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a ghost huh..... i see i see....



Charmed Season 1 Ep 4 - Dead Man Dating

Vidyard video


Harriet Loughnan

Watching these episodes along with you is such a wild experience. This was one of my favourite shows growing up but I probably haven't watched any of it in over a decade. I was kind of nervous to see how much I remembered and even if I still liked it. However there was a moment in this episode that I remembered so vividly it sent me straight back to my teen years - when Piper was in the parking lot talking with Andy and Mark says "oh that Andy". It is such a small thing but I remember that line delivery so well that I must have watched it dozens of times - specifically that line. I remember falling in love with Mark/John Cho because of that scene. Thank you for reacting to this show and reminding me of that love. Because I may have been 11 years old at the time but I had damn fine taste.


I love watching this with Darcie too cause I also saw it for the first time when I was like 9 and I watched it over and over growing up so there are some things that I never questioned that it's so interesting to see a fresh perspective on from someone who's seeing it for the first time as an adult 🥰