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A multi-picture commission from an anonymous Patron. Pictures property of ABDreams.

"I'm sorry," Josie shrugged, looking back at her computer screen, pretending to be checking something, even though she already knew everything she needed. She was still a relatively new teacher, and she hadn't been in this situation that often... Even if she had, however, she suspected the woman's gaze would have made her uncomfortable. There was just something about her, something strange, off in some way... "I just can't give your daughter a passing grade."

"I told you," Calista sounded annoyed to have to repeat herself, "I'll work with her, and we can work this out."

"It's too late," Josie told her. "I know this is tough, but she still has time to re-take this class before she graduates, and..." She jumped at the beep of the alarm she'd set on her phone, glad she had that to save her, get her out of this. "I am sorry," she told the woman, "I am. I don't like having to fail anyone. If they've earned it, though, there's not a lot I can do."

"You aren't even trying!" Calista snapped. "Perhaps you should take some responsibility for it yourself, young lady. If you'd taught her better, then maybe..."

"It isn't my fault she didn't do the work!" Josie did her best not to yell at anyone, especially at work, but this was getting ridiculous. "I did all I could with her, so maybe if you were a better mother, and made sure she was doing what she was supposed to, we wouldn't be here! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to detention!"

Josie gestured pointedly towards the door, doing everything other than pushing the woman out of it, stomping down the hall, glad she was on her way to oversee detention, rather than a class, so she wouldn't have to speak for a few minutes while she calmed herself down. In her anger, she didn't hear Calista say, "You certainly do," nor see the woman point a finger at her.

At first, Josie didn't notice anything. After a few steps, she started to hear a soft rustling following her, but assumed a janitor was working in one of the empty classrooms she was passing, shaking out a fresh bag for the trash cans inside. Then, she noticed her pants feeling tighter than usual. Had she put on the wrong pair this morning? How had she gotten through the whole day without realizing? It was a good thing she'd be going home once detention was over...

Except, it kept getting worse... It was like they were shrinking with every step, until they felt like they were going to burst their button... That discomfort, she told herself, was the reason she was walking oddly, too, why her gait had taken on almost a waddle. In her hurry, and confusion, she didn't register how different her panties felt, or the fact that the legs of her pants weren't any smaller, or tighter, only the crotch...

None of that occurred to her until she was in the classroom, seeing the one girl she had to keep an eye on that afternoon, and informed her, "I'm sure you know the drill by now, Erika. No talking," not that there was anyone there for the girl to talk to, "no phones, just sitting and thinking about whatever it is you did this time."

With that, Josie sat down at the desk at the front of the room, frowning at the loud crinkle she made as her bottom hit the chair, and how strange the chair itself felt. It was like there was extra padding that had been added to it, even though she hadn't seen any cushions, or anything to make her think it was any different than ever. She squirmed, confused, hearing the noise repeating as she moved. In here, with the door closed, there was no doubt it was coming from her... Or the chair.

She looked down at her feet, checking to ensure she hadn't gotten a bag stuck on them somewhere, then stood up, turning around and bending over, examining the wheels of the chair for the same thing. All she wanted to do was sit down, maybe inconspicuously unbutton her pants to give her some breathing room, and wait for this detention to be over... Why was she getting plagued by this sound she couldn't find the cause of?!

"Oh, my God," Erika giggled, clearly and blatantly breaking the rules. "Are you wearing a diaper?!"

"What?! Of course not!" Josie rolled her eyes as she straightened back up. "And why are you...?"

She stopped mid-sentence as she started to dust herself off, her fingers brushing against something poking up over the waistband of her pants, something that was definitely not the soft fabric of her panties. She gasped, looking down, seeing pink plastic, the kind that might make the sort of sound she'd been hearing, and that, like it or not, did look like it could have been part of a diaper.

More than that, however, she could see the bulge now, the clear outline of something big and bulky under her jeans, straining to escape. She had no doubt it had been even more obvious when she'd been bending over, or that the waistband had been showing from the back as well... She blushed, her heart beating faster and faster, trying to figure out when this had happened, how, why...

When she glanced up, knowing she had to say something, the whole room had transformed, morphed into something that looked like it belonged in a daycare more than any proper school, full of baby toys, and a playpen, and crib, all big enough for her... And, worst of all, when she glanced at the desk she'd been sitting at, it was now a changing table, fully stocked.

She scrambled away from it with a gasp, shaking her head vehemently as Erika began to walk towards her, grinning. "N-No!" the teacher squealed. "I-I'm not! I-I'm not wearing a diaper!"

But there were more changes happening even as she protested... Or, perhaps, because she had. She started to back away from the advancing student, looking down at herself, seeing something horrifying there. Her clothes were melting away, vanishing into nothing. Her shirt and pants were dissolving from the bottoms up, the shirt exposing even more of the pink diaper's waistband, then her belly button, and continuing to climb, her pants spiraling upwards, showing off more and more skin, inching closer to the rest of the diaper. In her panic over that, she barely registered her shoes having disappeared completely already, her plain socks morphing into something lacier, more suited for a little girl's Mary Janes - or a little girl too small to need shoes at all - than the more pratical, grown-up shoes she'd been wearing, and did every day.

She felt trapped, not wanting to let Erika get any closer to her, or see what her rapidly vanishing clothes were going to expose, but also not wanting to get any closer to the changing table, and those stacks and stacks of diapers waiting for her there. She whimpered, feeling her hair being gathered into bunched, held in place by bows, watching her shirt creep up past her breasts, her bra having seemingly gone the way of her shoes, then stop, at least in the center, forming the shape of a tiny, childish bib that did nothing to hide anything.

By the time that was done, the pants were, too, the final pieces scattering into tiny dots of light before her eyes, leaving the diaper below completely and utterly exposed. Josie took a panicked step away from Erika, who was almost to her, but her legs felt weak, powerless, and she tumbled down to her knees on the soft rug she was standing on, making her shorter than the student, too, even more helpless.

"Really?" Erika raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you're the one who isn't very smart. Reach your hands down there... Feel what you're wearing. Are you sure you aren't in a diaper, little Josie?"

The teacher opened her mouth, still trying desperately to come up with an explanation, only for the student to grab a pacifier from the changing table, pushing it in. "No need for words," she teased. "Just tell me... Are you wearing a diaper?"

Josie's hands trailed downwards, her cheeks blazing hotter as she felt her fingers sink into the padding, hearing that crinkle louder than ever with nothing covering it, or hiding it. It was so big and bulky, she could barely feel herself push on it, no matter how hard she tried, although now she could hardly believe she hadn't noticed the soft padding as she'd been walking... It was so clearly not her usual undies, or any kind of adult underwear... This was something for babies, people who couldn't control themselves...

And she was wearing it. There was no point denying it now... They both knew. She nodded bashfully.

"Good girl," Erika patted her on the head. "Maybe there's some hope for you yet. Now, can you tell me if you need a change?"

Josie's head shot up, looking at the girl in disbelief. Was she serious?! Josie was an adult, years older than her... There was no way she'd have actually used this stupid diaper! Then again, she shouldn't be wearing it in the first place... Or be standing here with nothing to hide it, in the middle of nursery... She shook her head vehemently.

"Hmm... Are you sure?" Erika asked teasingly, reaching down and tugging out the back of the diaper, giving the crotch some pokes, submitting the grown woman a thorough diaper check. "Such a clever girl!" she cooed. "I bet you'll be ready for potty training in no time!"

"I already am!" Josie blushed, mumbling behind her pacifier. The girl had already walked away, however, going over to a small refrigerator Josie hadn't noticed before, pulling out a bottle of milk that she put into the microwave. "No!" the teacher shook her head. "I-I'm not thirsty, I..."

"Hush, sweetie," Erika said gently. "I'm getting your snack ready as quick as I can, cutie."

"I don't want a snack!" Josie insisted.

"Josie," Erika's voice took on a more serious, warning tone. "No tantrums, young lady. I don't want to have to spank you..."

Josie gasped, both at how genuinely scared that idea made her, and, even worse, at the trickle of warmth she felt as it hit her, soaking into the bulky padding around her waist. It was small, but it was an accident, a real accident... The kind people who really did wear diapers had...

"Here we go!" Erika smiled, taking out the bottle and screwing the top on, walking over to the frantic Josie and sitting down, gently pulling her onto her lap. "Open up!" she chanted, taking out the pacifier and pushing the nipple towards the woman's mouth. Josie didn't like milk, never had, but as soon as the bottle was between her lips, she couldn't stop herself from sucking on it.

The milk tasted strange, slightly sweet, thicker than she remembered... It was almost a struggle to get it out of the nipple, requiring all her strength and concentration as she laid there, feeling utterly ridiculous as the student stroked her hair, telling her what a good girl she was. 

It was also quite filling... Her tummy was feeling full before too long, and, when she opened her eyes - which she barely recalled closing - she saw she'd barely made a dent in the bottle. She whimpered, burbling behind the liquid, but Erika didn't let up. Josie wriggled, squirming back and forth, changing positions as the milk kept slowly dribbling in, making her tummy feel more and more bloated.

There was no way she could hold anymore... She opened her eyes again, clutching at the nearby teddy bear she'd picked up at some point to comfort herself, whining wordlessly to see she still wasn't done. Her belly was really rumbling now, begging for relief... She didn't want to do anything in front of a student, especially not like this, but if she could release any of the tension, perhaps it would help her make room for the rest, and put an end to this so she could run to the bathroom. It was just a little fart, she told herself... Erika probably wouldn't even hear it through the bulky padding. She wiggled on her back, letting the diaper crinkle as she gave the tiniest push...

But it wasn't just a fart... Not by a long shot. She gasped, bubbles forming in the remaining milk in the bottle, as her hands clenched tight around her teddy bear. This couldn't be happening... She wrinkled her nose, grunting as she fought to control her muscles, to stop what was happening, to halt the slow flow of warm, stinky mush oozing its way into her diaper... Unfortunately, it was already too late. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop pooping her pants, filling her diaper right in front of the student she was supposed to be watching for detention.

"Uh-oh!" Erika giggled, reaching down, giving Josie's expanding diaper a pat. "Is someone making a stinky? I think you are! Don't shake your head, silly... Or can you really not tell?" She patted the diaper again, harder. "That's what it feels like when you go poopie in your diapies... If you really don't know that, I guess I spoke too soon about you being ready for potty training, huh?" She chuckled, standing up, helping the stunned, still-messing Josie to her feet, too, leading her over to the crib and helping her in, locking the side and handing her the bottle. "Finish this up... I need to go get your Daddy."

Daddy? What was she talking about?! Josie couldn't help but follow orders, holding the bottle with both hands and continuing to guzzle it down as she looked around the crib, trying to figure out how to get out, how to escape from this place, sneak back to her office without being seen in essentially just a big, pink, dirty diaper, trying to remember if she had any spare clothes there to cover herself when she made the mad dash out to her car, not wanting to let anyone else see her this way.

Especially not her principal, who there was no way she could explain this to. She was fairly new, and the youngest teacher at the school... She always felt like she had to prove herself, show everyone - especially him - she belonged here, deserved her spot... If he saw her like this, there was no way he'd take her seriously ever again...

So, of course, he was exactly who walked in the door with Erika. "You're definitely right," he said as soon as he stepped in, as a horrified Josie tried to hide herself behind the crib bars. "Someone had an accident," he waved his hand in front of his nose. "Great job, Erika... You're a wonderful sitter. I'll take it from here." He reached into his pocket, handing the girl some money, Erika waving at Josie before hurrying off. 

Finally, Josie finished her bottle, and could lower it from her lips, but, in the moment, she had no idea what to say. "I-I... I-I'm not..." she gulped.

"Oh, are you still thirsty?" he smiled, opening up the fridge and grabbing another bottle. "This should tide you over until supper... And then it'll be time for your bath, and then bed!" Before she could protest, he pushed the bottle into her mouth, and both her hands raised to grab it as she started to once again suck away helplessly, feeling her tummy filling up once more already. "Now, let's get you changed for the ride home... Aww, don't look so sad, sweetie, all your favorite sitters will be here tomorrow when you get here to look after you while Daddy's working."

Josie shook her head, whimpering, positive those sitters would be more of her students, the last people - other than the ones for whom it was already too late - she wanted to see her like this.

"Yes," he countered, laying her down on the changing table. "Anyone who still makes such a big stinky in her pants needs to be looked after... If you were even mature enough to go to school here, I'd say this," he gave her diaper a squishy pat, making her blush and wrinkle her nose, "would be a failing grade in proving you were a big girl... Wouldn't you?"

A failing grade... She gasped, her eyes widening. She didn't know how, but she was certain Calista had to be behind this, that if she just changed her daughter's grade, or at least apologized, this would be over... But, no matter how hard she cried and reached out for it as he carried her past it, Daddy refused to let her into her office, and, as she was carried into the parking lot, buckled into her car seat, she saw no sign of the other woman, no opportunity to make this right, to get her old life back... As she sat there in the back seat, bouncing along, feeling her diaper growing slowly but steadily warmer as she helplessly wet herself, she had a bad feeling she'd already missed her chance, and that she might not get another for a very, very long time.



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