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is witch time :)


Buffy Season 1 Episode 3 - Witch

Vidyard video



You're officially my new fave reactor....reactionist....person who reacts to this show. PLEASSSEEEE KEEP IT UP. Season 1 is hit and miss but season 2 is when it gets SOOOO GOOD!


You're having so much fun with this, and I'm loving it! I'm not that fond of the first season, but it does play an important role in the overall series. Plus it's on the shorter side so you don't have to worry about it for too long. It is so hard to not say anything, but I hate spoilers so you will never hear any from me. They all seem so young here, especially Buffy and Willow. Wondering if you got the references with the hair "Farrah" and "Gidget".

Svetlana Grabar

I've been looking forward for you to watch more buffy! So excited :)

Jamie Morgan

This was so much fun! Really happy you're enjoying the show, looking forward to your future reactions ^_^


welcome the the buffyverse! Yes, you'll be seeing more witchcraft and other supernatural things :)


hahaha thanks melissa for no spoilers!! im honestly loving season 1 haha. and omg no i didnt get the reference oops... what is it?!


okay but why is no one saying they think i would make the cheerleading squad....


I’m on the same page as wanting to see the crew members on an episode of Buffy. You could watch the remaster after the original Buffy just for the lols. The remaster did ruin a lot of the original editing. Like turning a sunset into morning, after you finish Buffy you should check out Passion of the Nerds video on the Buffy remaster. I’m really excited to see your next reactions. While I know many ppl don’t like s1, I have a spot for it.


[Now I'm really aging myself.] Farrah is Farrah Fawcett, an actress from the 70's that was on a show called Charlie's Angels. Her hairstyle was extremely popular and was copied by lots of women all over. Gidget refers to a fictional character from the 60's, she was a surfer. There were novels, tv shows, and movie about her. Most famously played by Sally Field (Forrest Gump's mom).

Jenn Rose

This is one of my favorite episodes of the season! I love witches too so I'm definitely with you there. The twist in this one always gives me chills even after seeing it a ton of times, always great seeing someone experience it for the first time! I know it is early but you've officially joined the list of my favorite reactors, can't wait for more!!!


LOL right like i'm just so curious it would be like a fun little game of find the crew member or bad mess ups haha :) i know!! i keep seeing people say they don't love season 1 and im just over here having the time of my life with it so, glad someone else is with me!


🥺🥺🥺 thank you!! i really hope to see more witches in the future but could do without people spontaneously combusting tbh LOL


"Spontaneous combustion! In two places!" almost had me spitting out my drink! Great reaction. I love all your little asides. Poor Sunnydale high schoolers; they've become so inured to the constant trauma around them.

Jessica Roth

Yeah, if you're scared of dolls, "spontaneous combustion" may not be something you want to research, lol. I get a little triggered by people who "encourage" as if S1 is something to be endured. It's wonderful for what it is, and it's the foundation that lets the show "reach for more notes" later on. Ignore the nay-sayers, I hope.


LOLOL you know what, i am scared of everything and i will always no doubt...look scary things up like why am i like this?! and i totally haven't paid much attention to the comments about season 1, mostly because i have heard season 1 isn't great ever since i did my first pilot reaction...and...well im having SO much fun with it so if this is as bad as it gets them i'm pumped.

Claire Eyles

So called 'Spontaneous Human Combustion' can be explained by something called 'the wick effect'. In cases of SHC bodies are typically burnt to a degree where you would reasonably expect that the entire room should also be equally as destroyed, except very little of the surrounding area is touched by the fire. The reason being that in some cases a person's body fat will melt and soak into their clothing, creating a candle like effect where a body can burn at incredibly high heat points without the surrounding area being that effected. The moar you know! :D

Claire Eyles

I love the use of the mirror to reflect a spell back on someone in this episode. Mirror shields are a thing in witchcraft practices such as Wicca, visualising a reflective shield around yourself as a protective barrier (negativity is thus reflected away from you). Knowing exactly how a spell has been cast as well is one way to reverse any effects, so also points for the show for that. The only thing that would've made that scene even better, for me at least, is if they'd used the name of an actual deity, instead of the made up name 'Corseth'. Hi, by the way, I'm just binge watching your Buffy reactions to get up to date, also a practicing wiccan for a little over 30 years. :)


HI yes sorry just getting to this comment but we did chat in discord and i am SO intrigued! i love comments like this, thank you! i would (obviously) not really know how accurate this was so this is super cool to know! im so glad you're here :) (PS not sure if youre subbed to me on YT too but im watching Charmed for Pilot Says soon and sooo i may have some questions OR just wanna talk witch content lol)


WAIT i think you are! i think i just chatted with you under my hocus pocus video LOL right? so disregard the above hahaha