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A sequel to Study Buddies, commissioned by Invada, who also commissioned the original, after seeing it was suggested for the Community Caption poll and lost. Picture property of ABDreams.


Claire let out a gasp of surprise as she was attacked, a tiny, cute missile - crinkling with every step - launching itself right at her, almost as soon as she stepped inside. "Hi, Ellie," she chuckled, giving the smaller girl a hug, patting her on the padded bottom. 

It was hard to think of Ellie as her best friend anymore... That would be like being best friends with a toddler. Honestly, it was a bit concerning, how quickly the girl had slid into her role, how easy it seemed to have been for her to let go of college, or any other semblance of her grown-up life, and - when her parents got upset at her for dropping out - moving in with Logan, and full-time diapers.

She didn't seem to be bothered by toddling around in her t-shirt and diaper, nothing to cover it, a pacifier leash clipped to the front of her shirt. When Claire sat on the sofa, she happily plopped down on the floor beside her, like she didn't even think to sit on the furniture itself. "So..." Claire said, glancing around, looking for Logan, trying not to seem as if that was the only reason she was here, "how are you doing?"

"Oh, my god!" Ellie giggled. "It's so great, Claire! I've never had a boy pay so much attention to me before! He gives me a nice, long, warm bubble bath every night, and then cuddles with me in my crib and reads me a bedtime story, or two if I'm really not sleepy! And he changes my diapies, and holds me in my lap and lets me watch cartoons while he feeds me my baba... And all I have to do is be a big girl and make my poopies on the potty! I mean, if I'm a bad girl, he spanks me, but even that isn't all bad."

"Umm... Wow..." Claire wasn't certain what else to say to that. Logan had told her about most of it already, of course, but hearing it from Ellie, and seeing the excitement in her face when she talked about it, was something completely different. It almost made her wonder how much of that had really been his idea in the first place, and what Ellie herself had suggested, and, like a bratty toddler, gotten her way with.

"Yeah!" Ellie grinned. "And... Hi, Daddy!" she exclaimed, hopping up when Logan stepped into the room, rushing to him for a hug, and a kiss on the top of the head.

"Hi, sweetie," he said. "What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing!" Ellie giggled as he gave her diaper a pat.

"Were you too busy wetting yourself to talk?" he teased, making her squeal by suddenly picking her up. "Come on, let's go get you changed before you leak."

Claire watched them go, Ellie sticking her tongue out at her as she was carried into the bathroom. They weren't there for too long, however, before they came walking back, hand in hand, Logan looking very apologetic already. "I'm sorry, Claire," he told her. "I know we were supposed to go to the movies, but somebody forgot to tell me she was almost out of diapers."

"I'm sorry, Daddy!" Ellie whined, not sounding the least bit upset about it to Claire, who had known her much longer than Logan. "I thought there were more!"

"It's okay," he told her, clearly taken in by her bad acting, and her big, faux-innocent eyes. 

"Well, can't we just grab some more after the movie?" Claire asked.

"The only store around here that carries them in her size is pretty far out," he shrugged. "That's why she's supposed to let me know when the stash is running low, so I can order them instead."

"I said I was sorry!" Ellie pouted.

"I'm not mad," he said patiently. "Sorry, Claire... Do you mind staying with her while I go get some more? She promised me she'd try her best to stay dry until I got back, but she's not always the best at that."

"No," Claire shook her head, seeing that, if she didn't do it, she'd look mean. Ellie was - or had been, at one point - her best friend... She could spend a bit of time with her. "I'd be happy to help."

The two girls watched cartoons together for a little while, Ellie commenting on which of the characters were her favorites, Claire still uncomfortable enough with the whole situation to stay mostly quiet.. Eventually, Ellie declared, "I'm hungry."

Claire caught herself mid-shrug, realizing she was, essentially, the babysitter here. "Okay," she said instead. "I'll see what I can whip up." There were some fish sticks and frozen peas in the freezer, and plenty of boxes of macaroni and cheese in the cabinets, so she cooked those up, having to turn the TV off to get Ellie away from it, despite the girl being the one to claimed she wanted food in the first place.

Claire, of course, gave Ellie a fork and spoon, having eaten with her enough, in the past, to know she was quite capable of using both. Ellie ignored them, digging in with her hands, not seeming to care when noodles and stray peas popped out from between her fingers, or notice her hands were still a mess as she rested them on the table, smearing cheese, and smashing any of the escaped peas that hadn't rolled to the floor, across the surface.

Unfortunately, Claire was busy washing up the pots and pans she'd used, not eating herself in the hopes that, even if their movie was over, Logan would still take her out to eat once he returned. By the time she turned around, Ellie was already sitting in the middle of a massive mess. "Ellie!" she scolded. "What in the world are you doing?!"

"I'm eating," Ellie said, matter-of-factly, wiping her filthy hands on her shirt.

"Ellie!" Claire shook her head, taking away her mostly emptied plate. "You are such a baby!"

"Yeah," Ellie grinned, a defiant glint in her eye. "I am. I'm Daddy's little baby!"

Claire sent Ellie back in front of the TV, after taking off her shirt and tossing it onto the table, so she didn't get food anywhere else. Ellie didn't seem to mind running around in just her diaper, so, after making a token effort to wash up the kitchen and giving up for the moment, Claire flopped onto the sofa, with every intention to get back to it after relaxing a couple minutes, without bothering to get the girl a new shirt. 

Claire hadn't been satisfied to watch her cartoons this time, apparently wanting company while she did it, so, from the looks of things, she'd pulled everything out of her toy box, scattering it around the room before settling on a small, simple teddy bear. Claire groaned, knowing she was going to have to clean that up, too, although the mess in the kitchen was probably more pressing. She didn't get to any of the cleaning, however, once Claire got up on all fours, smirking and looking her in the eyes in a very deliberate way before starting to softly grunt.

It took Claire a minute or two to realize what was going on, her brain refusing to accept it at first. When the smell hit her, she gave a horrified glance to the seat of the girl's diaper, saw the lump forming there, growing bigger and bigger,  and there was no denying it. "Stop that, Ellie!" Claire ordered, eyes wide. "Logan told me you're not allowed to do that in your diapers!"

"Nope," Ellie grunted. "I'll just tell him you made me do it! Or that you were ignoring me, and wouldn't take me to the potty on time!" She poked her tongue out as she finished up, sitting down firmly on her mushy bottom.

Claire was the youngest in her family, and had never done any babysitting; to be honest, the only messy diaper she'd had to deal with, in any way, was the one Ellie had made during that party, back when she'd first seen Ellie in diapers. The girl had been drunk, then, so it was hard to blame her, and Logan had changed her almost immediately, doing all the work while Claire got the bath ready.

This was absolutely intentional, however, and even if Claire wanted to change her, she had nothing new to put her in. She'd caught a whiff of that first diaper, and it hadn't been pleasant, but it was far worse when there was no escape from it. If Logan didn't get back soon, Claire thought, she wasn't going to be in any kind of mood to do anything when he did.

"You're taking a bath," she finally said, dragging Ellie away from the television again, this time to the bathroom. 

"It's not bathtime yet!" Ellie whined. "Daddy gives me my bath!"

They were still in there, arguing over how Ellie didn't want to be there, in the bathtub, and how Claire didn't know the right number of bubbles to make the perfect bubble batch, when Logan returned. Claire didn't hear him at first, not until he appeared in the bathroom door, package of diapers in hand, and Ellie raised her arms towards him eagerly.

"What happened here?" he demanded.

"She's an awful babysitter, and wouldn't play with me, and she didn't take me to the potty, and then she made me sit here in this cold bath, and..." Ellie babbled.

"She was being a huge pain," Claire spoke over her, frustrated. "I was trying to be nice, but she just wouldn't behave herself, and..."

"Enough!" Logan declared, slamming the diapers down onto the sink, glaring at them, shutting both of them up. "Claire," he turned to her, "please tell me what happened."

Claire gulped, staring up at him, a little surprised at how hot this frustrated Daddy look was on him, thinking back to how much fun Ellie had seemed to be having, acting up, how excited she'd been about her new life... And how much she wanted a little revenge on the brat. What better way to do that, than to steal some of her precious attention away?

"I'll be honest," she said. "I knew she wasn't supposed to mess her diaper, and that she needed to, and I still wouldn't let her go to the bathroom. I thought it would be funny to see her poop her pants. She didn't even make most of that mess in the other room... I wanted to see you spank her, too, like a naughty little baby."

He raised an eyebrow, making Claire worried he saw through her, that she was no better an actress than Ellie. "Is that so?" he asked. "Well, if you wanted to see all that, I guess I can show you, first-hand. Come on, Ellie, out of the tub. I'm putting you both in diapers, and then you need to go to bed so I can deal with Claire."

"But Daddy!" Ellie pouted. "I haven't even got my bedtime story yet!"

"Sorry, sweetie," he told her, while Claire stuck her tongue out at the smaller girl, not caring if he saw or not. "I'm afraid Mr. Hairbrush and I will be very busy with your little sister tonight..."




Oh boy! I could be any of those main characters 🙈