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Emily felt her eyes drifting back towards the poster, unbidden, her mind filling with reminders of what she'd heard at the movie, of how, if she was a good little girl, she'd say no to the potty and just wet herself right then and there. She very nearly started to relax right then and there, to give in, to lose any and all potty privileges from then on...

"Yes!" she squealed, shaking her head, blushing bright red as she snapped out of it. She wanted to use the toilet, of course, but the potty was going to have to do... She didn't trust herself to make it through the night dry without it, not with that poster staring down at her from the foot of the crib.

"All right," Natalie said, kneeling down, unsnapping the onesie and untaping the diaper. "We'll see how you do."

She picked her tiny sister up, plopping her down onto the back of the duck, then stood over her, watching, arms crossed. "Can't I have some privacy?" Emily whined, but Natalie wasn't budging.

Emily closed her eyes instead, pretending the other woman wasn't there, that she was in a bathroom, not a nursery, that she was sitting on a real toilet, not a training potty. It worked all right, up until her bladder finally started to release, and she heard the spatter of urine on plastic, followed, shortly, by a tinkling rendition of a nursery rhyme, 'rewarding' her for not going in her pants.

Immediately, the stream stopped, her eyes popping open as she blushed, hardly able to believe Natalie had gone with something that childish, and humiliating... Although, at this point, she wasn't sure why she was surprised. "Are you done?" Natalie asked. "That was barely anything. Don't you want to hear the rest of the song?"

"No!" Emily shook her head. "Can't you turn that off?"

"Probably," Natalie shrugged. "But I'm not going to, so you can either deal with it, or I can put you back in your diaper."

Not having to pee her pants should have made Emily feel a little more like a grown-up... Instead, as she squirmed on her duck-shaped potty, under the watchful gaze of her sister, and listened to the song playing beneath her as she slowly convinced her bladder to let go, she felt pretty infantile indeed.

"Such a big girl!" Natalie exclaimed, once Emily had finished, and climbed off the potty, letting her examine the contents. "Now, let's get you back in your diaper before you have an accident."

"I won't!" Emily insisted. "I just went!"

That didn't stop Natalie from taping her back up into the extra-thick diaper, fastening the onesie back up nice and snug. "Come on," Natalie urged, after she was done. "Let's empty out your potty, and get your teeth brushed. Go on, pick it up." 

Emily didn't want anything to do with the potty, not until she needed it again, at least. She shook her head, nose wrinkled.

"Emily, pick it up right now, or I'm taking it away, and you aren't getting it back," Natalie told her.

"Does that mean I could use the real toilet, then?" Emily asked, even though she doubted it would be that easy.

"No," Natalie glared at her. "It means we can forget this whole potty training sham altogether."

"It isn't a sham!" Emily blushed, stomping her foot. She'd always found it cute when littles did that; did they really think it made Amazons, or anyone, take them more seriously? Now, she realized they did it because it was all they could do... It drew attention to them, when, otherwise, they were so easily ignored, showed their anger with a minimal risk of getting punished, when anything they said could be twisted against them. "You know I'm potty trained!"

"I would have thought so," Natalie shrugged. "You're really starting to make me wonder. Now pick it up."

Emily gave in, grabbing the big, plastic duck with both hands. She hated always having to be the one to cave, to do as she was told... But what choice did she really have? She dutifully followed her sister into the bathroom, where, frustratingly, there was, indeed, a stepstool perched by the toilet. Natalie lifted the seat, sliding the stool in front so Emily, in her diaper, could clumsily climb it, and dump the potty out, fuming the whole time about how her sister could have let her use the toilet all along, like she'd wanted.

"Good girl!" Natalie praised. "You can set it down over there and I'll clean it out for you, for next time." Emily put the potty down, while Natalie moved the stepstool in front of the sink so Emily could climb back up and brush her teeth, still barely able to see herself in the mirror, even with the boost of the stool.

"Natalie, I'm really not sleepy," Emily pouted, after being led back to the nursery, and the crib. "Can't I just stay up a little longer?"

"Absolutely not," her sister refused. "This is already past what your bedtime should be, and you've been a little terror all evening. I'm so glad I went for the deluxe edition of the crib." Emily had plenty of experience picking out cribs, since she'd had to do it for her daycares, but every company had a different definition of 'deluxe', so even she wasn't sure what that meant until Natalie had laid her down inside, and tugged a restraint from one corner, attached to a soft cuff.

"Natalie!" Emily whined, as the cuff was locked around her wrist. "You don't have to do this! This thing is too big for me to get out of anyway!"

"I know," Natalie agreed. "But, after what you did in the theater, I don't want you getting up to anything while you're here, alone."

Emily's wrists and ankles were strapped down, with enough slack in the restraints for her to twist and thrash a bit, though not fully turn over onto her side, away from the poster hanging over her bed, watching her, bidding her to stare at it, to remember all the things the movie had tried to teach her. She whimpered as Natalie pulled a blanket up over her, tucking her in, yet, when the other woman pushed a pacifier into her mouth, she felt herself starting to suck on it automatically, without thinking.

"Goodnight, Emily," Natalie told her. "I'll see you in the morning."

At least the dark would protect her from the poster, Emily told herself. Except... As Natalie left the room, she flipped on the nightlight, which was also at the foot of the crib, shining up, illuminating Naomi and Oliver, ensuring she'd be able to see them all night long as she laid there, nursing on her pacifier, her mind repeating the little 'lessons' from the movie, over and over, even after she squeezed her eyes shut to try and block them out.

Thankfully, despite the movie, and her dreams, telling her that all good littles should wake up wet, she'd distracted herself from the hypnosis well enough to keep that from happening, although she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold it off. "Natalie!" she tried to call, confused, at first, as to why the word sounded muffled, before recalling the pacifier in her mouth. It felt so natural, so right... She shuddered at the thought, struggling to make herself spit it out, glad her sister hadn't used the bigger, sealing kind overnight.

"Natalie!" she tried again, positive there had to be a baby monitor in the room somewhere. "Natalie, I need my potty!"

It was easier, the second time, to accept her potty, and its ridiculous music, although that wasn't exactly a comfort to Emily as she sat there and peed in front of her sister. This wasn't what her life was supposed to be... She shouldn't be getting used to this, she should be finding a way out of it! 

After another reminder of the toilet she was no longer allowed to use, as she dumped her potty out into it, Natalie had her wash her hands, then dressed her in a new dress, this one purple, and still nowhere close to long enough to cover her diaper, before taking her out to the car. "Umm, wh-where are we going?" Emily asked, nervously squirming in her car seat, afraid she knew the answer.

"I'm going to work," Natalie informed her. "Even though the drug clearly works, there's still a lot to do. You... Well, I can't bring you with me, so..."

"Natalie, no!" Emily shook her head, already positive she'd been right. "You can't!"

"I don't have a choice," Natalie shrugged. "What else can I do? I'm sure it's a nice place, isn't it?" Emily liked to think so, of course... She did everything she could to make it a good place to work. As for the people being cared for there... It was no worse than anywhere else, but that wasn't saying much. "And, if it isn't... That's your fault, isn't it?"

"Natalie, they're gonna recognize me!" Emily whimpered. "Th-They'll find out about your drug, and then..."

"Nobody is going to believe it," Natalie shrugged. "Trust me, you'll be fine. If it makes you feel better, I'll let you choose the location. There are two on my way to the lab. Which do you want?"

Emily squirmed in her car seat, staring up at the GPS, where the two locations were lit up. One was close by, and one of her very first locations. She'd been in there countless times, even worked there herself, before she'd gotten too busy for that... The people there definitely knew her; Natalie might be right, that nobody would believe it was her... Still, if the workers at any of her locations would, it would likely be these ones.

Was that good or bad? Would they want to help her out, if they knew? Or the opposite? There were probably even some clients there that had been there back when she was working there, who also could recognize her, and there was no way they'd want to give her a hand in escaping her sister's tyranny, or even in keeping her potty privileges, such as they were... If anything, she had a feeling they'd love to see her fail.

Her other choice was her newest location, the one she still hadn't made it to herself yet, despite her best efforts. The workers might have seen a picture of her at some point, perhaps might remember her name, if Natalie used her real name to check her in... Would they really believe it was her, however, when they hadn't seen her in person before? She had a better chance of remaining anonymous there, blending in as just another little... But was that what she wanted? As much as she didn't want people to know she'd been shrunken, diapered, turned into a little, it could be a useful ace in the hole, if there was anyone around who had reason to believe it, who she could prove herself to, if she had to. 

She knew the workers at the old location enough that she could probably make them understand it was her, if she thought it would help, and not make things worse... She knew almost nothing about anyone at the new location, and doubted they knew much about her. Nobody was likely to recognize her if she didn't want them to... And they weren't likely to believe her story, either, if she needed them to.

"Tick-tock, Emily," Natalie said from the front seat. "Which one do you want me to take you to?"

Emily groaned, weighing the pros and cons again. Which one should she say?

The old location, where they might know her, and help her out... Or enjoy taking advantage of her new form?

Or the new one, where she'd be just another little?


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