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I know this doesn't have a watermark like usual, but it was posted publicly on Twitter by the owner, Shuu_12chai, and there is a page where it seems like you can support her that I can link to, so, for this one anyway, I'll make an exception. It is, obviously, their property and not mine. This was commissioned by an anonymous Patron.

"It's fine," Jadyn told her reflection, doing her best to sound like she believed it. "Nobody will notice."

It was probably even true... The pull-up style diaper wasn't all that thick, after all, and, covered as it was with the pair of panties, and the pants, she didn't think she detected any obvious bulge. Then again, it wasn't going to help that everyone was going to be staring at her.

Jadyn loved being the center of attention, but this was going to be different. She was pretty and she knew it, and loved to flaunt it... She wouldn't say her usual style was 'slutty', though she'd been accused of that plenty of times, and, if she was careless, she could have easily tumbled into that category. She just loved short skirts that showed off her legs, crop tops to show off her flat tummy... She'd worked hard to maintain them, so why not show them off?

Not everyone approved, and that was fine; hell, it was part of the fun. Even some of her friends would occasionally tell her she'd gone too far, or was inappropriate for whatever they were doing together. She tried not to hold it against them too much, and actually agreed to move in with one of them, Eva, when the lease on her apartment ended. 

And that was when it all fell apart. Jadyn had never had a bedwetting issue before, but one had started almost immediately, followed by more and more daytime accidents, until she could hardly blame Eva for buying the diapers, even if they were humiliatingly childish, with pictures of bunnies and flowers all over them. They were relatively thin, so they weren't too bad... 

The wardrobe change, on the other hand, was. One day, she'd come home to find her closet completely raided, replaced with things more suited for a four year old than an adult like her. "They're my sister's old clothes," Eva had told her when she confronted the girl about it. "Nobody who still needs diapers ought to be running around dressed the way you do."

Jadyn had, of course, thrown a fit, but all it did was land her over her much taller, stronger roommate's lap for a long spanking and time-out in the corner. "Prove to me you don't need your diapers," Eva had said when it was over, "and you'll get your own clothes back."

She hadn't had any plans, so Jadyn could deal with it for a while... But now, it was another of her friends' birthdays, and she had to go out with them. She'd begged Eva to give her a temporary reprieve, to no avail... To be fair, bowling in her usual outfit would have been difficult, and not the best idea, especially with a diaper underneath, though, obviously, she had other things that would work.

Instead, she had these childish panties, barely a step above training pants, printed with strawberries, with lace and ribbons, to hide her diaper in case her pants slipped down - although she wasn't sure she'd be that much less embarrassed to be seen in them. Over it went a matching fleece set, decorated with teddy bears and hearts, the pants just short enough to show her lacy, heart-patterned socks and purple sneakers. There was no way anyone could accuse her of being slutty in this get-up... Or sexy, or grown-up...

She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror again. This was her best option... She'd spent so long digging through her new wardrobe, trying to find something, anything better, but it simply wasn't there. Sighing, she grabbed her purse, headed into the living room where, of course, Eva stopped her, made sure she had her diaper on. "Now, Jadyn," she lectured, holding the smaller girl by the shoulders, looking her in the eye, "Remember, you're one accident away from real diapers..."

"I know," Jadyn whined, pouting. "I'm not gonna pee myself around all my friends! I'm not a baby!"

She definitely felt like one when she got to the bowling alley, however, saw her other friends all dressed up. They didn't even recognize her when she first walked up to them. She nearly chickened out, slunk back to her car, when one loudly asked another, "Did you see which lane this kid's family is at so we can return her?"

Jadyn felt their eyes turning towards her, for real, for the first time, and she suddenly hated being the center of attention. "Oh, my God," one of her friends snickered. "Is that you, Jadyn?"

They apologized, of course, but it didn't do much to make her feel better, or less like she was the little sister, tagging along on an outing with her big sister's friends because their Mommy made them include her. She'd always been the shortest in the group, although the difference had never been as pronounced, at least not when they were out in public... She didn't have her heels, after all.

She was almost glad to feel her bladder twinge, to give her an excuse to get away from them, even if she was positive they were all going to make fun of her the whole time she was gone. As had become normal lately, as soon as she noticed she had to go, the urge grew quickly, so she had to scurry off to the bathroom as fast as she could, the toilets much further away than they were at work, or home. By the time she made it in, she barely took time to check there was nobody else in there before pushing down her pants and panties, ready to throw open the stall door and hop on the toilet as fast as she could...

The stall was locked. She whimpered, pressing a hand to her padded crotch, stomach twisting as she saw the device mounted over the lock, realized it was coin operated, that she wasn't getting in without paying money she didn't have with her. She groaned, bouncing in place, pushing harder, terrified if she stopped her bladder would let go and she'd have to spend the rest of the game, around her friends, in wet pants, before going home and getting put into something far thicker, and harder to hide, even with her childish clothes.

She didn't dare go grab her purse, but the bowling alley couldn't possibly be this cruel... They'd surely have some mercy on her, especially if, like her friends, they thought she was a kid. She hated leaning into it, though, in this case, it might be her best shot. She could tell she was on the verge of letting go, was too afraid to move her hand away from her crotch even long enough to pull up the rest of her outfit, so she pulled it up awkwardly over her hand, shuffling to the main desk, one hand keeping her dry, the other holding up her pants.

The counter was tall, had made her feel small when she came in, but, with circumstances now, made her feel positively tiny. The attendant wasn't paying attention, either, and Jadyn's throat felt dry, too scared to speak too loudly and potentially draw the attention of her friends, so she let go of her pants, went up on her tip-toes, and rang the bell, gasping as she felt her pants, and underwear, sliding down, the attendant still not turning around.

She made the split-second decision to keep ringing the bell, to hope it was heard before anyone from her group turned around and saw her there and found out just how infantile her 'fashion sense' had become, not realizing the repeated dinging was just as likely to draw attention as her voice, not seeing the Airpods the worker had blaring in their ears, and not hearing her own friend walking up behind her until she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She spun, gasping, her fragile control finally shattering, her diaper starting to warm up around her as she drenched it. "Oh, my God," her friend snickered. "I guess that answers my question about what you're wearing... And whether you need them. Come on, Baby Jadyn... I can't wait to show the rest of the girls..." Jadyn whimpered, shaking her head, trying to plead for mercy, although it hardly mattered now - the next time her friends saw her, if they ever wanted to hang out with her again after this, they'd all see her diaper bulge anyway. She was a diaper-wetting little baby now, after all... It just would have been nice if she could have kept the secret a bit longer.



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