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Victoria nibbled her bottom lip, squirming in place as she watched Sawyer and Taylor whispering to one another, glancing up at her every few moments and barely concealing their snickers.

"Come on, guys," she finally got up the courage to say, tugging at the hem of her crop top automatically, as if, somehow, she was going to make it stretch enough to so much as reach the waistband of her diaper, much less cover the whole thing. "You've seen plenty... Can I have the key to my room now so I can go put on some real clothes?"

"What are you talking about?" Sawyer asked, stepping closer, reaching out to snatch the shirt from Victoria's grasp, pulling the older girl a few steps closer to avoid the thin fabric getting torn when Sawyer gave it a pull. Victoria tried her best not to show how anxious she was, how scared she was of a pair of girls she'd babysat, had total control of, only a few years ago, but she didn't think she was doing a very good job at it. "This looks like perfectly acceptable clothing to me. Don't you think so, Taylor?"

"Oh, yeah," the other girl nodded. "It looks great to me! I've seen plenty of toddlers dressed like that!"

"Seriously?" Victoria rolled her eyes. "You know I'm not... Hey!"

She gasped, feeling Sawyer's hand close roughly around her wrist, yanking her forward again, this time moving herself. "That hurts!" she whined, their difference in size emphasized as she struggled to keep up with the girl's longer stride, Sawyer not shortening her steps, or giving any accommodation for her charge.

"Don't cry, little baby," Sawyer smirked. "Or do... I don't care. That'll just make you look more like a kid, if that's even possible at this point."

"Everyone is going to think you're so adorable!" Taylor added, hopping down from the counter she'd perched herself on once Victoria's mother had left to trail after them. "I can't wait for the whole neighborhood to see you."

"Well, they aren't going to!" Victoria insisted, trying to yank her arm out of Sawyer's grip. "We aren't leaving this house, at least not until I go get changed!"

"What's wrong?" Sawyer teased. "Did you have an accident in your diapie already, Vickie?"

"No, I..." Victoria shook her head, cheeks blazing, warming up even more when the girl slid a hand up her thigh, pushing against the crotch of her crinkly padding. "Stop it!" The invasion of her privacy was so casual, like all Sawyer was doing was checking a toddler's diaper, which made it far worse.

"Are you suuure?" Sawyer chimed, giving the diaper a squeeze.

"Of course I'm sure!" Victoria fumed. "You heard my mom, I don't need these stupid things! Just let me go before I..." And then, all of the sudden, her diaper wasn't dry anymore. 

On one hand, she was glad Taylor had opened the front door, since that gave her enough of a justification for falling silent in the middle of her sentence, making her hope the girls wouldn't read anything else into it, wouldn't assume there was anything more to it, or search for a reason.

On the other, that was definitely why it had happened, why she'd felt her bladder give way, felt the torrent of wetness begin to dribble out of her without her consent, soaking into the thick, thirsty fluff between her legs, refusing to stop as she redoubled her efforts to escape from Sawyer's grasp. There was no way she would have wet herself otherwise, at least when she wasn't being chased by the police. 

"Before you what?" Taylor teased, giggling. "Before you pee your pants again? Looks like it's too late for that!"

"Wh-What? N-No, I didn't!" Victoria insisted. It hadn't been that bad an accident, right? They couldn't tell from outside? Unfortunately, she said it before glancing down at herself, seeing the discoloration, the sag the infantile garment had now... That would have been enough, but Sawyer also repeated her check, with far different results.

"She really must not be potty trained," Sawyer told Taylor. "If she didn't know she did that, she absolutely needs her diapers."

"Of course she does," Taylor grinned. "That's why we're taking her to buy more... It was nice of her to make sure everyone at the store can see she needs them, too, though."

"No!" Victoria shook her head. "No, I don't! You don't understand! Please..."

But Sawyer wasn't giving up, dragging her closer and closer to the open door, as images of being paraded through the store - any store, really, though especially one nearby, where everyone knew who she was - like this, in her droopy, damp diaper, marched through her head. She couldn't imagine anything worse, anything more humiliating.

Clearly, that was a failing of her imagination more than anything, because that definitely wasn't the pinnacle of mortification, as she demonstrated a few moments later. 

She'd drank a lot the night before, as evidenced by her previous pair of accidents, and, if it weren't for the headache, she might think she was still a little drunk, that she was imagining all of this. She definitely was feeling weaker than usual, however, which was only amplified by her outfit, and the situation she found herself in. That wasn't a full excuse for what happened next, yet it was the best one she could come up with to try to make herself feel better about it, at least as much as she was able.

She also always pooped in the morning. It usually wasn't quite this early, although her body wasn't usually working to rid itself of that much alcohol, her metabolism likely having sped up a tad to that end. If Sawyer didn't have a hold of her, she would have been rushing to the bathroom when the urge hit her... Instead, she was feeling her feet slip over the threshold of the front door, seeing the porch around her, and the street outside, full of people who would, no doubt, be able to see her wet diaper.

"No!" she wailed, loud enough to alert anyone that was up and about, the exact opposite of what she wanted. "You can't do this! You can't!"

"We're your babysitters, Vickie," Taylor smirked, giving the older girl's exposed, roiling tummy a poke. "We can do whatever we want to you, and your pissy pampers."

Finally, Victoria broke free of Sawyer's grip. Unfortunately, she wasn't expecting it, hadn't thought she was going to be able to escape; she had no idea how she'd managed it, really, unless, in the moment, Sawyer decided to willingly let go of her. Whatever the cause, however, she was off balance when it happened, and, without the taller girl there, holding her up, she dropped like a rock, falling hard onto her squishy, padded bottom on the floor in front of her front door.

And that was when it happened. It was probably a combination of her body ridding itself of the alcohol, of the time of day, of her fear at what the shopping trip was going to bring, at the impact... Right then, all she could think about was the loud, embarrassing fart that rumbled through her diaper, definitely audible to the other two girls, and the ooey, gooey mess that began to ooze out of her with it.

"Hey," Sawyer said, kneeling down, looking concerned. "Are you okay?" 

Victoria wasn't paying attention to her, however... She could see Taylor standing behind her, nose wrinkled, eyes on her diapered crotch. Victoria blushed furiously, seeing the moment the other girl realized what was happening in her pants, as she struggled to make it stop, to halt the mucky mass she was helplessly pumping into her pampers.

"Oh, my God," Taylor giggled, kneeling down as well. Frantically, without any clothing, or anything else capable of doing it, Victoria held her hands up in front of her diaper, trying to hide it. "Do you know what she's doing?"

Sawyer frowned, shook her head. "Look at how red her face is," Taylor gestured. "Listen to how she's grunting..." She reached out, grabbed Victoria's hands, easily pulling them away, pinning them to the floor on either side of her. "Check her diaper."

Victoria attempted to scoot backwards, but Taylor had her trapped, and, when she opened her mouth to tell Sawyer not to do it, an even louder grunt escaped from it, and Sawyer's eyes widened as even she put it all together, seeing the padding bulge out with the newest rush of mush. That didn't stop her, though, from giving the growing lump a prod, squealing. "Oh, my God!" she echoed her friend. "That's so gross! What are you doing, Vickie?!"

Victoria groaned, not fast enough to move her hands back into place when Taylor released them, the girl beating her to her own diaper, giving it a check of her own. "Wow," she marveled, "you're still going? Don't you have any shame, Baby Vickie? Or do you need these things even more than we thought?"

Victoria wanted to tell the girls she didn't need them at all, that she wasn't a baby, but after she'd just fully used them in front of her sitters, it was hard to justify that, even to herself. The fact she was, in fact, still going, still messing herself, only made it feel more like it was true, no matter how much she knew it wasn't, or shouldn't have been.

"I guess these diapers really are more appropriate for you, aren't they?" Sawyer asked, giving them a rough pat.

'More appropriate'... Had the girl chosen those words deliberately, or was it an accident? Either way, they took Victoria back, made her remember her time babysitting the girl. 

"Are you sure?" she asked, dangling the dress in front of the girl's face. "Isn't it pretty? I used to love it, back when I was your age!"

Sawyer glared up at her, arms crossing, face set in a frustrated pout. The only reason she was paying attention to Victoria at all was that the sitter had taken her laptop, had hidden it away in a closet, and refused to tell the girl where it was. If it were up to her charge, she'd either spend all day on that thing, typing away, and, while that would have made Victoria's job easy - definitely easier than it had been when she was a little younger and, instead, spent her time outside, always coming in covered in dirt and grime that Victoria had to scrub off her before the girl's mother got home - she couldn't help herself.

She was a cute girl, but there was no way anyone would ever be able to tell. Once she'd graduated from her overalls, she was always in old t-shirts, ones she managed to get dirty almost instantly, and shorts that managed to be the perfect length to look ugly on her. If they were a bit longer, they'd have been capris, and they might have worked like that; if they were shorter, they would have looked far better. Victoria had gently suggested it to her a time or two, have volunteered to take her shopping and buy her a treat.

The girl was onto her tricks, knew that 'treat' would be some item of clothing she wouldn't like. A time or two, before she'd learned, Victoria had gotten her to the mall, but as soon as they started looking around at the clothes, Sawyer was bored out of her mind, not staying still long enough to let Victoria try to figure out the best size for her - since the one she wore was obviously too big - and throwing a full-blown tantrum when Victoria attempted to drag her to the fitting room.

Sawyer had gotten a spanking for that once they got home, and a healthy dose of corner time. When Sawyer's mother had given her permission to use that sort of discipline, Victoria had been so certain she'd never use it, had long ago resolved that, if she ever had kids, she wouldn't do that... That was before she'd started babysitting, however. Sometimes, it was the only thing that would make the kids see she was serious, that would make them obey her. Or, at least, the only thing she could think of... If she was being honest, she might have leaned on it a little too hard after she saw how well it worked.

She hadn't tried to force Sawyer to try things on in public after that, though... Even if a spanking would straighten her out later, she wasn't about to do it in public, and if any potential future clients were to see her with a screaming child at the mall, they might think twice about hiring her. So, instead, she'd went to her attic. 

She still didn't know what Sawyer's proper size was, but she could do what she'd wanted to at the store, and bring over a few different ones, see which worked the best. To be nice, she'd even thrown some shorts and shirts into the bag of hand-me-downs, hoping they'd entice Sawyer to look through it. The girl's mom had been grateful to her for it; Sawyer had barely given the bag a second glance, could hardly mumble out, "Thanks," at her mother's command to show some gratefulness. 

Maybe she'd seen through the plot, had known those few things Victoria had sprinkled at the top were not what the majority of the bag contained... More likely, she, as usual, could not have been any less interested in clothes in general. It didn't matter, however... When Victoria sent her to wash her hands for lunch, she'd snatched the girl's computer, and, after Sawyer had gobbled up her sandwich and rushed back to her room, she'd found it missing and came to her sitter to demand it back. And there was no way that was going to happen until Victoria got what she wanted. 

"Look," she rolled her eyes, setting the dress back down, conceding that, for such a tomboy, all those ruffles and lace were probably too much, "the sooner you pick something, the sooner this will be over." Finally, the girl's eyes shifted to those shorts, despite the lace on them as well, the girly colors, the heart-shaped pockets... They weren't her style, but they were something she was familiar with.

"No, no," Victoria shook her head. "You missed your chance with those, little girl. Do you want to try a skirt instead? This one's pretty cute, and there's a top in here that goes with it so..."

"I don't want any of it," Sawyer pouted. "I like my clothes!"

"But just wait until you see how you look in something more appropriate!" Victoria told her. "Fine, if you aren't going to pick, then I am." She picked up a poofy, pink dress, one that, if she was being honest, had been too girly for her when she'd been old enough to wear it. If Sawyer was going to be this fussy, however, and make it this hard, then Victoria was going to make sure it was worth it. "And you can wear these nice tights with it, and I know there are some adorable Mary Janes in the bottom of the bag somewhere..."

"No!" Sawyer wailed. "I can't wear that!"

"I bet you can," Victoria smirked. "It looks like it's just your size... Maybe we can go visit Lisa once we have you dressed. You'd fit right in with her, and I bet she'd want to have a little tea party with her new friend..."

Lisa had been four at the time, and almost the opposite of the much older Sawyer. She loved looking pretty, like a princess, and playing with her dolls... And, when Victoria was done with Sawyer, she was going to look just like one of them.

"No way!" Sawyer protested. "Nobody can see me in that thing, especially not her!"

"It might not be her," Victoria admitted, "but somebody's going to see you... You're not staying cooped up in here all day, again. We're going out, and you can see how much people like to see a cute little girl like you, dressed the way you should be. You're going to get so many compliments, and..."

"No!" Sawyer whined again, stomping her foot. "What if one of my friends sees me?!"

"Sawyer," Victoria said warningly, "this is going to happen, one way or the other. I don't want to have to spank you first, but if I have to, I will. Now, start getting those nasty old clothes off, or I'll do it for you, and throw them straight into the trash, where they belong."

Victoria had wound up having to take the bratty girl over her knee before it was over, but, in the end, she'd been right; so many people had stopped and cooed over her, not even recognizing her with a clean face and a pretty dress, asking when she'd moved into the town, who her parents were. Of course, once they got home, Sawyer had changed back into her old clothes and, when Victoria asked if she'd had fun, refused to admit she had.

Victoria definitely had, though... She didn't do it every time she sat for the girl afterwards, but on several occasions, she'd dug the bag up from where Sawyer had tossed it into the corner of her closet - her mother refusing to let her throw it out entirely the way she'd wanted - and picked out some 'more appropriate' clothes for the girl.

Victoria groaned, feeling Sawyer's hand press against the mass of mush in her diaper, bringing her back to reality, those words echoing in her mind. It wasn't a fair comparison... They really were more appropriate for Sawyer; she was a girl, after all, and, as evidenced by her pierced ears and nail polish, she'd started to accept that more, probably helped along by Victoria. Victoria was not a toddler, didn't need diapers... 

Although, in the moment, having just finished messing herself uncontrollably, it was hard not to feel like, in some way, maybe she did... She knew better, knew she was a college student, about to go into her senior year, an adult... But, as she sat there, without her padded bra, without her heels, without even pants, in front of two former charges who now looked so much taller and - now, anyway - more mature than her, it wasn't hard to believe otherwise.

"What are we going to do with her?" Taylor mused, having straightened back up, looking taller than ever as she stood there, chin between her fingers, staring down at the girl. 

"I don't want to have to change that," Sawyer wrinkled her nose, standing up as well, getting away from the stinky diaper. "Do you?"

"No way," Taylor giggled. "When I took this job, I didn't think I was going to have to deal with diapers, especially not..." She reached out with a foot, giving Victoria's messy diaper another prod with her shoe, watching the girl squirm and blush. 

"Hey, didn't that new nursery just open at the mall?" Sawyer suggested. "I've been reading about them... There are no people there, except maybe a technician or two in case anything goes wrong... I bet we could drop her off there, and it would take care of it, and her, for us."

Victoria wasn't sure if Sawyer was making that up or not... It sounded like science fiction, but if anyone would know about something like that, and have kept tabs on it, it would be Sawyer. She shook her head, whimpering as Taylor grinned and exclaimed, "That sounds perfect!", bending down to yank her to her feet and continue dragging her towards the open front door.

"No!" Victoria stomped her foot. "No, I'm not going there! You can't make me go to the mall like this!"

"Uh-oh!" Taylor chirped. "Is somebody throwing a tantrum?"

"I think so," Sawyer nodded, closing the front door at last, giving Victoria a little privacy, a little protection from her neighbors spotting her in her mortifying outfit. "I don't know about you, but if I learned one thing from being babysat by her, it's how to deal with a tantrum."

"Oh, yeah," Taylor nodded. "I think it's time she got a little taste of her own medicine."

"Just so you know," Sawyer informed Victoria as she was dragged into the living room, "we weren't really going to do it... We were just messing around."

Victoria couldn't tell if the girl was telling the truth or not in the moment. They'd seemed serious, but she'd been so worked up, it was hard to judge accurately. 

"No," Taylor agreed, "we weren't going to make you go out even in your soggy diaper, much less your poopy one." She yanked the older girl over her lap, her lumpy diaper sticking up in the air as she squeaked and squirmed. "But we're not joking about this." She rested her hand on the seat of the diaper, giving it a rub, watching Victoria wiggle and wrinkle her nose as the contents squelched around in her pants, before pulling it back with a grin. "It's time for your spanking, Baby Vickie."



I hope they really do take her there to the Nursery. Love it.