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Charmed Season 1 Ep 5 - Dream Sorcerer

Vidyard video


Magda - RedundantHuman

I love how much you’re enjoying the kitch of this show. Like with Buffy the first season is definitely an acquired taste “would you like some wine with your death” but they find their voice. By end of Season 1, I feel like it starts showing us who it is. 🙈🩵🤗


OMG I am loving watching this with you! I wish I could just binge it right now, but it's gonna be a great addition to / escape from my week for the next few years *SQUEE* I see so much of the sisters' personalities coming out, how Piper is so good natured and good hearted that she can't stand to have some guy under her spell, she wants her love to be pure and free. Very middle-child vibes, with the safety and security of having an older sister, but the mild-nature of being a co-parenting sibling to a younger sister. Phoebe is so comfortable just fooling around and having a good time because the youngest child gets to be a little reckless. They don't have a younger sibling to look after and take care of or set a good example for. They just see all the fun that the older sibs miss out on and they wanna "learn from their mistakes" by having all the reckless fun their older sibs couldn't have. And I love that Prue is just like, "Hey I'm not gonna stop you or judge you, but count me out." At this point, she's starting to trust her sisters (especially because they do this together) and we saw last episode Phoebe was sure that Prue would be chewing her out for getting a job as a psychic, but instead Prue was just like "Nah, you know how to be responsible and walk the line between recklessness and taking advantage of your situation." PS cause I forgot to mention it last episode, Darcie you asked if it was normal to have psychics in hotels and 1) the guy did say they'd be the only hotel to offer an in-house psychic reading but 2) yes, psychics are VERY popular in San Francisco generally. They're on the street for $5 a pop, and there's psychic shops EVERYWHERE. I was once walking down the street in SF on a weekend family vacation and a random woman grabbed my hand and told me that she could read in my palm that me and the girl next to me would be "best friends forever." The girl was my cousin and we hated each other 😅