. So if you hated it, rest assured you are not alone. This episode is really what comes to mind when people warn about season 1


hahaha i will come back to these comments ^^ after it's posted i don't want to give anything away re: my take on the ep :) but i'm excited to hear who liked it and who didn't and why!! PS if anyone is kinda well versed in premiere pro and has any info on how to make export times shorter i'd love some help! 7.5 hours total seems like.... really long. LOL

Steven Winthrop

This is certainly... an episode 😂 Can’t wait to see your reaction!

Jenn Rose

Try asking in discord! Maybe someone could help cause that sounds dumb long lol D:

Jenn Rose

I've been looking forward to the next reaction! So I'm sure the wait is worth it haha. No worries!


No worries! All I want to know is if you Googled spontaneous human combustion or not. xD


coming back to this! it seems that most have loved or hated it...and i think i just found it unhinged and hilarious so wherever that sits on the spectrum!


LOL i love that in my email i got the notification for this comment then like 10 minutes later your next comment that i did google it hahaha


Yeah your new reaction hadn't loaded when I made this comment. It was a pleasant surprise. LOL