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Here's the Community Caption for this month, although there just might be some other options from the poll that end up getting captions as well.  Pictures property of AdultBaby.xxx

Lucy smiled in satisfaction as she snuck into Samantha's room, carrying the bottle, glad to see the girl was still fast asleep. Sammi had always been a heavy sleeper, although Lucy was shocked it went this far... Then again, she had also taken her out to the bar the night before, kept ordering drink after drink for her, while carefully nursing the same one herself all night, so she'd be sober enough to do what needed to be done once they were back home.

She really did look adorable, all curled up in her crib, ribbons in her hair, pacifier in her mouth, purple onesie snapped around her petite frame, bulging out at the waist with a diaper Lucy could see the legbands of, just barely peeking out from the wide crotch. No man deserved anything this sweet and pure... Lucy had brought several women here, since she'd moved into this house and built the nursery, but none had fit in so seamlessly, like they'd been born to be there.

It was all Sammi's fault, too. If the silly girl had only been honest with her... Lucy could see why she hadn't; the room she was renting, and her house in general, was quite nice, and she was charging far less than the space was worth. Her only stipulation was that she wanted the room to go to another lesbian. She didn't have any nefarious plans, at least at first... She simply wanted to share the space with someone like her.

Samantha had been so nervous when she came in for the tour, and the interview. "W-Well, I might be bi," she'd said. "I did have a boyfriend in high school, although we never went beyond kissing and holding hands..."

"Then he doesn't count," Lucy had told her, already knowing this was the girl she wanted living with her. 

The next boy Sammi brought over shouldn't have, really, either. Sammi had just come off of her first real, serious relationship, which was with another woman. There was something about it that rubbed Lucy the wrong way, however... Maybe it was the way Sammi was sneaking around, not telling her, or perhaps Lucy was jealous, hoping the girl would turn to her for comfort.

Whatever it was, seeing the boy sneak out of her house and drive off had made Lucy's blood boil, and, the next night, when she took Sammi out to the bar, loosened her up with some drinks, and asked her how things were going on the dating scene, the girl had the gall to lie to her face and say she was still looking, as if Lucy hadn't seen the satisfied look on her face that morning, hadn't noticed her washing her sheets bright and early.

'Might be' bi... Lucy shook her head, grip tightening around the bottle. She either knew that she was, or she'd been completely lying, and that last relationship had been with a guy, too, and she wasn't really interested in women at all. There were, of course, other possibilities, yet, in the moment, those were the only ones that came to Lucy's mind.

"Good morning, Sammi," Lucy cooed, watching the girl squirm, listening the to soft crinkle of her diaper, and the plastic sheet on her crib. "Come on, it's time to get up. I brought you your morning snack."

She reached through the bars, softly removing the pacifier, replacing it with the bottle. Drowsily, Samantha continued to suck, while Lucy watched, grinning, seeing the girl's face growing slightly more awake, more confused, more adorable. She really was perfect for this... And now, it was up to Lucy to prove it to her.



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