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we made it corn pops, big old export time but we made it! 

can't wait to hear thoughts on this one. :)

ps - if there is still choppiness please let me know!! 


Buffy Season 1, Ep 4 - Teacher's Pet

Vidyard video



Great reaction! I got a big laugh about your 46 fears and how you couldn't have 47 or 48. Also loved the spreadsheet comments. Ah, Xander. So much confliction. Can't say anything else. I didn't think this was a horrible episode and I despise bugs, but the Xander fantasies are gross. I did like Principal Flutie's panic about the counseling and Cordelia's speech about weight loss over a dead body. But yeah, so much inappropriate cringing throughout. I can't tell you how excited I got when I saw you had a new reaction! :)


Loved the reaction. This isn't the greatest episode but your hilarious reaction makes it bearable. So people list this episode as the worst of the series. I don't completely agree cause it does have some redeeming qualities. It touchs on important topics such as male rape survivors, predarory teacher-student relationships with the inherent abuse of power and how male victims (paticularly those who are teens) don't understand what is happening until it's already happened or after because unfortunely it's been normalized by society. However, the bug stuff kinda overpowers and distracts from the messages. I whoich "Ms. French" was some orher type of creature or just a regular human that way the bug stuff doesn't distract from the topics. Overall, I would say good intentions but terrible execution. Bright side is that we do get to see how Buffy isn't just street smart but also academically intellegint but because of her life circumstancdes she isn't able to study and learn the information but, when given the chance and encouragement, she absorbs info like a spounge and is just as intelligent as Willow or Giles. She just has some roadblocks put in front of her.


I have to say that I hate this episode with the fire of a thousand suns, but this was so much fun on rewatch! I love the way your brain works. I hope you're enjoying yourself as well. Great reaction.

Jenn Rose

Loved the reaction as usual! Your commentary is hilarious, I love how your mind works and you're also so relatable! Yeah so this isn't the best episode obviously but still has good points and your reactions made it even better! Just a side-note since you've brought it up a few times. The Bronze is like an all ages club and since there isn't much to do in Sunnydale most of the students hang out there and its kinda like a central hub. I've never actually seen something like this in real life but it is a cool idea for the show! See you in the next one! :)

Teresa Schultz

(Teacher believes in Buffy): “Oh God, he’s gonna die!”... you’re a quick learner!! I absolutely love your reactions and your (one liner) commentary! You are my new favorite Buffy reactor. And yea, this episode is not a fan favorite, but in Buffy, even the bad episodes have some little nugget that makes them worth watching.


awe melissa you are so kind! 🥺🥺 thank you!! when he brought up counselling i was like YES! i mean don't get me wrong, i just like to poke fun but the fact that the show actually acknowledged these recurring traumatic events did make me feel better haha. PS its been confirmed in discord that bugs DO in fact growl so i guess 49 it is LOL


thank you! this is rated as the worst of the series?! oh man well i had fun so if this is as bad as it gets them we're golden here. :) and yes totally agree, i felt uncomfortable because i knew how inappropriate it all was but for some reason i didn't get the feeling they were meaning for it to be (?). i dunno if i'm explaining that right. and actually now that you say it i wonder if it's just because the comedic elements of it all were distracting from the more serious message and tone. a la - terrible execution. and i agree - i think this episode had enough redeeming qualities that it's not a throw away and even on a re-watch i would watch it! i had fun haha


LOL "i love how your brain works" thank goodness someone does cause sometimes i'm not even sure it is working. i am honestly having so much fun and actually especially in this episode haha so thank you!!


jenn jenn jenn, always coming in with the super nice comments 🥺🥺 thank you! ahh you know what, i didn't even remember it's called The Bronze lol but okay this makes sense! i've never heard of one in real life either... don't think they had them in canada LOL but fair enough! i love how they are there.... like all days of the week too. the energy it would take me to go home after school, get ready, go out, and then come home and sleep and do it all over again....too much for me lol


LOL i'm starting to understand more and more! new character introduced that is nice? dying. hahaha teresa thank you, you are too kind!! 🥺 i actually liked this episode i mean it was truly unhinged but, in the best way haha


Oh, it's working. Witty = Smart, so there you go! :)

Jenn Rose

Yeah I don't think they've really mentioned the name since the pilot so not surprising you didn't remember lol. I do think its a cool idea though, but yeah it would be too much for me too. I would rather just stay home, but for all those outgoing kids...good for them! Haha.

Caroleann Mc Callion

Just about to watch but wanted to get it out before I forget .... the actor who plays Xander turned 50 this week. He was 25 filming Season 1!


I know this episode is widely panned but when on rewatch i definitely enjoyed it, it attempts to tackle something important with the miss french grooming/predator stuff but as someone else said the bug stuff is so intense that the idea gets kinda lost. Personally though xander is one of my faves so i always have a soft spot for this ep

Caroleann Mc Callion

Ok first off, as someone who taught woodland ecology with a special interest in all things buggy .... bugs can not only growl but they can squeak, squeal, grunt and chitter! We just can't hear them, if we could hear all the other frequencies that life on this planet communicates in we'd be deafened! Secondly, I want to invent time travel and then rob a bank, fly you over the North Wales once a week and plonk you on our sofa to watch Buffy with us. We'd even move the dog. I promise you will come to appreciate, even love, Xander as time goes by. He has more courage than is sensible and great heart. It will take time though 😆😆😆

Jamie Morgan

Haven't watched yet, but just wanted to say I am SO grateful I can watch this right now. I've had to restart at a job I quit (and disliked) years ago, had my first shift today, there were A LOT of tears for various reasons...and now I get to chill and watch Buffy with you! Yay!


yeah it was a bit of a miss with the messaging, but honestly i thought it was a fun episode. i'm always down for anything that is SO out there it makes me laugh lol


ahhhhh NOooooOOoo growling bugs confirmed again well... this is terrifying lol. and okay im game, let's get this plan in motion! down to help however, would LOVE to help with the robbing of the bank...just cause lol but i'm in! the dog can sit on me lap!!


ah jamie, sometimes in life we have to make those decisions and while it sucks, i do hope it will get better for you! hang in there. :) and im just so glad i could be here for ya in any way - hope you get some laughs today after those tears!! <3

Patrick Lyke

You know for all the hate this ep gets it kind of grew on me over time. Yeah in the grand scheme of things this *DEFINITELY* doesn't age well and is more of a "monster of the week" shows but you get to have some more growth of the team working together (except Xander, 'cuz you know "teenager one track mind guy"). Thanks again for another enjoyable reaction!! :)

Caroleann Mc Callion

😂😂To be honest, the dog we had (Max the Staffy) would absolutely sprawl in your lap whether he was invited or not. (to cheer yourself up about nature, look up The Southern Grasshopper Mouse 😉)

Caroleann Mc Callion

Ohh that must be so disheartening! I totally empathise having been right there. I hope you find something better very soon.


hahaha you are SO welcome thanks for being here! and yeah i honestly had fun with this one it wasn't so bad! has it's own little charm to it and i had some good laughs lolol


well i would have loved time with max too haha! and okay i will i feel like that's a better google than "growling bugs" so i feel safe with that one lol

Jessica Roth

Xander does act a bit overly, but he is under Natalie's pheremone spell. I'm somewhat more concerned about his trying to run out of the basement after clobbering her…and leaving Blayne behind. I mean, it is only Blayne, but still. (I suppose you could argue he would have gotten help and returned?) Jackson Price (Blayne) was 27 going on 28 at time of filming. So…yeah. That's WB "teenagers" for you. (Worse to come, I'm just saying.)

Richard Lucas

Aw, I’m sure that there are also some bugs that purr, like little kitties.

Richard Lucas

Holy crap, all the times watching this episode, and I never put two and two together. The show just comes out and says that Buffy’s kind teacher at the start is a virgin. In a way, it’s kind of sweet that he was so dedicated to his profession and his students, but also really sad that he never found that special someone. (Although nowadays he would perhaps identify as asexual.)

Richard Lucas

I chose end of week in the poll because after a long hard week, it would be nice to come home to a new reaction Friday afternoon. (But in the poll, it looks like start of week will win :) )

Richard Lucas

I think the record might be held by Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter, who was in her 30s(!), but looked the part perfectly to me. By the way, caught her in an old Agatha Christie mystery (‘Murder is Easy’) on YouTube recently, and she sounds exactly the same! She wasn’t putting on a voice for Potter!


LOL oh man might say something about me too i was like "not gonna make it out, open stairs" totally FORGOT there was another dude there haha. and omg 27!! it always makes me laugh, One Tree Hill was the same way, just looked nothing like teenagers haha.


Xander being raped and eaten by a giant bug is hilarious and so wrong , what's not to like about this episode .