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A short story commission from an anonymous Patron, as a semi-sequel to their one from last month, Like and Subscribe!

Fiona tugged at the hem of her dress, suddenly glad, as she toddled her way onto the playground, that she'd put on a diaper after all. She'd debated it heavily - like most self-respecting littles, she had resolved never to wear them, or let herself be made to wear them, although that rarely worked out - but now, looking at the rest of the people gathered there, she knew it would have been a huge mistake.

Her dress had been another good decision; it had made the drive over there nerve-wracking, as she feared she'd be pulled over for some reason, and the police officer would take one look at it and assume she was an adopted little either out on a joy ride, or attempting to escape, yet, same as the diaper, without it, she would have stuck out like a sore thumb. 

She knew this sort of thing happened, of course - it was hard to be a little and not know - but seeing it in person was a whole different story. This probably wasn't even the worst... She couldn't imagine what the inside of a daycare would look like. Looking around, however, and seeing so many littles running around, dressed like toddlers, being treated like them by Amazons... Smartly, she'd avoided as many situations as possible where she'd encounter large pockets of this, and this confirmed how good an idea that had been.

She would have happily continued to stay away if she could... But that wasn't an option. Her best friend, Candace, had been railroaded through a sham of a trial for something Fiona doubted anyone truly believed she'd done, and, unsurprisingly, sentenced to an orphanage. Fiona had made the mistake of asking which one she'd been assigned to in-person first, which had ended with her narrowly dodging winding up in one herself; after that, she called in instead, putting on her best 'Amazon' voice, and got an answer right away.

By the time she did all that, however, it was already too late. She called the orphanage, knowing that visiting by herself would be a sure invitation to become a resident, trying to think of how to trick an Amazon into helping her 'adopt' Candace to get her out of this mess, without landing her in an even bigger one... Only to find Candace had been adopted, almost immediately. The orphanage refused to give her any information about who had gotten her, saying it was a security risk, and nothing Fiona tried over the next couple weeks got them to budge.

She'd almost been ready to give up when she found out about the Youtube channel. She never would have dreamed to look there; why would she? And yet, there Candace was, with her captor. Fiona couldn't bear to watch too many of the videos, and, once she spotted one of the two at a playground, she didn't have to, because she recognized it.

She'd asked around to find the busiest time of day for the playground, when the most people generally showed up at once, to give her the biggest chance of success. And, sure enough, there were plenty of littles toddling about, playing on swings and in sandboxes, with plenty of Amazons watching, mostly from the benches along the edges of the playground. 

A little dressed normally would have drawn a ton of attention, and probably not escaped without getting adopted herself. That was why she'd went against her every instinct and principle, and ordered this awful, short, frilly nightmare of a dress, and a sample pack of diapers, so she would have as few extras as possible left over to throw away afterwards, online. Putting them on had felt like a betrayal of everything she stood for; she was glad this operation was happening in the middle of the day, when most of her neighbors were away at work, because she would have died of embarrassment if she'd gotten caught skulking through her apartment building on the way to her car.

She'd had to wait in her car for a few minutes, watching babysitters, or 'Mommies', and their charges heading from the parking lot to the playground, not wanting to be seen getting out on her own. Once she didn't see anyone around, watching, she'd slipped out, hurrying away from her car as fast as she could with the bulky diaper crinkling loudly between her legs, slowing down once she had some distance so she wouldn't draw too much attention to herself. The dress didn't have pockets - what would someone who voluntarily let herself be put into something so childish need to carry? - so she had nothing with her, not even her keys, which she'd left in her glovebox, praying no car thieves were prowling about today.

Slipping into the throng of playing littles was pretty simple after that. All the Amazons, she hoped, would assume she belonged to somebody else, and leave her alone to do as she wanted, so long as she blended in. That was the tough part... Blending in. She'd used the bathroom before she taped the diaper on, and prayed she'd be done with this before it became an issue again, yet, whatever else she could do to prove she was no threat, she was willing to do.

At first, she tried just looking at the other littles, but there were so many of them, and most of them were running wildly between activities, making it hard to keep track of who she'd seen, and who she hadn't. Afraid wandering around aimlessly for too long would draw attention, she headed for the largest group, the ones at the swingset.

It was a strange sight, to be honest... She knew the Amazons were nearby, watching, and told herself that, surely, that was the only reason it was happening, yet it was still weird to see so many littles acting so childish. Everyone wanted a turn on the swings... There were so many of them stomping their feet, not caring that they were flashing their diapers when they did so, thanks to their short skirts, throwing tantrums when their friends got to sit on the swings first, crying when their friends refused to honor their deal to let them have a turn if they pushed for a while. Seeing that, on its own, not knowing the context, Fiona would have had to agree with the Amazons that perhaps a large chunk of her kind did belong in diapers, if that was how they behaved over something so insignificant.

She didn't spot Candace, but she didn't get to see everyone there; before she could, a fight broke out, with lots of handfuls of sand being tossed around, and some very childish versions of bad names being spat out from behind pacifiers. She didn't feel like she was in any real danger, at least not from the 'fight'... The Amazons heading over to try and smooth things over were another matter. The longer she stuck around without someone coming to check on her, and see if she was all right, and make sure she hadn't instigated it, the more suspicious she would appear.

The sandbox was next, since the littles there seemed much more calm. Some of them were working together to make castles; mostly, everyone had their own section, and their own plastic buckets and shovels, and were happy to play on their own. Some ran through, got bored after a few moments, and left... The ones that stayed seemed like some of the most regressed on the whole playground, so it was a huge relief not to see Candace among them. She didn't know exactly how far gone she was... It hadn't been all that long, after all, so surely she'd been able to resist whatever the Amazon was doing to her, despite some of the things Fiona had seen in the videos. Those didn't really count... Her 'Mommy' was definitely forcing her to act that way for the camera, choosing the best moments to actually show the world. 

The longer this search took, however, the bigger the chance there was of Candace being taken back 'home', where she would probably sink further into her conditioning. Fiona also didn't want to stay here any longer than she had to, if she was being honest... And she hadn't dared to wear a watch, or bring her phone, so she had no idea how long she'd already been there. She needed to figure out a better way of searching.

The slide was the tallest thing on the playground. After the swings, it was probably the second most popular, too... She wouldn't be able to take her time at the top, or she'd be risking the wrath of everyone waiting in line below her. If she didn't see Candace in that line, though, maybe she'd be lucky enough to spot her in the little time she did get.

The line itself was pretty messy, and, when she saw one boy cut in line, she was afraid she was about to witness another fight, but most of the littles seemed excited enough about the slide to behave themselves. It was, Fiona had to admit, quite large... The closer she got to it, the more intimidated she was. This was definitely for the 'bigger' kids, who still enjoyed a bit of a thrill. That gave her a whole other reason to hope Candace was there with her, yet, by the time she got to the ladder, she hadn't seen her.

She'd hoped to be able to look around some on the ladder, since it would get her a little higher off the ground, but she couldn't quite bring herself to turn around as she grasped the rungs, afraid she'd slip and fall. All she could do was stare ahead, and up, and wait for the next chance to climb up a couple more.

She was almost at the top when the girl in front of her stopped. Fiona craned her neck to look around her, confirming that there was plenty of space for her to keep moving, and she nearly told her that, assuming the girl was daydreaming. As she opened her mouth, however, she heard the girl start to grunt, and some more rude noises, coming from elsewhere, noticed the girl's legs were spread a bit on the rung, that she was squatting down as much as she could in her position.

Fiona's nose wrinkled in disgust at the idea of what was happening, right in front of her. There was no doubt about it... The girl had on a pair of shortalls, but, even through them, she could see the diaper beneath expanding as she messed herself, to the point where Fiona wondered if the snaps in the crotch were going to pop open. She'd never seen anyone do that so close up, expected the poor girl to be frozen with shame at what she'd done.

"Ahh!" she exclaimed instead, happily clambering up higher once the dirty job was finished, plopping herself down on the top of the slide and pushing off, giggling with glee.

Fiona could hardly bring herself to climb up into the space the girl had just vacated, as if simply occupying it meant she'd follow in her footsteps. She'd known everyone below her could see up her skirt, and hadn't been overly happy about it, though at least she knew they'd be able to tell she was clean, and dry... What had happened to that girl, to make her care so little about, not just about being in a diaper, but using it so thoroughly?

She was at the top, however, and had other things to worry about. The slide was slick, and not designed to be stood on, so getting to her feet was a bit scary, almost enough for her to use her diaper a little after all when she felt her sneaker slide beneath her. Luckily, she stopped both, staying stable enough to survey the playground below her...

"Come on!" the boy behind her whined. "We've been waiting all day!"

"Shut up," she shot back, only to see him starting to pull himself up, seemingly ready to shove her down. "Okay, okay!" she said, plopping down and sliding, shocked at how fast she went, thanks, in part, to the slickness of her diaper's plastic on the metal. She told herself she was giggling when she hopped off to blend in, since that's what most of the kids did, but she knew that wasn't the only reason.

Luckily, when she'd been up there, she'd spotted someone who looked familiar, and, as soon as she was back on her feet, she headed in that direction, hoping she was right, and that she hadn't moved on to something else before she could get to her. She pushed past other littles, heart pounding, until, finally... "Candace!" she exclaimed, grabbing the other woman's hand. "It is you!"

"Fi!" Candace grinned behind her pacifier. Her tone sounded a touch higher than normal, a tad more childish, but she probably knew she had to blend in, as well. Her dress was even shorter than Fiona's, not even trying to hide the massive diaper beneath... Although, of course, that probably hadn't been her choice.

"Thank goodness," Fiona gave her a hug. "Come on... Let's get you out of here!"

Candace stared at her blankly for a moment, as if she couldn't comprehend what she was saying, then nodded, pulling Fiona along. "My car's over this way," Fiona tried to tell her, but Candace kept going. She must need to get something, Fiona reasoned. Or she'd made another friend she wanted to save... That sounded like Candace. Fiona wanted to get out of there, of course, yet she knew she should save as many as she could. 

Fiona made herself stay quiet, despite all the questions she wanted to ask. This wasn't the place... Two littles here, talking together normally, would definitely not blend in. And, it seemed, Candace had gotten very good at that. Her gait had become a definite toddle, even beyond what the bulky diaper required, in a way that Fiona hadn't even thought to try and imitate, and it definitely looked as if she was sucking on her pacifier. It was odd, seeing her friend acting that way, but Fiona knew it must be what she'd had to do to survive.

"There's my Candie!" a voice boomed, making Fiona jump as she saw the Amazon smiling down at them. "And who is this, sweetie?"

Fiona's eyes widened, trying desperately to yank Candace back, recognizing the giant woman from the videos. Maybe if they ran, they could get away... Candace held tight, however, burbling behind her pacifier.

"Honey, I know you said you want a sister, but I'm sure she belongs to somebody." Fiona tried to pull again, this time wanting to break free as she watched her friend shake her head. It worked just as well as the first time, Candace holding her in place as the Amazon began to fasten baby reins onto Fiona. "I don't know if you're fibbing or not, sweetie... So I don't want you to be upset if somebody comes to claim her, okay?"

Candie nodded, squealing as the Amazon picked her up, plopping her down over her leg, bouncing her while Fiona watched, horrified, trying in vain to slip out of the reins and the leash attached to them, the other end already in the giant's grasp. "I hope you're right," she told Candie. "She is a little cutie, isn't she? She'd be a perfect sister for you."

And, as Candie bounced, Fiona saw her start to do the same thing the girl from the slide had, her outfit making it even more obvious, allowing Fiona to watch as her diaper bulged out, Candace giving no indication she minded, or cared. The Amazon noticed, and stopped the bouncing, though only long enough for the girl to finish; then, Candace herself whined, squirming in place, begging, "Bounce!" Mommy complied, and if anything, Candie's giggles were even louder now.

Fiona gulped at the display, seeing no trace of the adult Candace she'd known so well left... And dreading the fact that she was probably going to be meeting that same fate. Candace had only been missing a few weeks... Was that all the longer Fiona had left, before she, too, was a diaper-filling, drooling infant? She tried to hold out hope this was a trick, that Candace would, once they were back home, reveal she'd had some grand plan after all, but the longer Fiona watched her, the more unlikely that seemed.



Oh I love this. I do hope Candace is faking it somewhat to make things easier for herself with some resistance hidden away, it could be fun when her best efforts still turn out to be the pointless games of a baby. ;)