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A short story, commission by an anonymous Patron.

It had to be a sign... That was all there was to it. Everything had just aligned so perfectly, he couldn't imagine what else it could be. 

Glenn needed a little extra cash, since a new video game was coming out, and his parents had told him, now that he was in college, he was old enough to pay for them himself; however, since he was in college, he didn't really have time to get a regular job. Or, he could have, he supposed - he knew a few classmates who had them - but then he wouldn't have as much time for socializing, or playing the game, which was the main reason he needed money right then anyway.

His birthday was in a few months, and he knew he'd get more than enough money from his parents and grandparents to buy it, or he could probably ask for it then and one of them would get it for him. By then, though, everyone else would likely either have moved in to something else, or be so good at it he wouldn't have any hope of catching up. Besides, the collector's edition would definitely be sold out if he waited.

He'd almost convinced himself to get a job for only a week or two, long enough to earn what he needed, maybe a bit extra, then get out, despite not wanting to go through a bunch of training to work a few days when he already had so much schoolwork to do, and being afraid any future employers might somehow find out, and get suspicious over why he worked somewhere for so short a time. Before he took the plunge, however, he saw on Facebook that a convention was coming to town.

It was perfect... If he could find something there, it might, hopefully, pay enough, and if he decided to put it on his resume, it would make sense why it was just for a weekend... And, to be honest, he'd always wanted the opportunity to cosplay for a crowd. Halloween was his favorite holiday, and he tended to go overboard, crafting the perfect costume; back in high school, he'd always won best costume at any party he went to. He'd never tried it at a convention, but if he could find some company to pay him to do it for them - and cover the cost of the costume materials, since those would likely wind up being more expensive than the game, depending on what he was doing - that would be even better.

Of course, the convention itself was seeking help, but they wanted volunteers... With a little more searching, he found some postings from people running various booths who wanted to actually hire workers for the show. Most of them were looking for someone to assist in loading stuff in and out, and to watch the booth when they needed a break, and didn't offer enough in terms of compensation anyway, even if that was what he wanted to do. Finally, though, he spotted the perfect listing. 'Cosplay experience preferred', it said, along with the promise of more than enough money. He sent them an e-mail, attaching a link to an album of his best costumes, hoping they could pass for cosplay. 

"We were hoping for someone with a little more experience," they wrote back. "But, as long as you're willing to do as you're told, you should do fine."

He agreed to meet them at their hotel, the day before the convention, to go over what he'd need to do. It occurred to him, as he rode the elevator up, he still didn't even know what the booth was for... They'd told him no to worry too much about the costume, but they were cutting it awfully close if he had to do any work at all on it.

"No," the woman smiled when he asked her, "we didn't advertise it in the ad... There are lots of fans who would love to be involved if they saw the name, but... Well, no offense to them, but we wanted someone who was fit for the job. Some of them may have been, we just would have had to sift through a lot who weren't to find them."

"So, what is it?" Glenn asked.

The woman's smile widened. "Frozen 2."

Glenn was less than thrilled at the revelation, at least at first. Of all the properties he could have helped advertise, he wouldn't have even thought of that... On the other hand, Disney was a huge company, which was probably why they were offering so much money, and if he did a good job now, perhaps they'd keep him in mind for other conventions in the future. "So, what?" he frowned, wracking his brain to remember the character names. "You'd want me to be... Kristoff?"

"Oh, no," the man, who had been watching from the other end of the hotel room silently until then, finally spoke up. "You're too small for that. Don't worry, we have something perfect for you."

"Are you familiar with the first movie?" the woman inquired, forcing Glenn to shrug.

"I've seen it," was the best he could honestly say.

"That's fine," she assured him. "We have it here... We should watch it anyway. There are specific lines from it we want you to react to in... Well, it'll be easier to show you. Come on, have a seat..."


Glenn didn't remember much of what happened after that, or even getting back to the dorm that night. He didn't remember getting the costume, either, yet, the next day, as he prepared to head to the convention, it was definitely there, waiting for him.

The woman had taught him how best to put the wig on, and keep it from sliding down. The dress... As fuzzy as the previous night was, he did remember being told he wasn't big enough to be Kristoff, yet he was definitely too large for this dress. It was blue, and sparkly, with sheer sleeves and a cape that was much longer than the dress itself, which made it even more baffling.

The last piece was the strangest, however... He didn't recall Elsa ever wearing this in the movie, but his bosses had them ready for him, and, since they were part of the costume, he didn't really have a choice. They'd told him to put it on, after all. So he'd taped himself into the bulky, baby blue diaper, the dress just long enough to cover most of the picture of Elsa along the front of the diaper, leaving the majority of the snowflake wetness indicators visible.

Staring at himself in the mirror, he knew he ought to be embarrassed to be wearing this at all, much less about to walk through his dorm in it, then spend the weekend wearing it at a convention, in front of who knew how many people... And yet, he felt a strange calm at the sight, as he tossed the long braid over his shoulder. This was the job... And he'd promised to do whatever he was told.

He was quite popular, although he wasn't sure if it was because of him, or the movie he was advertising. He had lots of people stop by to say hi, quoting lines from the first movie that he found himself parroting the responses to without thinking, without even consciously realizing he knew what they should be. That training session from the night before must have been more extensive than he'd thought...

He didn't find out how much until a little later, when a group of a few girls, around his age, perhaps a little older, stopped by. He didn't recognize most of their costumes, although he could appreciate them, both on their level of craftsmanship, and on how much skin most of them showed. He could help but wish he had on a cooler costume himself... Or, at least, that he wasn't dressed like a girl.

"Oh, my God," one of them giggled. "Do you remember when your little sister was obsessed with this movie?"

"How could I forget?" the other rolled her eyes. "She wouldn't stop singing that song! What was it again? Go on, sing it for us, I bet you know it!"

It took Glenn a few moments to realize they were talking to him, yet his body had already started to respond, spouting out the lyrics obediently, until he got to the chorus. He kept going, of course... That was the part he'd been confident he already knew before rewatching the movie yesterday night. He had something else to think about once he got to it, however, which allowed his arms to start going through the motions, acting like he was summoning up an ice castle around himself.

Meanwhile, every time he heard himself say those three words from the title, he felt himself obeying, dribbling urine into his waiting diaper. His eyes widened in shock the first time as he tried to stop himself, but there was no part of his body under his control anymore, and the flow only halted when he moved on to the next verse.

"That was adorable!" the girls cooed, clapping their hands when he was finished. "Do it again!"

Glenn opened his mouth to protest, then started to sing once more, with the same effect. What was wrong with him?! He couldn't remember the last time he'd wet himself... Why was it happening now?! He was thankful for the diaper, at least... Until he saw the girls glance down at it. "Look at that!" one pointed.

He couldn't bring himself to look, despite everyone else doing so, certain he knew what they saw. "Too bad your sister isn't still in diapers," another girl teased. "She'd love those!"

"I hope she doesn't find out about them, or she might start having 'accidents' again just so she could wear them," her friend chuckled.

Glenn glanced down, confused, and was surprised to see that, instead of those snowflakes vanishing as he peed himself, as he'd expected, the design was spreading out, growing more ornate the wetter they got, like Elsa's magic was coursing through them. 

"Oh, you know who'd love this?" one of the girls asked, once Glenn was done with the song the second time. "Penny loved Frozen, too, didn't she? We should totally record it. Could you do it for us again?"


"I'd like to make a pre-order," Glenn declared proudly, plopping his cash down on the counter. After everything he'd been through to get it, he was glad to finally be at the game store, ready to secure his copy. 

"Sure," the worker nodded. "What do you want?"

"Frozen 2," Glenn told him. Even as he said it, there was something about it that seemed wrong, yet he couldn't think of what else he might want instead.

"Okay..." the worker sounded slightly confused, but started typing away at the computer anyway to look it up. "Here we go! Do you want to collector's edition?" Glenn nodded eagerly. "You know, I liked that movie pretty well... I had that song from it stuck in my head forever, though. What was it again?"

Without thinking, Glenn launched into the song again, glad he'd decided to wear one of the diapers under his pants after all. The workers had given him a package for free, after apologizing for not telling him he was going to be advertising for them, too, and not just the new movie. They'd also promised all the hypnosis was gone, although, as he began to sing the chorus, and felt his body obeying the words, he began to suspect they might have been lying...


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