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Here's this month's Community Caption!  Pictures property of ABDreams

This was a nightmare... That had to be it. There was no way it could be real, that one of the most popular girls in school could be standing there, in her nursery, looking around with that perpetual smirk that always seemed to be stuck on her face, at least when she was dealing with Jillian.

Jillian had been so careful, up until now, although, if she was being honest, it hadn't been that hard. She kept to herself quite a bit, still being pretty shy despite her parents' insistence that college would help her to grow out of it... What did they know, though? They barely knew her... They were the reason she could afford this nursery at all, or to rent the rather nice house around it, but they'd rarely been around when she was growing up because of their jobs.

Jillian had been using her ample allowance to buy diapers and other AB/DL things for herself for a while, back in high school, although obviously a full nursery like this wasn't something she could hide, even from the most absentee parents. She'd hesitated briefly after moving to college, when her mother had told her to spend as much as she wanted to get her house decorated how she wanted it, but then she reminded herself there was almost no way either of her parents were going to come visit her, so she  might as well take her up on the offer.

Maybe that was the reason she was still so shy... She didn't have to worry about finding friends to give her something to do. She always had the nursery there to go play in whenever she wanted. She had no need for rowdy, noisy parties, or drinking, or any of that... She had her rocking horse, her bottles, and her diapers.

Of course, having a house, she had wound up having people over before, if a study group she was in needed somewhere to meet or something; until now, she'd just kept the door closed, and they were polite enough not to go snooping around. Maybe she'd gotten cocky... She'd considered installing a lock on the door, but it didn't seem necessary.

She wasn't close with Adison... She didn't think she'd ever spoken with her at all until the professor asked her if she could help the cheerleader out so she didn't flunk the class. She'd caught herself staring at the girl a few times in class, and was pretty sure Adison had caught her at least once and thought she was a creeper. She was gorgeous, though... Jillian couldn't help it.

Jillian had closed the door, as usual, but as soon as she let Adison in, she'd demanded a tour. "This house is awesome!" she'd exclaimed. "You have to show me all of it!"

"Umm... S-Sure." Jillian had blushed, trying to decide if Adison was being facetious or not. Did she really care? She mostly just nodded her way through the tour, up until they reached the door.

"What's that?" she'd asked.

"O-Oh," Jillian had swallowed, squirmed. "J-Just storage."

"Like you don't already have enough closets in this place," Adison had rolled her eyes. "What do you keep in here?" 

And, before Jillian could stop her, she'd opened the door, stepped inside, looking around. "This is not storage," she stated, as if that wasn't already obvious. "Do you have a kid? Is that why you're never around campus?"

"No!" Jillian squeaked. "N-No, it's..." Her mind raced, wishing she felt anywhere near as clever as her teachers had always claimed she was. "Th-The owners of the house! I'm just renting it, and they said it would be too hard for them to move all this out and back in after I graduate, so they asked if they could leave it here. A-And I had enough space already, so..."

"Their baby didn't need all this stuff now, wherever they moved to?" Adison pushed. "That's weird, isn't it? And wouldn't it have outgrown all this in four years?" Jillian stifled a nervous groan, watching the cheerleader continue to poke around at some of her prized possessions. "Actually, this stuff looks way too big for a baby..."

"I don't know!" Jillian blurted out. "I-It was here when I got here, okay?! Can we just go get to your tutoring?!"

"Fine, fine," Adison shrugged. "Jeez..."

It had taken her close to a year and a half, but Jillian had started to experiment with wearing diapers outside of her house. It had taken a few months for her to even brave stepping out of the nursery, terrified that someone would see her through her curtains somehow, so it was a big step to go any further.

She'd tried the movie theater, which was simple, since she could get in and out without actually speaking to anyone if she went at the right time and picked her ticket up at the kiosk. Shopping was a little harder, but if there weren't too many people, it was all right, the music usually enough to cover the sound of her crinkling.

School was a whole other thing. At first, she'd told herself she didn't want to mix them, that diapers were for at home... However, once she started going other places, her resolve began to slip, and she couldn't help wondering if she could pull it off, wear a diaper all day long with nobody the wiser.

She'd only tried it once so far, tucking an extra diaper into the laptop sleeve on her backpack, where it wouldn't be immediately visible if she just opened the bag for a book, resisting her urge to bring along a pair of panties, too, in case she chickened out. Whether she liked it or not, she was going to have to survive the whole day in diapers, with, at most, one change.

Of course, that had been the day the professor asked her to stay after class for a moment, had asked her to help out the girl she had a crush on. For once, Jillian hadn't been staring at the cheerleader, because she'd been too terrified that, with only the three of them in the classroom, one of the others would hear the crinkle of her diaper, or spot the bulge of it beneath her baggy sweatpants somehow.

She had no reason to think they had, and she'd even been working at building up the courage to try again... Until Adison had found her nursery. She hadn't mentioned it again after they'd left the room, Jillian closing the door behind them, so she assumed the girl had bought her story, but she didn't know for sure. It felt too risky now, like she'd be tempting fate, so, reluctantly, she gave up on it.

If anything, that made her cherish her playtime at home all the more. She had a normal bedroom, too, and had been sleeping there more often than not, but, afterwards, she made herself sleep in her crib more, and take naps in it as well. There was nothing quite like coming home from class, taping herself into a thick diaper or two, putting on a babyish outfit, slipping one of her oversized pacifiers into her mouth, and climbing into her crib, pretending a grown-up had done it all to her, sentencing her to an afternoon as a baby for failing her after-school panty check.

Unfortunately, she may have gotten too comfortable with that, too eager to do it... One day, she hurried home, forgetting to lock the front door behind her, decking herself out in two of her most babyish diapers, a bonnet, bib, booties, and mittens, got into her crib and dozed off, not hearing the tapping on her front door, or it opening, or the sound of footsteps through the house...

It wasn't a sound at all that woke her up; it was the light. She frowned, suckling on her paci in confusion as she reached up to rub her eyes with her soft mittens, wondering how it had turned on. Then she heard something... Not Adison calling out for her, as she had been while she'd been searching the house for her. Instead, she heard the cheerleader declare, "I knew it!" as the shy girl turned, eyes widening to see she was no longer alone.

"I-It's not what it looks like!" Jillian mumbled frantically, although, in her panic, she hadn't thought to spit her pacifier out.

"What's that?" Adison teased, sauntering closer. "I can't hear you through your binkie, little girl."

Jillian whimpered, feeling so small and helpless. Given what she was wearing, there was no hiding her diaper, no pretending this was a medical thing, either, considering the baby blocks adorning the infantile garment, very much not a regular incontinence brief by any stretch of the imagination, even if her surroundings wouldn't have given that away anyhow.

She reached up, sniffling, trying to pull out her pacifier, only for her thick mittens to slide over the ring uselessly. She could do it, of course, and had many times... Normally, the difficulty it added to such a normal task was a big part of the appeal. Now, it ensured there was no way her crush would ever look at her the same again, or consider her an equal in any way.

"What was that?" Adison asked, plucking the pacifier out herself, Jillian practically feeling herself shrink even more in the other girl's eyes. "It's not what it looks like, right? Is that what you were trying to say?" she inquired when Jillian stayed silent. "Why don't you tell me what it is, then?"

It was too much... Jillian squirmed in place, hearing her diapers crinkle, looking at her pacifier in Adison's hands, knowing how ridiculous she must look. She was supposed to be smart; surely she could think up a rational explanation for all this!

Instead, she burst into tears, destroying any illusions that there was an adult hiding behind her childish actions. Adison stood there uncomfortably for a moment, then slid the pacifier back into her mouth, which, despite the situation, did help.

What helped even more, however, was Adison lowering the side of the crib, sitting down next to her, pulling her into a hug. At first, Jillian blushed again, realizing she was nearly naked, in the arms of a girl she'd been crushing on since the first time she'd seen her, but it didn't take long for her to forget about that as she instinctively cuddled tighter into her embrace.

"I'm sorry," Adison told her, stroking her hair. "I didn't mean to scare you, sweetie... I wanted to come thank you because I got a B+ on that last quiz, which is the best score I ever got in that class, and your door was unlocked, and... I shouldn't have just barged in like this."

"Pl-Please don't tell everyone," Jillian sniffled. "I-I don't have a lot of friends, but if this got out, then I wouldn't have any, a-and..."

"Are you serious?" Adison frowned. "Why not? You look adorable!"

"D-Don't make fun of me," Jillian pouted. "I-I know this is stupid, and..."

"Jillian," the cheerleader reached down, lifting the other girl's chin upwards with one finger, making her look her in the eyes, "this is the cutest thing I've ever seen." Jillian squirmed and blushed, although, now, it wasn't purely from embarrassment. "Do you use these?"

Jillian let out a tiny gasp, almost feeling a jolt as Adison touched her diaper, the first person other than her to do it. She couldn't believe it was happening at all, much less that it was the cheerleader... She couldn't form words, even a simple, "Yes," or "No," she she shook her head, even though it was a lie.

"Are you sure?" Adison asked, Jillian blushing deeper as she felt the other girl's hand slip between the layers of her diaper, giving the inner one a prod. "Sweetie, you're soaked! How did you even go so much! Class didn't end that long ago?" Jillian shrugged at the teasing, though the answer was simple - if she thought she could hold it at the end of the school day, she did. "You don't know, huh?" Adison smirked. "You must be a really little baby, huh?"

"Nuh-uh!" Jillian protested. "I'm a big girl!"

"Oh, you are?" Adison raised an eyebrow. "Are you big enough to wear panties to school?"

"Uh-huh," Jillian nodded.

"Really?" Adison sounded a bit disappointed. "Should you?" Jillian blushed, shrugged again. It had been nice, the one time she'd tried it. If she had someone else to encourage her to do it, she likely would... "Well, we'll see about that," Adison smiled.


And they did. Adison started to come over after classes every day; finally, Jillian had somebody real to undress her, scold her if there was a wet spot on her panties, tape her into her diapers. Adison loved picking out outfits for her, dressing her up like a doll, and, to be honest, Jillian was pretty fond of letting someone else decide about all of that for her as well.

Jillian hoped that, maybe, someday, there would be something more, but she knew Adison probably just saw her as a novelty, would get bored of her soon enough and move on to something else. On the days when Adison declared she was going to have to wear diapers to school the next morning, she went along to keep her from doing that - and, of course, because she wanted to do it, too.

Then, one day, when she was playing with her rocking horse, Adison came in with her afternoon snack. "Time for a check!" she declared. "Tights down, cutie-pie!"

Jillian had never been big on tights, but Adison loved them on her, over her diaper, and even Jillian had to admit these ones, with the ruffles across the backside, were pretty adorable. Shyly, she slid them down, watching the cheerleader approach. "I'm dry," she mumbled from behind her paci.

"Sure you are," Adison chuckled, although, for once, it was true. "We'll see about that." She bent down, reaching out to check them, sliding one hand across the plastic... And giving Jillian a peck on the cheek.

It wasn't anything big by any means, but it was clearly different from the affectionate kiss on the top of the head Jillian usually got after a change, or before being tucked into her crib. She blushed, feeling her diaper warming under Adison's fingers.

"Not quite," Adison reported.

"Sorry, Mommy," Jillian squeaked. She was always careful not to call her that, not wanting to push her too far, too fast, but it just came out this time. She blushed again, even brighter, waiting to see if the other girl was bothered by it.

To her surprise, Adison was beaming. "It's all right, baby," she kissed her again. "Mommy wouldn't expect anything less from her sweet little girl."




An adorable story about being discovered and acceptance. Great work!

Zander Chesney

Yesss, hehehe. Amidst all the typical stories of humiliation and diapers by force, creating a story with a sweet side to it is so beautiful once in a while. <3