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Lynn escorted her to the changing table, pushing her up onto it by her big, padded bottom, then climbed up there with her, unable to easily reach the top even with the stepstool standing beside it. "What now, Mommy?" she asked the phone, then crawling to the top of the table, attaching the restraints to Bonnie's cuffs before crawling to her feet and repeating the process there. "And now?" 

It was already sitting on the table... Bonnie could see the small, plastic bottle resting by her feet, the long, ominous spout topped with a bright orange cap. She tried to squirm, to kick her feet and knock it off the table, hoping it would roll under the changing table, or somewhere else Lynn couldn't find it.

"Here it is!" Lynn giggled, grabbing it just as Bonnie felt her toe brush against it. "What is it, Mommy? Yes, I know it's an enema! You told me that already! But what's inside? Uh-huh... Uh-huh..." She nodded, staring at the bottle as she listened to the phone. "What's that? To... Top... That's a hard word, Mommy! Well, I'm trying to say it!" She pouted, looking disappointed at herself as she attempted to pronounce it again and again, each time, getting closer and closer to the one thing Bonnie prayed it wasn't.

"I can't do it!" Lynn gave up, defeated. "What does it do, though?" Her expression changed again, cheering up instantly. "It's going to make her a baby, too? Like me! Yay! And it's..." Her face screwed up in frustration. "Mommy, you know I can't say all these words! Okay, I'll try... Per... Perma... Mommy, it's too long, I can't!"

But Bonnie knew just what she meant. The enema was dosed with Toprium, and who knew what else... The stuff was dangerous enough outside her body, if it got inside her somehow, she had a feeling she'd never get her strength back... And, whatever else was in there was probably to make her a baby like Lynn... Permanently.

"I'll do my best, Mommy," Lynn nibbled on her bottom lip. "It sounds hard..." She set the phone down, crawling up to Bonnie's crotch, the other hero wriggling, mumbling behind her gag, doing everything she could to make the girl stop, before it was too late. "She's so squirmy, Mommy!" Lynn complained, shouting back at the phone. "I'm doing my best, though!"

Bonnie's diaper was still perfectly dry when Lynn opened it up, although she knew it wouldn't be long, enema or not, until that changed. She could hold it a good while, but a whole night, and the stake-out before, were getting to be too much. She groaned, feeling the long nose of the enema bottle slide into her, giving one, last attempt to shout loud enough for Lynn to understand, to stop, before she saw the girl squeeze, and the liquid rushed into her.

She could feel the effects instantly, knew it hadn't been a trick, or a bluff. It was in her now... Whatever strength she'd had left, after being cuffed all night, was fading, leaving her, potentially, even weaker than the petite Lynn... And she knew it wasn't coming back, no more than Lynn's intelligence was likely to return. She watched, dazed, as Lynn taped the diaper back up, then picked up her phone to proudly report.

"Didn't I do good, Mommy?" she asked. "You want a picture? Okay! She does look cute! You want what?" She pouted, bouncing in place. "No, don't text them to me! Tell me, I'll remember! Mommy, no, you know I can't read! It's too haaard! I won't forget, I promise!"

She listened, a serious expression on her face, for a few moments, then nodded, hanging up and switching to the camera app. "Come on, Bon-Bon," she said. "We hafta get this right, or Mommy's gonna spank me. So be good!" She got up on her knees, aiming the camera down at Bonnie. "Smile! C'mon, Bon-Bon, you have to smile!"

Bonnie was, of course, in no mood for smiles. Her stomach was churning violently already, ready to expel what had been put into it... Part of her wanted to let it, to hope, if she did it soon enough, the drugs wouldn't be as effective... The other part of her knew that meant willingly pooping her Pampers. And all of her was aware - at least, after a couple uncomfortable wiggles - that she was losing strength from all her muscles, thanks to the growing warmth in her diaper. Perhaps she'd just waited too long... But, more likely, her bladder was too weak now to hold back the torrent inside. It probably wouldn't be long until her bowels followed suit, and she didn't have a choice.

"Smile!" Lynn whined, grabbing some toy keys, dangling them in front of Bonnie's face. "You're such a meanie! Do you want me to get a spanking? There, that's good enough! Now, what else did Mommy want...? Oh, yeah!" Without warning, she climbed up over Bonnie, straddling her, resting her diapered bottom down on Bonnie's distressed stomach.

Even strapped to the table as she was, Bonnie should have had no problem twisting out from under Lynn, getting her off her... Now, she couldn't move, couldn't get the pressure off her tummy. "Come on," Lynn said, bouncing, making it even worse. "Mommy wants a picture of us both going poopie in our diapies! I'll start!"

Bonnie groaned, feeling Lynn's diaper starting to grow warm and lumpy as it rested on her stomach, with seemingly no hesitation or disgust from the girl doing it. If it was for her Mommy, clearly, she didn't mind it at all... And, frankly, at this point, Bonnie doubted she would have cared much even if she hadn't been ordered to do it. She wrinkled her nose as the smell hit her, along with the realization that, any moment now, especially if Lynn didn't stop bouncing, she'd be doing the same thing... It was far too late to stop it now. And, once it happened, that would be the end not only of her career as the Crimson Comet, but her life as an adult.

"There!" Lynn giggled, seeing the mushy lump starting to form in Bonnie's diaper, giving it a pat, squirming happily in her own still-filling diaper as she did her best to line up the perfect selfie. "Mommy's gonna be so proud of us!"



Zander Chesney

This was a very different kind of storyline than normal. For some reason I have always very much enjoyed storylines with super-heroines getting babified. This was a terrific series! I would love to see more like it.